Monday, May 18, 2009


Not everyone has to understand who you are and what you are about. Even if they want to, they may not ever see the real you that exists within.

It is funny because who doesn't want to know the person they spend a lot of time with? You think you know them, and on some levels, of course, you do, but for the most part, people WANT TO KNOW YOU, but are bothered some how, that they actually, really don't!

Not to say that they don't know anything about you, but there are parts of you that are sacred, and private, and well, why have to explain? Isn't the best part of being who you are, unexplainable? The people who really get you don't have to ask or wonder why anything about you? They just quietly get it, or quietly don't and are OK with that?

It is only if someone has some sort of attachment to wanting to be the one to get you, that keeps them so far from NOT getting you.

Does that make sense?

Be who you are and don't care what anyone says or thinks, and if you remain who you are, people will either remain in your life, or they won't. They will be sick of you, or sick of their own skin.

If they hang out, maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

LET PEOPLE BE WHO THEY ARE! I know, including me, we all have opinions about others, but who doesn't? And if you say you don't, I might call you a liar.

Everyone has opinions, and it is natural and normal.

Opinions can be separate than judgements. Have an opinion but don't be attached to it.

Then it becomes self righteous.

I can't say that I won't have an opinion about anything. I'm Italian, strong willed, and a Scorpio. I can add a few other nouns, but why, they go under the same umbrella.

Have opinions!!! It's healthy!! Go for it!! But when it comes to defining someones soul, you better take a back seat to the horses mouth. That horse ain't lyin'.

Don't try to steal words from the horses mouth and stick in some other kind of language that a horse doesn't know.

A horse is a horse, of course!

The best part of being in these human bodies is that, for me anyway, can't speak for everyone, everything is individual. Be who the hell you want, and don't apologize. Go for the gold of what you think, what you want to do, and what you want to say, after all, it is YOUR LIFE. That is what I tell myself. Don't worry about what the majority of people think about you. The predominant factor will remain that, they are off base, and some, not. Who cares, no matter what the outcome! No one will ever know exactly where you are, and that is a little treasure that I find to be endearing and sacred, to be honest.

Sacred beyond belief.

So, be sacred in your acts. Whether it is an act for yourself, or an act to get to know someone. Be sacred in knowing that you may not know, and you know, you may know, but nonetheless, it is a nuetral thought, and knowing that you can sway either way, will bring you to a place of enlightenment. Meaning...........really...............WHO FRIGIN CARES?

Sayanara everyone. It's a good night!

And........I don't wanna your life free and hopefully I am a small part of it.

Warm gushy thoughts of just being, with everyone I exist with............

I am grateful.



  1. here's a tangent idea...coming off the post

    it's been hitting really hard lately
    I definitely have been trying to be cool
    but that's not what's going on in this moment

    I am having a really strong bout of having opinions about myself that are ...
    the opposite of self accepting

    this is pretty daunting
    and has been keeping me up at night

    I think it's just the struggle I have to be true to myself...and to put the compassion
    back together with truth

    I try to put myself outside my own shoes
    to remember to be gentle
    why is this so damn hard?

    golly it's more than annoying to have to work this hard at something that should be simple as breathing

    honest...i'm not looking for sympathy
    but if anyone can relate or have a positive insight it sure would help.

  2. Amz,

    You know what? A lot of things sound good or seem that they should be just THAT EASY, to let go of, to relate, to understand and all of those other feelings that come up so readily, and ready to tell us that we are not attractive, not thin enough, not good enough, or whatver the silly quote of the day, in our heads, is.

    I have it everyday as well. If I could draw a picture of what my head tells me everyday, it would be a funny, funny cartoon. It is nothing what everyone else sees.

    You are a beautiful human being with luminous, luminous gifts, physically and spiritually.

    When you look in the mirror, see yourself square in the eyes, and see the child of god that you are, the amazing things that you give everyday, because I know you do, and accept your beauty for what it is, unique, beautiful and different from anyone else.

    No one can change what they were given, and so it IS UP TO US, TO ACCEPT, LOVE AND CHERISH OUR BODIES, our sweet little vessels, as vehicles of light, to bring about a consciousness, even if it is only to ourselves.

    Love that body, that face, hair, nails, eyes, and every particle, for it was made from the purest possible place there is.

    You are given the gift of yourself, to love beyond appearances, to love beyond words, and to love, love, love....period!

    Give yourself the gift of YOURSELF!




  3. "God", Gabriella, really? As a separate and distinct (redundant verbiage with some more superfurloriousness[sic] thrown in) entity from humanity.....? is there any originality or is all mutations of the same and is that in and of itself original? isn't it just staring at the equalizer lights on the stereo to pink floyd or the smiths or something along those lines? i don't think any of those are the questions to which 42 is the answer ;-)))

  4. Gabriela

    Kindness has a way of reaching
    and caressing places that are hurt and unhurt
    until all are vibrating in harmony...knowing that the world has a person who has heard and who is safe to be with.
    this is how you help me today.
    I am so grateful to yu for this


  5. If that were the only thing that I "accomplished" in this life, then all truly would be well, to me, that is.

    love, gabriela
