Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today was so genuinely organic, and so incredibly full of life, that I feel like I want to bust out of my skin.

From the moment that I went into work, I did my little scan of the restaurant to see where things were at, scope out all of the ins and outs, and then, to my surprise, was my friend Fran, who lives in Fredricksburg. I literally ran across the dining room to hug her, that is how excited I was to see her. I met her at our other store, way back. She and her sister Roxy came in, and we, clicked right away. Yes, they are Italian, but that is not why, although, I do have to say........ (which is why the start of my work day was so special), people of like mind, connect, and in certain cultures and heritages, you glom onto the lingo, the language, and the LOVE, the genuine love that pours through your veins. Why? Because you are who you are, love where you come from, and share a kinship with like minded souls, who are proud of their heritage.

Fran and I talked about food, family, her sister who is going through cancer, and has been, being alone, animals, food, love for food, g......darn it.............. the love, the absolute LOVE, of our heritage, our food at our restaurant, the passion of eating it, bringing leftovers home to familia, coming back, again, and again, because, there is a love there, genuine love for our culture, our food, and the warmth that goes along with loving things in the way that we were brought up.

We talked about being in Italy, and how we hated to come home. How we could so sweetly taste the feeling of being in Italy, even though we didn't know a lick of the language, we remembered, back in time, of our family, trying to tell us how to speak the language, but were too little to care, and now could kick ourselves in the ass for not listening.

We cried telling stories of our families, the love of our heritage, and the passion that goes along with just frigin cooking food. Don't laugh. Food is in our blood. Shoot, when she came in she said, "You don't have my Lupini beans do ya?" I looked at her and I said, "Are you kidding me?" You stay right here.
I know what it is like to ask for something that you want, cuz you just can't get it anywhere else. We are an Italian market, I'm gonna get you any bean you want.

She was surprised that I had her Lupini beans. She got her Lupini beans!

I didn't even ask her what she was going to do with them............ slap me...............

Anyway guys, this is the rich stuff. The stuff that I would rather talk about than going to the nearest bar, who is dating who, what movie is playing and such.

My day and night was filled with this at work, and I have to say, I was flying high.

To be able to take care of people, share my love of my culture, give, talk about food, watch them eat food, good food at that, and leave full and satiated. I love that soooooooooooooo much! OK, so I am Italian, but you know what? Just as a person, I enjoy watching people enjoy themselves.

I am not a hard sell person who likes to sell things for money, or just for the fact that I can. I brought so many bottles of wine to tables because those wines are AMAZING and I've had them, and they are a MUST....... because they are so good. They are Italian, they have a story, they have a very specific taste, and they go with some amazing food that we make and care a whole hell of a lot about................ I do!

Obviously this is not a commercial, or some ad, (although it did sound like that), to sell our restaurant.

It does well on it's own.


We do laugh at ourselves a lot. We are funny...........I mean, really.......we are!

We love to love, and if we can possibly serve you, make you feel at home, drink some good wine, and relax into an atmosphere that is loving, full of life, full of laughter, and great, great food, that is so passionately made from love, we will be happy, happy campers.

By all means, let us tell a joke or two............. let us laugh at ourselves a bit, and hug you more than you feel like being hugged, and I am sure, things will be A OK for us.

It doesn't take much.

And for you? You might think it too much to be loved by an Italian, but I will tell you this.

We are kind, gentle, loving souls, who just want to feed you, make sure you are full, satiated, and , not just this, but want to know for sure, that what we cooked for you was the best you have ever had.

Most of all, we want to know that you felt loved!

I guess I will just talk about myself.

If, like tonight, you feel full, you are laughing, had a few good glasses of Montepulciano, some good dessert or gelato, and an ass kickin' espresso, than you are soooooooooooooo good to go.

If you happen to get a huge hug at the door, than you probably don't want to go to any other restaurant, but ours.............. ain't nobody doin that anywhere me..............I do get out!

I guess I wrote tonight just wanting to say how grateful I am for liking people. Today was full of life, interaction with people and listening to what they want.

I dig that............

People aren't as bad as they seem.

It is a true art form to WANT TO LISTEN............ TO WANT TO GIVE............ACCOMMODATE............ and accept people for who they are...........Italian or not!

It was a great night for me.

I guess I have to bring myself back to reality.

Did I save on labor?

An inside comment I have to acclimate to.

It's all about balance right?

I am here for a reason.

and am grateful.

Today? A good, good day!

Thank you for letting me ramble about my heritage.

I needed that! did you???

Gnite and sweet dreams.

Dream of love,
of being around good people, good food, and wine.

If nothing else............... THAT will always be available...............pssshhh, at least the wine and food anyway..........THAT we can bank on....................

I love you!


1 comment:

  1. Food and love are completely intertwined! Whether it's the food from our childhood or delicious memories being made now.

    In my family we all crave the pork chops with the little "crispies" we all fought over, that my mother used to make. It's one of the things that we share and help us remember my mother with so much love and comfort.
