Friday, May 22, 2009



I have to say, that in my worst of worst moments, I still could laugh at myself, or the scenario, as if it were a cartoon, or some twisted tale out of a book that never made it to the shelf. You know, one of the ones that you see at half priced books, laugh your ashtray off, and wonder, where did this come from?? This SHOULD BE ON THE SHELF IN A REAL BOOK STORE! Why??? Because it is REAL!

I'm so over that all together life, that life that sounds good to you only when your life seems so goofed up. No! I do not want Beaver Cleaver. I'll take the white fence if someone lets me paint it my way, but the whole perfect life?? What is that really?

Is it the male/female relationship where the guy makes all the dough, stays at work long hours, the woman takes care of the kids and is "allowed" to take them on errands, get her nails done and go to the gym?" Wow, thanks............ I feel privileged!! Is that perfect? Is that the real deal?

Is that the scenario we all want to get to? OK, take away the "typical". Maybe it is a male/male relationship or female/female relationship. They all still find a role to bury themselves into. They might be female, but carry a few extra whiskers to make you guess, or they may be male but have more fries to go with their shake than McDonald's......I dunno.

The point is......... nobodies life is the perfect scenario. IT JUST IS, no matter who you are, or who you are with.

And.......we really can laugh, no matter what is going on. You almost have to, or else........well, I do see why people take medications. Me? Can't do the medications, but a good ol' glass of wine won't do any harm.

If you can get a good enough perspective, you really do see that the information almost becomes irrelevant, and that you become this sort of alien to your own world. You look at it as if you are watching TV and you start laughing going...........HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA LOOK AT HER FACE.........all crinkled from thinking this is so real........... look at her forgetting about how precious life is, just because of this or that............ you start to see that if you just laugh a bit, take a step back and view your life from the bleachers, you'll feel comfortable enough to go ahead and get that hot dog from the concession stand. Why not? It's a frigin hot dog, not a daddy long leg!!

GO GET IT. EAT IT.........and revel in the simplicity of a damn hot dog. Your life isn't over just because you goofed up your checkbook, or you lost a day at work, or you forgot to do something, you missed an appointment you knew darn well you had to be at............OH MY GOD............PUNISHMENT ENSUES. You horrible person you!

LAUGH!! LAUGH!!! And remind your friends to laugh. That means me too. No one is exempt.

Life truly isn't meant to be taken so seriously, even if you have pretty good valid proof that IT NEEDS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY BECAUSE LOOK AT THIS LIST OF DEFAULTS. I could easily go there, but ya know what? I think I like laughing too much. Maybe I should find a job where I make money laughing............ I'd be well off by now. I'll ask my boss, see what he says.

Are you laughing today? What is so serious in your life that it is taking you away from the source of innocence and good ol' silliness?

I was out on my porch today, with my bum leg in the air, laying down, thinking of my life right now and really............ I started laughing at all of the circumstances, the whole play of it, and I laughed so hard out loud..........I even said out loud............YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, as if someone gave me a screenplay and I read the plot and thought.............. you have got to be kidding me...........YOU WANT ME TO LIVE THIS OUT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME? Funny! Thanks, I'll wear it for awhile and pretend.

That is it. Just pretend you were given a screenplay, act it out for awhile, but know that at any given time, you can put the script down. If you don't like the play that was given........put it down and raise your hand for another, but I suggest that you become a damn good actor for the first one, so that you have the hang of it for the next one, because guess what? The grass isn't greener in the next Play house. You just get a different script, so laugh while you read the script and don't take it all so seriously.

And support your friends in telling them the same. Not too many people believe in this philosophy. Make them laugh!! Remind them that life is a series of one act plays. There IS in fact, intermission, and you get time to take a breath, pee, and then resume where you left off with a better view of what is really happening.

Take a risk! Laugh your butt off in the midst of your stuff. Even if you don't feel like it. I'd pay to see you laugh when you don't feel like it. As a matter of fact, let's play poker. I'd pay to see MYSELF laugh when I really don't feel like it.

Look, we have a new profession. The basket is on the table.

Smile, laugh, be joyful, say what the hay.............LIFE IS TOO SHORT..............


I am going to bed with a smile on my face............. it's all not that bad............

I have to continue this one...........another time.

Lots of love and laughter from head to toe,

Love you guys.


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