Friday, January 8, 2010


Might not be for the next guy, whatever it may be.

I know for me, that my little way exudes something particular to people, and who knows what they may think about the whys and how's, but my point is, something that may be natural for you, or me, may come across as something else to another.

I think there are so many ways to interpret, or, misinterpret our own individual ways, thus leaving a ton of room for a misunderstanding, IF, you actually care how people perceive you, or what they think about you in general.

It is always interesting to me to see how people perceive me, and then, to know, how I feel inside, and when the two get in the same room, I have to say, it is a huge eye opener.
Inside, there is an incredible reality, and then when I hear opinions, and the observations of others, I have to just take it with a grain of salt, and think that people are entitled to their opinions and too, take a look from their perspective as to why they might be thinking those things, and take that into consideration as well, even if it isn't parallel to my being, or how I feel inside.

I have an incredible amount of passion for life, and that just pours over into my little vortex, my small little world filled with a variety of people, guessing, wondering, contemplating, and judging.

Such is the way of it right? I mean, that is what people do! They make their assumptions and then stamp it with their personal mark, as to, "This is the way it is".

Very interesting to me, but overall, very boring, to me.

To me, life is meant to be lived FULLY, and to be felt with every shred of your being, no matter what it is that you are doing. I mean, if you are doing anything, why not do it with a whole helluva lota gusto, and pour yourself into it? That, to me, is PASSION!

And when you feel that passion with every minute thing in life, it carries an essence with you, one that doesn't look so familiar in regular every day life, so automatically, people have you separated from the "norm", and into a category that isn't much different than anyone else, just that there is an acknowledgement of the sacredness in all things. Of course that is going to spill over into your life. You are basically making love to life, and man, does that show!!!

It ain't my shirt honey! (at least I hope not, nothing fancy goin on here). White chef coats and t-shirts aren't the IN THING.

You get what I am saying though, right?

I think people misinterpret natural passion and purity of heart for something other.

I understand it from both ends. It's tricky. After all, can you count on your hand how many people in your life have been that pure?

I can't, really at all!

I mean, I really have to think.

Maybe that is why I love to offer that so much, is because it IS RARE.

Everyone has an agenda!!!!!!!!

Even if you think they don't, THEY DO!

I don't want to get too esoteric, although I so could, just wanted to touch upon a little subject.

It is innate in humans, to want, to be ego driven, and to be selfish, for pretty good reason, for the most part. I get it!

I think it is hard to discern whether someone is being pure for that reason alone. People/humans will be what we were brought up to be, and I don't think there was enough well rounded education for us, as to see the beauty in being "selfish" and the beauty in purity.

I don't really like the word selfish. It seems so harsh, yet it has it's place.

We talk of purity, and when we were little we went to church. That was supposed to be pure. The reality of the craziness that actually happens in churches baffles me, and too, saddens me to a great degree.

How is it that we are surprised when we enter in relationships that we are skeptical, when all of the places that were supposed to be safe and secure, were tainted with complete and utter selfishness?

This is a book, for me, and yet, simple words, on a regular basis, can remind you, that there are people who are pure in heart........... (where I don't know), that might follow a way that is drenched in love. The kind of love that does not want, but wants to give.

That is what I am talking about.

And, that may look like a million different things to you. People have their own way of showing their passion for life, for giving, for learning, and for the willingness to give to you.

Don't taint what is real, pure and innocent!

Some people ARE for real! Some people actually care, from the inside out!

It is so interesting to me to see so many people on a daily basis, and how their reaction is to genuine care, love and attention, to the human soul.

It keeps me awake, fresh and fervent to keep active and parallel to my ever thriving heart.

Thank you to all of you who make me want to give and share that passion in every way I can, through my everyday life, activities and choices.

There are reasons for everything, and catalysts for every last thing that we experience!

I'm grateful beyond belief.

I am on the biggest learning curve there is right now.

Thank you to everyone who makes me love beyond opinions. they have no idea what they do for my ever evolving soul.

All my love,

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