Monday, January 4, 2010


I can get all spiritual about it and find the gems in it, and always, I do, really, I do. I truly take the time to investigate all areas, and to take responsibility for why things happen, but .........sometimes it's just nice to say that sometimes ........things..... just........... stink, and leave it at that!

Then, you vent that........ come back to real life, and realize, yes............yes........... it is there for a reason, and you really cannot hide. I mean, you can, but which pain is worse? Hiding and pretending things aren't happening, or aren't a particular pattern in your life? Or, facing it head on, and moving through whatever you need to move through? I know that sounds cozy and easy, but whatever our own individual lives bring, some may be much harder than others.

Being vulnerable and open isn't the easiest when your heart is out there.

It's like running naked amongst a crowd.

Everyone can see every inch of you, every flaw, every nuance, every, every, every thing, and you cannot hide!

No hiding! You are just out there, with no curtain to draw.

Sometimes it can feel so freeing, and other times it is so excruciating!

I know to love, is to express that and feel that with 100% of yourself, and man, isn't that amazing........a true phenomenon actually!

I think it is when we think our heart is in danger that we recoil, and retreat within, hoping to safeguard that sacredness, so it won't get damaged.

There are a million theories on love, and just what to do, and when, and how, but the truth is, everyone has their own make-up and how that gets transposed is completely an individual ride!

I really don't think there is ONE formula for ALL OF US.

I do think that people become catalysts for us to move into deeper realms within ourselves, to move a few cob webs and to sort out what does and does not belong.

It gets fuzzy at times, of course, aren't we still in human bodies with a full heart pumping with lava for blood?

The human heart runs too deep for any kind of solid understanding. It winds up taking a lofty ride into the sunset, with our own interpretation of what that feeling actually FEELS LIKE, and too, looks like.

LOVE, to me, is like art. So individual, so utterly sensual and thought provoking. No one piece is the same. I have many different pieces of art in my home, and they all give me the same essence in the way of attraction, but no two are the same, in looks, or depth. They all draw me for different reasons, and each piece allows me to dive into a place that is so real, so incredibly captivating, enticing, and magnetic. Completely joyful from the most real and innocent place.

You wonder then, should art be it? Should the innocence and depth of love be transformed into art and kept at that, and maybe human love be secondary?

I think, in all honesty, that love, with humans, has it's limits, but I won't negate the enormity of it. With music, or art of any form, in depth, just continues to find it's way to new and infinite levels of love and understanding of the human heart and race.

Look at the Michael Angelo's, the Walt Whitman's, the Beethoven's,the Saints, the Prophets of all kinds. They had loves, but made their passion for art, whether it be music, poetry, painting, or animals, or the welfare of others,to be first and foremost.

When situations in life present a red light, stop and see why the red light. There may be the obvious, and then there may be a heightened awareness of why, with flashes of an intuition that you keep stuffing back in your drawer, for fear you might just fly away, and actually love yourself THAT MUCH MORE!

The lights are turned up, now I just have to go clean my drawers out!


1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, can't wait to catch up! We're definitely doing a parallel life dance these days...maybe it's more like a spiritual LINE dance! lol
    Love you! Kate
