Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I know this topic is pretty generic sounding, and it could encompass your whole life filled with "special people", but, in my world, especially my work world, I am extremely grateful for the array of people I have come into my life everyday.

These people have no idea how they make my 8 hour shift, not a "shift". I come to work thinking, OK, today is Tuesday, who usually comes in, and anticipate their presence, knowing exactly what I will get. A huge smile, a big hug, and great conversation. Put a few pastries in there, a really good espresso, and we are ready to go. The morning for me, rest assured, is pretty damn good, uplifting, and truly, truly, a pleasure to be faced with such good company.

I know everyone who comes in, I can make their drinks and get their pastries blind folded, and really, can't wait to ask them how their week was, how they are, and catch up on the personal, sweet things that they continue to share with me. And, visa versa.

It's not just about the food, the drink, and the place in which I work, but the exchange of human beings, somehow "forced" to be together, yet, it works.

I love my job because it really gives me the opportunity to grow, to share great things, to receive great things, and to allow the passion of my upbringing to coarse through it all. It truly is a combination that I cannot beat. I love"my people".

The last few days I have had the great pleasure to welcome some "customers" that I have met in my work place years ago, and I felt as though I couldn't do enough for them. I know what they like, they love that I know what they like, and we are "family". That is how strong my bond is with my customers. Not all, of course, but truly, without them, at this point in my life, it would be very different.

When you think about it, you spend 8 hours a day or more with a lot of different personalities, and hopefully you will have a good time with them, but if not, you have alternative measures. Your clientele.

Or, a combination of the two.

It is amazing, because at this point in my life, if it weren't for my workplace, I don't know if I would have gotten through some of the hardest times of my life, without the people who come in regularly, having no idea how their presence had made my day, or made me smile, or laugh like hell.

I have very, very special people who come in that I would consider family to me, and thinking that I would not be around them is a huge consideration in my evolution. Sounds small, but certainly not, at all!

I am utterly grateful for those souls who come walking through, making me laugh, and all of the crazy, wonderful things that they do. Not even, just coming up and ordering their darn coffee, and me seeing them just waking up, knowing they are tired, I give them their morning space, and we connect one way or the other. Sort of like a relationship, and it is so sweet to me. I have very intimate relationships with them. God forbid something happened to one of them.

I've gone through pregnancy, deaths, births, life altering changes, to marriages, to confessions, to you name it, it all gets revealed to me. I go through their lives with them. I love it, its great. And, I have to say, that there are those few who know my story. They have been there with me through storms, and through the greatest times of my life.

Wow, where do I work? Isn't that 150.00 dollars an hour? Oh, wrong proffession!

Not really!

In these moments, I really have to bow down and thank my mother. I am a replica of her. Gladly so.

She taught me at an early age to cook, to cater to peoples needs, (hostess), to be gracious, and really, no rule book, but to be loving, sweet, and understanding to peoples needs.

That is not for any pat on the back, but to say that she was a huge, huge heart with so much to give, and she had a passion for food, for people, and for bringing people together for the highest good. Drink wine, have food, by all means, have foooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! And if you get up from that dinner table you'd better be going to the bathroom. After all, we are eating, drinking and having a blast laughing our asses off. Why would you get up from the table?

Special people are the ones you feel that comfort with, who GET IT without words. Who know what pasta is and are not wondering where the steak is!

Special people are the ones who want to accompany you on your journey, not compete with you on your journey. Attract the ones who get it, who allow you to be you, and visa versa.


Lift your glass to LIFE, the canvas that you are drawing upon.

Make it your own.

And, it CAN HAVE STEAK, POTATOES, AND SPINACH if that is what you so desire. Not everyone has to have Cavatelli and Broccoli.

Touche' to the special people that make up my world. They do know who they are. Lord knows I'm not the silent one in the crowd.

I love you all with all of my heart.
Mucho gratitude for making my days what they are............. just frigin show up everyday, OK? Don't let me down or you're in trouble!


I am grateful for all of you...........x's 10.


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