Wednesday, May 13, 2009


There are a multitude of scenarios that I could spell out, to expound on this oh so true title.

Some things you run into on your little journey, seem great, uplifting, positive, and all the other great words that describe some sort of added joy in your world. But if you are aware, and smart, you start seeing the goodies behind WHY those things are there. This is not a bad thing, but you know, being aware isn't necessarily the easiest trait to have.

People come into your life for a reason. It could be to help you, to guide you, to show you certain aspects of your life that need attention, someone to shed some light, someone to just hold your hand along the way........... the list goes on.

That person will inevitably equal someone from your past. Good or bad, bitter or sweet, it will show up for you, for some teaching or another.

It surely is a bitter sweet thing. The attraction to that person, whether it be a good or bad, will always shed some light on your life, as it is now, and as it was. It is up to you to see it clearly, for what it is, and to put it into perspective, so that you can grow, and hopefully see the pattern of attractions that accumulate on your little slate of life.

Does that make sense?

Wouldn't it be genius of us to see all of our stuff, take a step back and heed any warnings, and take the appropriate steps to stay clear and conscious? Yes, genius......... so, for me, if that were the case, I'd be making a ton of money on my smarts............... I can be as clear as a sky on a great summers night, but hell..............I AM HUMAN!! And in my humanness, I fall, I do all kinds of things that can make me feel less than "good enough" or man....... I goofed up again, but in all fairness, I LOVE MY FLAWS, MY SHORTCOMINGS..................they make me so good for the next trip around. And...........I would have done what my heart wanted, and I learn as I go. Call me a masochist, or call me a passionate lover of life......... call me what you want.......I remain.......myself.

Maybe I am asking for trouble...........who knows. It's kind of like my grandmother who sat with us kids, and we were all eating hot dogs, and her daughter, my Aunt Marie, said for me not to eat mustard, which was my favorite, on my hot dog because it would be bad for my stomach.......and I looked at her.......... and I looked at Grandma Rose, looked back at Aunt Marie, and no sooner did I glance down there was Grandma Rose, shoving a hot dog, laden with hot mustard, under the table for me to grab, without Aunt Marie, (a nurse, by the way), looking.

It's like that. Sometimes you just have to say.............. with all of the "rules", and all of the so called guidelines............ here.............. go for it.............YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!

I am all about it!!! There are stringent guidelines for some things in life, and unfortunately, I have to abide by some certain rules, like wearing my seat belt so I don' t get a big fat ticket, or paying things on time, or you know, stuff like that...........but when it comes to life, and if I have any say in debating rules, and what is allowed and what is not??? I'll call you out in a good ol' boxing match! Most people REALLY DON'T WANT TO ADHERE TO THE DAMN RULES THEY SIGNED UP FOR TO BEGIN WITH.

It's a funny thing. Just know from the beginning that you just put yourself in a box....... a huge why try to be Houdini? Just don't lock yourself up like that, and you will not have to scratch and scathe yourself to have a little bit of fun and freedom in the meantime.

Big time tangent!! Little time blog! God, where is my own newspaper??

I'm on fire!

So............... yes, you can run......and you can try to hide, but all of that stuff will eventually sneak up on you, to help you along, on your magical journey toward yourself. If you see things about yourself, or you in relation to others...........see it...... own it.........and make a place for it in your world...........a conducive one, so that you are able to move forward in a grand way. One that will make you soar............. above and beyond who and what you think you are, or what you are supposed to be.

BIG TIME HAIL.............. PRAISE............ and any other good sounding spiritual name for Rock the Hell On....................

Stay true guys............stay true to your individual selves................. we need our own personal pave ways for our future, as individual souls........and brave, brave warriors!

I am here, there, and everywhere that you need me!

Holding hands,

1 comment:

  1. It's confusing at times to watch how many where I work, do the ostreich thing.
    I never get it. and then I that they are wading in the sand together. They got that togetherness thing, while I'm out waving my flag in my own parade. I wouldn't change a minute of it though. Rock on Gabby
