Saturday, January 23, 2010


It is always such a treat for me to sit, and listen..............really listen to someone talk. I could care less if they asked me one thing about myself. It is always like going on a vacation in a way. Away from your life, your woa's and me, me, me.

How great to sit back and listen to someone else, what their passions are, what makes them tick, what makes them feel passionate, why they are the way they are, and to just experience something else beyond the physical, or to give way to a much more real connection, other than the status quo.

Peoples lives are amazing to me, once you hear a bit about them. No matter who they are, once you get a small peak into their world, you start to think and see a bit differently. One, about them, and two, about who you are, and how you view the world.

It's like putting the pieces to the puzzle together. It is always mind boggling at first, but once you start looking at the whole picture, you start thinking differently, like "Ahh, this isn't so bad after all", this makes sense.

I would like to be AS objective about myself, as I am with others. It truly is an art form, to be able to step aside from our own lives, to objectively look at our "puzzle" and to see just how to fit all of the pieces together.

My life is so darn eclectic, and the more I embrace that word, as a huge part of me and my life, the more it makes great sense, and fits me, in a really good way.

I had a great evening with someone who is deep, and passionate, and questioning, and has tons of thoughts on life, love, and every other subject that could be mentioned. It was so stimulating, and relaxing, and so "no effort". How refreshing!!! How darn refreshing!

Someone who actually has something to say about life, and all of the other subjects mentioned.

I sit here now and think of our conversation and what that entailed, and wow........... not to sound pompous in any way, but I genuinely liked what I had to say. I mean, if someone else had said it, I would have been wide eyed and ears open!!!
I was able to be really objective about my own thoughts and just in general, really. It felt so awesome!!

Kind of like looking at your life through a kaleidoscope.

People, in general, want to be heard. They want to tell their story without interruption!

Me? I love going to therapy for that! I don't just want to bend someones ear, just to bend someones ear........ (well maybe...... when I just want to have a little extra fun, to make things not so "heavy or serious" all of the time).

Listen to your friends! Listen to who is talking to you and make it AS important as if you wanted to be HEARD.

God, it is so key, to have that give and take.

I know what it is like to chat away and have someone soak in your life's dilemmas, and too, have been on the side of really allowing someone to spill their guts to get closer to who they are inside.

To me? It is just as awesome to listen, as it is to be heard.

There is so much learning in listening.

You learn about yourself, and too, by being present, you learn how to connect with others in a very simple and compassionate way.

It allows you to be less judgemental, more attuned, and able to see someone in a much different light, other than the easy way out, of seeing people the way you "normally" see them.


This is good!

This is rich!

This is some amazing stuff!


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