Saturday, May 9, 2009


I don't want to be one of those people that pretends that their world is perfect, or under perfect construction, or handled so delicately, that any circumstance that comes will be smoothed over with roses and sugar. ( roses and sugar.... hmmm) that is an interesting one!

Gotta love the spontaneity of expression.

Tonight, I did not pretend! My emotions ran high, and my reality was such that my best friend, my "dog", and I were in a room together, me trying to say good bye, and thank you, and trying to withstand the reality of a love that will leave forever.

My dogs are my life are dogs!

Some have kids, I have my babies. I never looked at them like they were animals, or dogs. They have just been a connection that has brought me so much happiness, so much incredible humbleness, and so little fear. They inspire me in every way. They give me love like no other. It is so unconditional.

My experience tonight has brought me to my knees, and also to a place of great understanding.

I sit here, in total amazement at the cycle of birth and death.

It will never settle with me, no matter how spiritual the words are...........the cycle of birth and death will never change , so therefor, I will always be in question.

My night tonight will change me forever.

I will miss my best friend, Tesoro, and thank him for a life that would never be the same without him! I will miss you greatly.

I love you.


  1. This will probably sound insane to most people...and since my friends already know I'm certifiable, what I will say would come as no shock.

    When someone passes, light a candle and find the still point inside. wash your hands. place your hand (dried of course) flat and side by side over the photo.

    you will feel the presence. It's amazing.
    Past...future..there is no boundary when there is love.

  2. Kate Bares-JohnsonMay 11, 2009 at 12:47 AM

    I'm so sorry Gab. I'm just reading this tonight. Love you!

  3. You gave him a great life. He gave you unconditional love. It's never easy losing a best friend but take comfort in the fact you shared some good times. I will give you a special hug today!
