Tuesday, September 15, 2009


......something that is so transparent, yet, are you willing to "give up" the goods?

How many of you can readily admit, that scanning upon your day, you can look, and say,"Wow, I learned this, from that person?"

No matter what it is. Some people will notice those things in the moments that they are happening, but won't really give it much thought afterward, which, to me, is where the goods lye.

In the moment, it is organic, and to me, quite honestly, the realizations happen so quickly that you really don't have time to think the whole thing through, ya know what I mean?

It's only afterward that we look back on our day, take a millisecond to go, "wow, that was cool", and then it gets thrown in the "trash" marked, Sept 15, no big deal, bin.

And, even that, isn't a conscious thought! That just happens to be the minds processing, and then, onto the next please.

Today, I learned a plethora of things, sitting in a restaurant half completed, observing, listening, and, internally, trying to apply new things that I may not have known the day before.

It probably looks like I am just sitting there, wondering what is going to happen next, but really, I am like a sponge, and soak up information, that, even me, thinks will be irrelevant in MY evolution.

I back myself up, I'm no dummy......... I have Bionic ears, and they filter things 24/7. Whether I let you know that is another story!

I am where I am for a reason. People, events, circumstances........all of it.........

I want to welcome the whys and how's.

Nevertheless, I am sure I will learn, learn, learn, and for what sake, I don't know.

If I start entertaining my thoughts past this moment, I've only disappointed my own self, into thinking that the moment isn't chock full of realizations and, honestly, the truest reality going. Why, really, would I want to do that? I know better!

Lemme take 5 on that statement........... I just flustered myself! Be back in a moment.

I kid you not...... as elementary as that statement may seem to me, it is NOT, elementary!!

I have shred my pride, and don't think for one moment, that the "elementary" things aren't applicable to me, still!

I DO ADMIT.......I am a work in progress. I have so much to learn, it almost excites me. Not all of the time, trust me. Sometimes, I 'm just like" When will this misery end?" I just want to know the answers, apply them where they are needed, and move on with a fulfilled life........chock full of my desires, goals, and actually BEING in the places that I have only SEEN for myself, in my dreams, my visions, and daily thoughts, that keep me going everyday.

Does it behoove us to be humble, to listen, to just shut up every once in awhile, and not do lip service, that even remotely says, I KNOW, I KNOW?

Maybe we actually DON'T KNOW, and if we just shut up for more than a few seconds, we will learn a great deal. Maybe it won't be what we THINK we need to be learning, but I can put money down on the fact that, if it is in front of us for more than a few moments, we might as well get our day planner out, and start plugging in the information, where need be. IT WILL BE PERTINENT IN OUR EVOLUTION, I promise you , and ME, that.

Look, these are not my rules. Who's, I don't know, but whoever it was, we gelled, and from that moment on, I got it........with no label attached!

If you don't follow, that's OK. Sometimes my own self, takes on an energy that baffles even me, and then I go back, read what "I" wrote, and say, silently, "Wow, I need to go ahead and apply what the hell I just said last night", that was some great stuff.

Go figure.

We are all so eclectic in our own ways, and I adore the individuality, whether it is me, or the cashier who woos the customers, or the deli guy who gently slices your meat, but inside is a volcanic artist, busting at the seems............

We all are great, in our own way, and I honor your way, as different as I may be, or, as we may be the same, who knows?

In any which case..............

Did I learn from you today? ABSOLUTELY!! And, I don't mind telling you............ do you, mind telling me, or someone else?

Tell someone, how they affected you, what you have learned from them. It doesn't matter your title, your position............get down and dirty.............. tell that "someone" just what they have done, for you, in you tiny, tiny, little existence here.

It won't hurt you............it will catapult you my friend................. it really will!!

Goodnight........... and many, many, sweet thoughts of you, and of me, evolving to places that we envision, everyday..............probably keeping them in a dream state......but as of tonight..........they are no longer dreams...............THEY ARE YOUR REALITY!! AND MINE!

I'm here............silently............cheering you on,

As always,


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