Saturday, January 30, 2010


I love knowing when your intuition is so keen, and things are just as you feel they are. Not as you THINK, let me get that straight, because my thinking is way different than my intuition, for sure.
My intuition usually tells me what is happening, even if it doesn't show it's true colors for one reason or another. The body, to me, never tells a lie.

It is like walking into a store, or anywhere, and feeling that something isn't quite right, and it is a very specific feeling, but there is no solid evidence that would equate to your intuitive feeling, so, most times, people just pawn those feelings off, as" ahhhhhh, I'm not sure why I felt that way", and ignore it.........yet............there is an energy telling you something very, very, different.

I think that we, as a whole, are not quite caught up to the power of our intuition, and there is so much of an intelligence, wasted. I think we could be so much more productive, if we all took the time to get to know what intuition means, and how it relates in our world, and to ourselves.

We could X out so much of that second guessing, get to gettin' with our jobs, our desires, cut through the "should and shouldn'ts" and make way for better relationships, conducive relating, rather than ones we will wind up spending the next 6-10 years on, when, really, we know darn well, that was just a lusty attraction that turned to comfort, or a vulnerable moment in time that we very specifically needed, but in the long run, know that yes, it is better off just the way it is.

There are so many things that we can cut through, if we are just honest enough with ourselves, and can handle the honesty that comes along with seeing ourselves and how we relate to the outside world.

Being intuitive doesn't always mean, "Ahh, yes, this is good"............. you can be intuitive, and foresee something not so great. The idea, though, is to become good at recognizing the good, the bad, and the ugly, to be able to discern what feels a certain way, and for it to guide you in ways that are good for you, or, maybe it is just a path for learning, who knows. But, nevertheless, you know, when you know.

People sometimes shop around for people to tell them what they think, how they see things, and what they should do in certain situations, but really, THEY KNOW, DARN IT...........THEY KNOW.

I do. I can actually say that in some situations, I know what is best, and then I know what actually feels better, as opposed to doing what is "right", or listening to my intuition that tells me from the get go............."Gabriela"........... please don't do that again............ I mean.............PLEASE, IT YELLS!!

I have to adhere, I really do!

There is a situation that is happening, a good ol' pattern that rears it's ugly head time and time again, and it can seem oh so sweet and good, and then my INTUITION says............... I'll buy 10 of those red flags please!!!

And there sits Gabriela with one foot in, and one foot out................. excited at adventure, and then wary from the past.

God, this is a long subject.

Another, "To be continued"...............

A friend once said, " Just know at the first kiss"............. just don't do the first kiss.............
and all will be good"...........

Metaphorically speaking.............

The nectar is always tantalizing.............

Therein lies the homework!

Until we meet again...........


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