Sunday, May 3, 2009


That quote of, "Don't take things so seriously", is a good one, yet if I think about it, I could disagree, to some extent.

At least for my kind of personality, being inquisitive, wondering, dissecting, or analyzing, from a curious standpoint, lends for a certain style of seriousness. It doesn't have to be a negative at all, but being "serious", to me, on one hand, is a turn on. It is an allowance to free think, as an individual human being, about what no one else, thinks. Forget rules and regulations. Just for a bit.

I find that I am attracted to thinkers. The ones who think beyond the status quot. The ones who say, "Yea, I know that, I get it, but this is my opinion", because they actually have sat with themselves, and gave it some thought, rather than saying, "yea, this is this, because that is what it says in the scriptures or that is what I grew up with."

In all due respect......... WHO CARES?

I grew up with a certain set of rules too, but somehow, when I was little, ( I am laughing), I didn't buy into sitting somewhere for a few hours passing a basket around, asking for money from people who generally didn't have it. That is not downing a labeled religion, but a certain set of circumstances that didn't gel with me then, and doesn't gel with me now. Not that that one experience made up my mind, but one, in a hundred. And......I still love sitting in a church, So.....don't wrap yourself up too much in my thoughts. It is an intricate and personal journey, for everyone. I have no judgements on anyone for what they practice, how, when, where, or what they do. This is a whole other subject.

I will say though, there were many aspects that I loved, but the point is.. think beyond what you know, what you have learned, and see just what it is that you like and adhere to, from your HEART.

This is, by no means, a disrespect to anyone, or any religion, purely just an opinion, because, I can.

Life offers up so many instances.

Instances to change. From who we thought we were 10 minutes ago, to the advanced soul, who thought "seriously" in that 10 minutes and made headway in their evolution, to be something or someone different, that makes way for a better world, a better person, or just makes life better matter what or when, they made a decision. A conscious decision to change themselves, with their set of circumstances. Not dependant on any one Else's life or reality.

Woa, huge surge! That gave me the chills.

Yours are going to be different. Maybe you feel like you don't need to be oh so serious. Maybe it is a different train of thought. And so be it...........I say, "Rock on", as long as it rings true for you.

Be serious, be silly, be whatever, but...just be YOU. Let your small little nucleus in this world reek of YOU, YOUR ESSENCE, your flavor, whatever it is. After all, this is YOUR LIFE, your canvas, your personal time on this earth. Have fun. Dig in to what turns you on, and don't let anyone take that away from you.

I will guarantee you, that if you give it any kind of thought, it will allow for a certain seriousness, the kind that sets you free, just from executing the damn thought. And then there is the rest, that is so amazingly aware of every situation surrounding you, and if you allow those thoughts to germinate, there is a consiounsess that awaits you, that will unequivocally support you on your personal journey towards...hmmm....... so many words........enlightenment, home, your god, your lover, your whatever. Toward the purest form of LOVE.

Ya know, like I said, "It is a personal journey. Call it your own. Own it! Stand by it, even if there is no one else in your "ring".

Stand out, not because you want some sort of attention or validation, but because, your passionate about your life here, on this small planet, for some short time, that when all is said and done, you will know, that you've uncovered yourself, in the most beautiful, raw, way.

Become Picasso. Become Shakespeare! '

Let your being become a living poem, that evokes the love of "God".

How about the love of LOVE, ITSELF.

I will go to bed tonight, so in love with the reality of THIS.


Take what you want, leave what you can.

Just make it your own, and............. you CAN be serious...........OR NOT.

No matter the road, someone hears your call.

I guess if it is needed that you be serious, it will offer that up.

If not, you will see it WILL lead you somewhere,

where Bygons will be Bygons,


What about those Bygons?????

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