Saturday, January 9, 2010


I rushed home from work, in this late hour, to make sure I got home in enough time to take care of my responsibilities, love on my animals and go to bed. Morning is coming quickly, and unfortunately, I have to wake up early to take care of some things, and then be to work, only to close until late again. Where does the time go?

I saw my computer and said, "Aww, I so want to write", and have a million things to touch upon.....some great in depth subjects, that I just haven't given the right amount of attention to, or had enough time for......and tonight, of course, I am on fire with some great revelations, intuitive light bulbs going off, and just a mad desire to express the passions of subjects that people usually shun.

The forbidden!

Life is such an open book these days, and I am so excited for when I actually sit and write with no time frame, just sit and give it my all.

I almost want to scream I have so much energy, so much passion for very important subjects, to me anyway, but subjects that everyone would want to hear, or talk about, or comment on.

I get these pockets of time in my days, and I actually write things down so I don't forget. Little moments in my day that just shout out excellence, in the way that, hmmmm, maybe I am really on to something!

I think I have to trust my intuition more and follow up on my own individual path that screams "SOMETHING GOOD, SOMETHING GOOD!"

Where does the time go? I usually have so much energy, I could stay awake all night, and write, but I know what the morning will bring. Gabriela plus no sleep, equals, not a happy camper. It usually takes me all day to recover from no rest, and a very active mind.

God, I have so much to sculpt in my life.

Anyway, it is late and I haven't written about anything imparticular but wanted to say that "Oh, I will". Time is of the essence and I have some things to chat about, but in this moment, I have to play it safe, go to bed, get some rest and do some planning. ( I know someone who will like that statement ;)

Goodnight my sweet friends.

Keep your passions for life alive, amongst all the crap.

Don't let any situation get you down, or off track. and if it does, get yourself back on. That is what I am trying to do.

You fall, you get back up, kinda thing.

It is not as bad as we make it.

I love you and wish you all an easy ride on this crazy journey!

xoxo Gabriela

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