Sunday, May 10, 2009


I truly think we will ALWAYS BE OK! It is the perspective in which we see things. It's not so easy when you are the star of your own "movie", to be the viewer, sitting eating popcorn.

Who wants to be involved in a movie when we can eat yummy popcorn smothered with butter and salt, watching what goes on?

Honestly, I am so glad for these moments, that show me to sit back and GET THE HECK OUT OF MY OWN MOVIE. It keeps saying, "Go sit in the audience already!" And it is true! Go get the Twizzlers and the popcorn and watch how interesting we make our own movies.

I know I don't skip any details when it comes to mine. At the end of my movies, it usually says, "TO BE CONTINUED". I don't know how good that is, but I always seem to show up at my own premiers, events, and Oscar nights. I haven't won anything YET, but trust me, somethin' is a brewin'.

I think life is a series of events that may seem like a rollercoaster because........... they are a god darn rollercoaster! Look at general life......and I mean is taxing! Go figure! It's life right? Yes! It really is!!

Now add some drama, some heartache, some trials and tribulations, death, loss or ..well........anything........ move, job change, all of the top psychological issues, and we should all have at least one or two, and some can add to that list, right?

Mine is topping the rictor scale these days, not by choice, trust me!

Some things you just cannot change, so you roll with the punches and hope to come out better, with a new perspective, unscathed, and not bitter towards life that most people think suck, because of circumstances out of their control. I look at it like this........yes, some things do suck like............RULES! How I hate rules, but that is a subject in and of itself.

People live in sheer bitterness. And some people are just laden with character driven persona's because they have accepted life, and all of it 's intricacies, all of it's craziness, and have said, "What the f............!" This is life, and this is how I am going to take this ride, and they live it in the way they can, good, bad or whatever it seems like, but guess what? I LOVE THOSE PEOPLE!!

They roll with the punches, and don't live in the "status quo!"

Everyone has their rendition of how life should be lived, but only YOU, know how YOUR life should be lived. And if you need the help of a therapist, so be it.......... there are plenty of good ones............ they are there for a reason............ and if you don't look at it like it's a "therapist" that will help........... another long story.

So, it really is ..........all good!

Life is an interesting, complex, comical, ride!. There is so much to say, about life. Maybe that will be the............."To be continued" section of my movie. There are so many interesting things to say, really............

I envision camping, sitting out under the stars, having a glass of wine, talking about the complexities of life, the passions, and the possibilities for change........... good change, where we are actually helping humanity, and not ourselves, and watching an evolution occur, before our own we play on our iPhone?? Well..........

I will continue to be baffled by our own choices.

I did say.....our.......

We have work to do............

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