Sunday, January 3, 2010

IF THERE IS ANYTHING...............

that bugs me, it is not being able to come full circle with things.

Some things are just out of your control, and well, you just have to take a back seat to the situation, and find a resolve within. Such has been my life in a nutshell. Doesn't mean I like it. God, it's been looming around for so long, I think it is time for it to find a new person to follow.

It's kind of like playing chess alone! No fun, very frustrating, and the strategy becomes more of the strategy of your own life, and you are back to the basics of Spirituality 101............what is in this for me? What do I need to see about myself, and how can I get a hold on my feelings, emotions, and take responsibility for what is occurring in my life, or, in my head, better yet?

A lot of times I have to take a back seat to check the situation out, and make sure I don't make any rash moves, out of fear, or insecurity. I genuinely try to make decisions based on objective thoughts, but hay, I'm human......... I might make a bad call here or there.

I am not one for rules, if you haven't gathered that thus far.

It depends. Rules come in quite handy.

But my personality likes to have the room and the freedom to make choices in a very flexible way. If that isn't there, it is like putting a straight jacket on me.

I don't generally gravitate toward rule laden situations.

I mean, yes, we have to wear seat belts, pay taxes, go to work, pay our bills, and all of that jazz, but there are other things that, if given the choice, I would give way more flexibility to. Some people would agree, and a lot would disagree for a multitude of different reasons.

I can see all standpoints, but for me, and for my make up, I need openness, flexibility and pretty alternative situations to suit my fancy.

None of this, "I can't", or I am not supposed to, stuff!

It just rubs me wrong like fingernails on a chalkboard.

You know, I don't expect people to be how I am, or think like I do, but I do want the choice to think freely, and to be able to make decisions based on my thoughts.

I don't judge anyone for their way or their way of thinking, even if I disagree. We may have a bit of a debate, but that could be fun, just to banter, but hay, you are who you are, and I am who I am............ no one better than the other, right?

Anyway, I want to love you, and respect you from the highest place there is, even if we are different, or have certain things we "need" to adhere to.

It may make us make decisions that we don't want to make, to stay true to ourselves, but it doesn't mean we don't care, or love you, just that we are not on the same page, no matter how it looks.

Stay true to who you are and what your beliefs are, and if you bump up against something that doesn't quite meet up to your "standard" than go to plan B.

Again, this is another blog that I could write in volumes.

I hope this doesn't seem too esoteric.

Sometimes I write and it is very specific to me, but maybe not to you.

Thanks for always reading, listening, and responding.

I'm ever so grateful!

Happy New Year Everyone.

I love you!


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