Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My titles seems to be collaborating, so maybe there is a message somewhere, written in stone, or just a huge hint from the Universe that "Unveiling the Mask," or "Baring the Soul," is really like you letting all go, at least ideas, for one, and then, two, actually putting it all together, and into action, without thinking that it is wrong, or no one else is doing this, so why should I, kind of thing.

Look, truly, I think "You know it, when you know it", no matter what it is. The vibes are sent out, and either you are on that sailboat, or you are still sipping on Pina Coladas, cuz lately I see that it doesn't really take much to see the "fine written print at the bottom of the page".

Whether or not we can separate ourselves from our own junk is another story.

It is true! We can be smarter than smart, objective, and have all of our information neatly wrapped into one small package, but then when it comes down to actually applying those things, it truly is another story.

I'd rather be silent than spew out some things that I think are great, and then "fail" to execute them.

It seems that lately I have been unveiling mask after mask, and my face is feeling a bit too chapped to tell all of the gory details. Truly. I think I need to go get a facial, relax, and chill out a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I lovesssssssssssssss me some real talk, but sometimes it just gets a bit too real that I have to run for the nearest concession stand to look for a burger on a bun!

A coupala of fries, and watch a game or two.

There has got to be a balance with all of this, and to not feel like you want to run from anything.

I can't say that I WILL NEVER WORK ON CERTAIN THINGS?! How can I say that? It would go against the grain of my soul, yet, where is the reprieve?

Ahhh, so much to say............

I know from retrospect, I wouldn't want to change a thing, and I have had some pretty hairy times.........

It's wild what we choose, and then find out the REAL REASONS WHY we chose them to begin with.

I will never take back the amount of love that I "put in", and in retrospect, will always adore how it made me feel to be able to love like that, or give like that. There really is nothing other............ not like that anyway.

Loving, giving, unveiling the masks, peeling the onion, shedding your skin, you name the phrase........... there is something to be said about it all.

All I know, is that in this life, I know that I have loved to the enth degree and no money can ever take the place of that, nor can any lover, house, vacation or puppy put in front of you.

I am fortunate to say that I have loved so greatly in this life, and if anyone is the recipient of this grandeur, you should hold tight, for it is strong, and with a passion that will keep you wondering, as it keeps me wondering, and figuring, "Where the heck does all this come from anyway?"

I will say goodnight, and thank you to any and everyone who allows me to love from this place, and too, to learn from this place.

It may hurt sometimes, but when the wash is done, I always say, "I wouldnta had it any other way".

Thank you all for being such great conduits, for being my teachers, and for showing me love in all of the right and "wrong" places.

It molds me into something that I actually love when all is said and done!

Goodnight and sweet, sweet dreams!

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