Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Living Pure

I know this is a heading that can be completely misconstrued.

What is it to live purely?

I can almost guarantee that every ones answer to that question would be completely different.

And, that is good. We aren't all the same. We all seem to want to get to the same place, but take different routes to get there, whether it be religion, or schooling, or whichever we choose to do to make our "mark" here.

It is so difficult, to not care, what people think of what your intentions are, because if they are pure, and it is not taken that way, you feel raped, in a way. Raped of your innocence.

To me, there is nothing worse, than to be raped of that.

But, such is the way of the world. Being misunderstood, (and if anyone knows me, that is the worst possible case scenario, to be misunderstood, and will be the death of me).

Sometimes you wonder if people think in simple terms. Simple, like, I want to help that person, or I want to give to that person. Not because they want something out of it, or because it will help them in some way, just for the plain fact that they want to GIVE, and it feels good to give of themselves. Or hugging someone because that natural way of relating is so endearing, and so rarely given freely, without a wanting.......... are people REALLY that jaded? Has society raped them of innocence and the purity of love itself?

Do we feel responsible for their interpretations?

Do we stay true to ourselves or do we have to edit who we are to make others feel "at home?"

That does not resonate with me.





It doesn't come easy!

If someone wants to do something for you, let them! You have plenty of time and opportunity to give back, even if it is not to them. Giving back, is giving back. It is not as literal as you think. If Jane gave me this, then I need to give Jane, this, back! NO!

An opportunity came up for me to give to Jane, and Jane may respond by giving back to PAUL.

It is a natural wave of going with the flow. There is no difference between giving back to you or Paul. It is still Jane giving. It would be ego driven if it were to be JUST FOR YOU, and not for Paul, you see what I mean?

You and Paul are the same, as long as no one is looking for something.

Where is the balance between what we think is real and innocent, to how others perceive our way?

Do we just not care, and believe what we believe and negate others thoughts?

I swear, there IS a balance with everything...........

I'm finding my way................

are u?

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