Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The fact, that we are all going to leave these bodies someday, and go to wherever you feel you are going? Does that make you change your day, your thoughts, your actions, or how you relate to people? You do realize, it IS going to happen right? What are we doing now? How do we spend our days? Are we learning on our journey? Learning to fix past mistakes to be different in the future?

I have experienced being by someone who is on their death bed. And they speak of their life, and their time here, and they look at you in such a way, that tells such a story. You want to ask what they are thinking and it brings you to WANT to ask, what shall I do next? There is a kind of transference. It is unspoken, but the transference is deep, and if you are open to it, it changes you, and your life, from that point on, and it is lived in a very different way.

This isn't meant to be depressing or too deep where you just want to go...........ahh, I didn't feel like thinking about that.........but it is REAL~ Is someone with me? Is there anyone with me other than AMY?

Does anyone pan on those thoughts and make deliberate changes in their days or moments, based on some significant thoughts that arise in your day? Do you hear the thoughts but ignore them, because who, in their right mind, is going to be thinking about all of this?

C'mon guys, give me the benefit of the doubt, and please tell me that you all think of these things and then......... I don't know.............even if you don't do anything.....please, please tell me, that you at least think about it.

I know for me, that for some reason, along my little path, I made some sort of silent resolution that I wasn't going to take life for granted anymore. It was potent, and very obvious that I had internally made a stance.

I started looking at my colleagues differently, my banker, my dogs, and every bit of everything. I eat a damn strawberry and I'm done...........that is it............who needs sex? I just ate a frigin strawberry, thinking about my life and why I should be grateful.

Don't laugh, cuz I can name all who are............. just give yourself one second to digest that.

It's true.

Don't go for the obvious. Stretch out on a limb, and call me when your left foot is half way in the air, and your right is just about to break free.

Jump! It's only water guys, it's only water!

Gnite to all my bungie jumpers who insire me.

Bunjie for Life!


1 comment:

  1. Darn it Gabriella (haha) you've just got ME (laughing my butt off...nope I just looked it's still there :D)
    what does it take to be here right now? and to know that this moment is all it is ? the knowledge that right now I'm younger than I will be in the future, probably with less face lines, body sags and all the stuff that age brings. the fact that my mind and spirit are as full as they are ...but that age may make them fuller, or emptier is on my mind.
    that I will die and that Elana (my daughter who has lots of disabilities) will live past my life, is on my mind every day.
    Every day I think...how can I make her life more beautiful, more independent. how can I make her future safe and good?
    I have been working on setting up a community where people with disabilities and of all ages can be together in Austin..that will include art and music and spirit. It goes so slow working out something that will work and feel GOOD. the future colors my present every day. I reach out for guardian angels and call them to me asking for guidance...

