Sunday, May 24, 2009


... Instead of resisting and fighting everything, we just moved into it, blazingly aware, and ready to take on any and everything to get to where we want to be, ready to set any boundary we need to, and make it worth the risk?

At least we are not running, in any way, from the thing we "hate" or that bugs us, or scares us, or plainly, something we are just "over", in our world.

Usually, if we find ourselves laden with a pattern that seems to have haunted us this long, you might could (haha, that is a Texas thing I like to use for fun), guess that it isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.

So......what to do?? Go........ walk through the fire, see it, find out what you could possibly do different to change things up a bit, if the sucker seems to be hangin' out against your best wishes.

Get creative! Check out what you have done before, see if it worked, and if, by chance, it didn't, and you just let it go at.........UUUGGGGGGGGGGGG, there is nothing I can do........chances are, you got stale, tired of it, and just gave up trying something that actually COULD WORK to your advantage.

How? Hmmm.........well........... maybe we peek our heads out of the cardboard box, take a look around and scout out something that seems different, and maybe not our typical way of doing things.

I don't know how that will show up for you. I know for me, in some instances, it shows up as a huge pain in my butt, something I generally don't feel like doing, or, something that is not in my character, but (I love this word, it was my mom's favorite word when I was a kid, and I, of course hated it then, but love it and use it now), It would BEHOOVE you, ( good one huh?), to do something different, something that may just work, something that you did not think of, but maybe someone shares something with you that sounds, could try.........but you really don't gel with it, and then later, the sparks go off, and your like, "WOA", MAYBE I WILL TRY THAT?!

Of course if you tell them, "hay, that thing that you mentioned, umm, yea, I tried it, and guess what? IT WORKED! They look at you and roll their eyes and say...........mmmhhhmmmmmmm!!!

OK, touche'. Out of the box I am, and into a reality that doesn't seem to fit naturally, but in the moment, yes, it worked, and I learned something new, and ...........I CHANGED!!

Where is the wrong in that? Nowhere! So, I'm out of the box, (yes!!!), did something different, (yes!!), CHANGED, (yes!!), and ........well, that's 3..........pretty damn good, we'll stop there for now.

Be willing to change things up a bit. And, ya know, listen with new ears. The people who you talk to everyday have gems coming out of their mouths, but we get so darn comfortable that it is like listening to the radio. In one ear and out the other. Someone might be saying something that will change your whole perspective on life. Really!! Listen to people. Even if you think you know the answer, listen openly, and you may just find that the piece to the complex puzzle has been found.

I would prefer to make it as if I don't know a darn thing. That way, I am for sure that I will learn something new, and if I seem to know it already, I keep my mouth shut. Who cares if I know something and you don't. I don't really need any strokes. After all, it's just information. Really!

As my sister reminded me of so many times.......... and we laugh about it now is.......... WHAT YOU RESIST, WILL PERSIST!!! Seems so easy to just go..........OH, HELL, I WON'T RESIST ANYTHING THEN, but inevitably, we do, and we fall, and we get up and so the dance goes on.

Keep walking forward, with the joys, the sorrows, the feelings of pain, of sadness, of failure, of setback, of lack, of all that seems one way or the other, and keep moving!!

Move but don't negate your emotions, your feelings and how it is all important along your journey to accept the things that are there, that you cannot change, and the things that are there, that you CAN change, and roll it all up in one big ball, and embrace it, and I am for sure, that it will all work out in the wash. Just don't lose too much time thinking about it all, and try to enjoy your days, in the midst of it all, and someday, someday, you will look back, and laugh, and say, I shoulda had a V8.

OK, OK........... A Margarita!

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