Monday, September 14, 2009


I feel quite privileged tonight. Not just tonight, but this feeling, inside, is running so ramped that I can hardly stand it.....I'm about to burst............

Today wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Actually tons of paper work, finagling, and trying to be as creative as possible with how I want my little life to flow, how to fix, untangle, and get back to a spot that I think is on top of the "game", and start owning every aspect of my life.

I mean, really standing tall, and feeling good about where you are, what you are doing, who with, and what all the details are in that particular picture.

I have some homework to do.

What my mind sees, and where I am at, are two different things, but I will never negate the beauty that sits before me. I'm changing and growing at a vast speed.

Anyway, today was spontaneous, introspective, of course, how odd, Gabriela being introspective....... new? No!

But, the day unfolded and too boot, the weather was making me high. I am so happy for the weather, the change, the doors wide open, no fake air on in the house, all windows ablaze, curtains swingin' in the wind, The Australian Philharmonic playing in the background, and a call from a friend to say, hay, "I have an hour, let's visit".

I'm always down for a spontaneous visit, especially if it means some REAL relating, not just some coffee and gossip. If that were the case, I'd be like............. sounds good, but I have some paper work to do. Sorry! Nothing personal, just not much time for the "half" real.

I save that for moments at work, or going out, knowing your just gonna have fun, and call it a night. Plain, and simple. A cupala drinks, a few laughs, and you head home, giggling that, it just was, was it was. Sometimes I think we all need nights like that.

I went for my little visit, loved it, of course, and came home to the air changing, because of the time of day, the dogs got to stay out, which makes me a very happy momma. They have been in all day because of the vicious weather, and today, I opened every window, every French door, every, everything, so that fresh air could swarm through, and do a big ol' cleansing.........


I reveled in the sky, it's colors, the smell of the wind coming in from the lake, and the newness of everything outside that seemed to flourish since the rainfall.

Tiny white and purple flowers were budding all over the place and I got so darn excited, I grabbed two dogs, put their leashes on, and headed out for a long, long walk that wound up being so enchanting, so innocent, and truly, mind blowing!

I say mind blowing, because when things are so blatant, so obvious, so simple and reminiscent of purity, I run for the hills, and pretend I never have to come back. I just want to revel in it's beauty, and smother myself in that feeling of love.........really, pure love.

Now, don't go sayin', "Oh, she's such a hippie, or love child", or all of that, ( I'm giggling, cuz it's true), but............ but............ c'mon you not feel this when life presents such incredible beauty? Are you that tied up in yourself that you can't get outside to notice the change in weather? The sprouting of new flowers, buds, new birds, not the same ones that were here when it was blazing hot, but new ones that must've come over goin," OK, this is my shift now!"

COME ON! Life is happening before your eyes. AAAAAhhhhh............grab a hold of one thing that you have noticed different, in the last day or two, and sit with it. Just for a tiny bit, and actually let yourself have a thought......... about............. it. See the thought through, and then, go........go back to TV or phone, or video, but just do me one favor, and give it a moment. You won't be sorry!

At least you can say that you were part of the change, or at least that you were remotely aware of something outside of your job, your relationship, or whatever it is that takes up most of your energy, brain power, or focus.

There is some gorgeous life out there that needs you to recognize it. Not for IT, but really, for YOU, to come HOME for a bit, and relax in the most natural environment that will sustain you for more "shelf life" than you realize.


I went on that walk with my two dogs, and just felt so light, so good, that at least, if nothing else, I have nature to back me up, and to remind me that I am not crazy..........that these are the true goods, not the wooden nickles I've bought into for so long.

I am privileged to feel such greatness................ in the midst of some very hairy times.

Thank you all who make my life worth smiling for............

I love you,


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