Saturday, May 16, 2009


Wow, I cannot tell you how REFRESHING it is to be with people who are REAL, and forthright, so mellow and relaxed in who they are, without any apologies, without any wants or needs from you, just a genuine sharing of two people getting together to celebrate each other, where they are on their journey, together, and separately.

It is so rare to be that comfortable in your skin, knowing there is not a need or a want from someone .I know that sounds simple, and trite, but how often do you actually come across that?

Let me rephrase that. How often do I COME ACROSS THAT?

It takes a rare person to be so OK with themselves that they don't need or want any thing from you. They are who they are, you are who you are, and you lift glasses in celebration of the unique journey............. you listen...........and I love listening to someones stories, about their life, their happenings, and also listen to the way in which they associate themselves with their "story".

I hear mine so loudly everyday, and it gets boring after hearing the same crap, day in and day out, that when someone else spills their concerns, their passions, their insecurities, their really feel the impulse to just embrace them, not out of "oh, I feel sorry for you, but for the recognition of a human, on a very specific journey, headed to a sort of "excellence". Don't misinterpret that. The excellence is one in which someone naturally wants to be better, act in accordance to their soul and not to the petty B.S. that beckons them everyday, to put stock into.

What a turn on!!

Sometimes people have no idea how much they affect others by way of.........just, being!

It is so graciously accepted, and taken in, to appreciate and to love from a very sacred, sacred place.

Everyone should be lucky enough to have their friends, the ones who stick with you, no matter what, and who don't judge you in any way shape or form, and who recognize your deepest desires as something seperate from the labels we "have" to catagorize ourselves.

They see it for what it is, and they move forward in a sort of motion that has not backtracking affect to it. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

What a great epiphany, really. It may have been said to me a million times before, but for some reason, it is resonating with me now.

Better late than never...right?

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