Thursday, May 14, 2009


No matter where you are, or what you are doing, believe that you are doing what you know best, to the best of your abilities, and hopefully the fairy dust will be spread about, to where your heart will shower others with something more than just a coffee, or a donut, or a sale or two, of some good olive oil, and a lusty bottle of wine.

Sometimes being in the spot light of where you are in your evolution will look like you are this, and you are that, but really, no one knows the secret jewel that rests inside, one that you have no intention on letting anyone in on, if they haven't caught on already.

The ones that catch on....... know............. and there is no explanation needed.!There is just a silent recognition of this magical space and time, filled with a laughter that comes from going with the joke of it all. The silent recognition seals the envelope for me. Those moments are treasured, with the few who actually get it, and flow along with you on the most intelligent ride. So incredibly intelligent that it looks like kindergarten, and..........that IS the joke!

It's the simplicity........ why is that so hard to digest?

It is OK to be simple! It is not a weakness! It is OK to be gentle and sweet! It is not a weakness!

Remember when you were in school, and if you got caught chewing gum you would have to write it 100 times over and over again?

If I had time tonight, I would write that over and over on a piece of paper. IT'S OK TO BE SIMPLE. IT IS NOT A WEAKNESS. IT IS OK TO BE GENTLE AND SWEET. IT IS NOT A WEAKNESS. X'S 99.

Always, always, believe in what you are, who you are, and never Vere from that. If anyone has anything to say or to debate that, let them ramble, and you go on about your merry way, whistling to the tune of your humble heart that just wants to love, love,love.

After all, you will never go wrong with loving.............. I guarantee you that!

Not saying it wouldn't feel like you got in a fight with a porcupine, but really, go for it.............go for it............ hahah.

Stay true........stay true............ in a nut shell!

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