Monday, May 25, 2009


Tonight? Well? How about this moment? Do you know what I have for you? Well, for me too?
I have the biggest smile on my face!! My heart is lit up, there is a well in my heart that I just don't know what to do with, and the funny, funny thing of it that my outer world doesn't warrant this granduer, which, makes it all the better.

I am inside. In a place that can only be reached by me. Can't be touched by anyone, and will alwawys be available for me to grab onto, sink into, and revel in, for it is the most sacred existence to mankind, IF............IF........... IF............ THEY ALLOW THEMSELVES the opportunity to visit such a sacred land.

Ill be the first to say, "Let's go to an island, anywhere sunny where I can catch a ray", or go to Italy, or Africa where my heart sets sail, but I have to say, in all truthfulness, that when I visit that sacred place inside, I can be in the tar pits of hell, and I am dancing like a fool, as if I just won the lottery, or some great thing that I have always wanted and it came true. Seriously, I don't set out to try to sound any certain way on this thing, want to be liked, or seen a certain way. I say whatever the heck I want, and it is from my little soul that screams out for expression, even if there is no "return". I don't get a return in this. It isn't tax season on my blog. It's just a simple way of expressing myself, and it is sent out to a few who may, or, may not appreciate it. I don't ask, and, if someone has a problem, they could write, right?

I get so much out of this. Why? Because it comes from that little sacred spot inside, that is innocent, and it is sacred. My god, you all get my vulnerable goods. That doesn't come easy, and I am sure there are a few who read this who can attest to that. (go easy on me guys/girls).

Anyway, my point is. I AM SMILING? ARE YOU?

Look, life is happening, and it isn't going to stop anytime soon, so all of the blunders, the absurdities, the payments, the flaws, the "God, I need to go to the gym, I'm fat", blues, the, "I ate too much" syndrome, the "I didn't do this", and the "I didn't do that", and all of the rest of the crap that we can say we didn't do, didn't accomplish..........HOW ABOUT............ (novel idea) What we DID accomplish, HOW BEAUTIFUL WE REALLY ARE, HOW COOL WE REALLY ARE, HOW WE ARE ACTUALLY GOOD PEOPLE, WITH HUGE HEARTS, LOVE TO GIVE, EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE STUFF........... I mean, c'mon, we ALL HAVE STUFF. No one is exempt from this. Why are we going to go about all of our days beating ourselves up for what we didn't accomplish, or didn't do? How about what we DID DO? Ok, so you are short on your bills, you didn't get your kid the skateboard he wanted cuz your check didn't allow it, you can't go out to dinner.......... OR........flip side, YOU CAN DO ALL OF THOSE THINGS, are miserable.

Why? Why are you miserable? Is you heart empty? Does it need to be filled with some good ol' love that doesn't come with a computer, a diamond, a Lexus, a fur or two, vacations, fine dining?

What is it that is going to make you smile? Really!! Ask yourself!

Don't feel bad if you want something simple other than that boat, or a diamond. You are entitled!

Look, it's simple......... give me the boat and you'll be fine, I promise!

Had to do it. Funny.

Check out why you are not smiling from your heart of hearts. What is it really that will make you bust up in innocent laughter? Feel good from head to toe, without thinking you have to fix yourself in some way.

That statement makes me really, really sad, for ALL OF US! Ya know, why? Because I know, for me, and all of the people I see and talk to everyday, that there is this perception that there is some sort of lack in ourselves, something that doesn't ever meet up to anyone standards, and the main one being US.


YOU ARE FINE JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Just find something that will be icing on your cake. Maybe you want to travel, maybe you want to be loved, just by someone acknowledging you, instead of sex, instead of the "wife" or "husband" that you play out, who knows? Think about it. Your detailed thought is what counts in this picture.

Make a detailed list of what you want, and stand up about it. You are frigin entitled to have and do and come and go as you darn well please.

Somehow that sentence has to follow with "YOU GO GIRL", OR BOY..........

Flow of thought is a great thing. Amuses me, it does!

OK, so go............. find the smile! What is it? Get real! Get genuine! Dig and find somethin' good to chew on. Don't be lazy about it! After all, THIS IS YOUR LIFE~ THE CLOCK DOESN'T STOP!

Me? I am dancing tonight. I have been playing this CD that makes me so damn happy, I could have a major catastrophe happening, (which isn't too far off), and I am still dancing, singing like it was the last minutes of my life! Seriously, it is all good. ( Just don't let me think too much and I'll be ok) ;)

Get your music out, get your hairbrush out, you know, the one that you use for a microphone, and get in that mirror. You know what to do............. HAVE FUN! SMILE, AND FIGURE OUT WHAT IT IS THAT WILL KEEP THAT SMILE ABLAZE.

I'm with you, and always will be.

Support your friends. See yourself in them, and find great compassion!!!
Be positive, and forget all the crap going on in your world.

LIFE IS TOO SHORT.......... damn it!!

Huge huge love,
once again.

God, that love thing's contagious isn't it?

Sweet dreams!

Love always,


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