Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ahhh, to wind down after a long day, going, and doing, and planning (my new word), and being productive in all scopes of my world.
That usually feels good, not matter what mood you are in. At least you know you have accomplished SOMETHING, and I'm pretty sure that know matter WHO you are, you will derive some sort of satisfaction by making a check mark on the things you've DONE, on your checklist.

Some days there are just too many things to do, with not enough hours, (my usual days), and it almost seems impossible that you will actually get to mark even ONE thing off on that list, but surprisingly, you wake up, you put on that cape, and yes, to me, it feels as if I do actually FLY through my days.
There are truly good things to say about "super hero's".
They do everything in their power to do good, to help, and to risk everything for some important reason or another.

By the end of the day, I am so amped up from being with people, interacting, and too, just loving meeting new people, having that be so easy, so fulfilling for some reason, and just chattin it up, especially with all of my East Coast clients that come in. It is an Italian fest, and it really brightens my nights.

But not just Italians, just people. God, they just want attention and to be loved in some way or another, even if it is just bringing them a fresh basket of bread. GET THEM THE FRIGIN BREAD ALREADY!! Not much to ask on a date night, or a night out with the guys, ya know?

This is their night off!

Anyway, not to sway, (but I did, didn't I), it is hard to come off of that rush for hours upon hours. You get in a groove, and by the time the clock strikes the hour for you to go home, you're ready for the dance floor, some good music, and some tasty drink to quench your thirst.

My drive home used to be 40 minutes, and I could wind down then. By the time I got home I could just easily go to bed, or just chill out.

Now? I get in the car and the Rolling Stones call my name, or some foreign music, that of which I have no idea what they are saying but my body moves in sync with it, and well, it just feels good. So good that the snobby ol' cops that are usually out here threw a thumbs up at me tonight as I was rockin out listenin' to Start Me Up by the Rolling Stones. I rolled my window down, put my thumbs up and said, "Rolling Stones!"............. and he said, "No Wonder". I laughed my butt off and actually laughed the rest of the way home.

My life is funny, (most of the time), and I actually really do laugh at the antics that play out in it.

By the time I get home, my animals want to have a love fest, lick me, play tug, want bones, want petting, want to be riled up, and every other thing that someone would naturally want after being alone for hours upon end.

How can you resist?

I thought this was about "winding down?"

I think my point is, is that there really is no winding down, unless I completely force myself, and even then, the other night I layed in bed from 1-4:30 conjuring up ideas for creative projects, work, and every other subject on the face of the earth. Crazy, I tell ya!!

I look at my little computer and think, "Aww, my blog", how can I go to bed now?

So, here I sit, on a perfectly kindled night, energy high, ready for a 2 hour work out, and it is 1 am! Go figure!

Not enough time!

My winding down IS writing, maybe a glass of wine, or just laying with the dogs, talking to them as if they totally understand what I am saying.

I am perfectly fine with believing that illusion, if, in fact, it is one! I'm not sold 100% on that idea, but for now, it amuses me.

Kind of like Charlie Brown with the WAAA WAAAA WAAAAAA WAAAA'S.

Those of you who have followed Charlie Brown know what I'm talkin' about.

Anyway, I got out of my car and looked up. It was freezing cold out, but I had to at least not care for one minute, while I checked out the blazing sky. I wish, just one time, I could tell you what all of those very specific pictures with dots all over them were.

OK, so I know Orion, the Big Dipper, Little Dipper and a few others that I actually feel proud to know and recognize.

I do have an amazing telescope that helps me to decipher it all.

It drew me in so much that it took me down a few notches, and began my WINDING DOWN.

Nature seems to do that. It kinda brings you back to a reality. A good comfortable, soothing one.

The dogs awaited my return. I brighten up like a Christmas Tree, enter my little abode, and little by little, I am swimming in my own little pool of peace.

Not much of any wants, (oh maybe a few flashes of a car or a few dollars here and there(, but really, nothing much!

Pretty plain and simple.

I got all cozy in my favorite attire. You'd laugh........cuz I do, and here I sit, writing.........just......stuff........whatever surfaces, and bubbling up doing it.

My life isn't this grandiose Broadway show by any means. On the contrary it is pretty darn simple, but for some reason, it colors my world, and seemingly, others as well.

So much to do, yet the moment is so cool, doing nothing. Tomorrow is another day that I can plunge into productive mode.

But for now, it is quiet, everyone in the world, for the most part, is asleep, and it makes some sort of good sense that I am awake, and they are not.

I should have been a Vampire!

Ahh, good........ two huge yawns............see how that works..............YOU LOVELY BLOG YOU.

You wound me down, and I will go to sleep knowing my little heart shared a bunch, all day, and simply through this little thing called "Gabriela's Daily Quotes".

Funny how I look forward to "you" everyday!

Sleep like babies, dream of great stuff that will make your heart swell, and get cozy with the ones you love.

I am!

All my love,
as always,

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