Saturday, September 26, 2009


I know this topic can make it's way to the hundreds, even the thousands of pages, to be talked about, raked over the coals, and analyzed in every which you can possible imagine.

I'm not going to get crazy, just stay simple, and, well, I can say, I'll stay right to the point, but ya'll know how long my blog CAN get, so..........I'll just stick to being honest......... it will be simple, Truth, that is...........

Change is INEVITABLE! It is life, in flow, with nooooooooooooooooooooooo interruptions, if we allow it, that is.

Fighting life is futile!

Look, children grow up, the stock market rises and falls, there is divorce, death happens, jobs change, and unfortunately, there is disaster.


On the flip side of that coin is.......

Change brings you opportunity, a fresh new life, a new perspective, a chance to let go, to embrace the "change" no matter what that is.

The old saying, "When one door closes, another one opens", is so true, but I won't negate the fact that yes, we are HUMAN, and we desperately need to go through that integral process, to learn, to see WHY we needed that, what we learned in the process, so we can pave a new, or better way, in our next steps, in our incredible evolutions here.

There is no time frame on when we will learn, how we will adhere, or not adhere, or glom on to this whole idea of actually having to go with CHANGE.

Do we ever really think that we have to actually THINK in a different way, or be AWARE, of something different, to be able to consciously embrace change?

I will be honest.

Over the years, I have been known to say many different things about consciousness. Whether it be a positive, or a feeling of ..... oh, what word........ despair maybe?

When I say, "despair", I mean that the bare Truth of things, or events can literally be disturbing, and does anyone really prepare you for that reality?

I mean people talk about the changes that affect us so greatly. Divorce, death, job change..........

They seem like regular old titles that warrant, maybe a few tears, Two Men and a Truck, and filling out new W2 forms right?

Not really!

Change is not something to take lightly, for you, or for anyone who may be in your vortex.

Change happens whether we welcome it or not.

It is not something, most times, that we plan for, or can emotionally say, "yea, got that change in check"........I prepared for the last few months.

When you really think about it, we put our psyches to the test, to see how "weather proof" it is, to be able to withstand the repercussions that actually come along with "change".

It is probably a wise choice, to try to accept change day to day, whether it be walking outside, going to your car, and noticing you have a flat tire, or getting to your car, and seeing you are empty on the gas situation, and having to walk a few miles to get a can full.

There are many ways that change shows up? Are we prepared to accept it without being angry? Or getting angry, seeing it, but willing to change it up along the way, with the awareness that, it is only for us, to change, not for anyone else.

After all, we have to live with us! Everyone else can bail out if they wish, but we, are "stuck" with us, and have many choices in how we stay, or not stay in our stuff.

If we let go with a bit of Grace, each passing moment brings us a little bit farther on our individual path.

As we mature emotionally and spiritually, we see that changes don't have to actually hurt us.

We see that they bring us new experiences, lessons, and insights.

It is hard, trust me.

We can have a pot of coffee over this one..........

I think this is an ever evolving conversation, and not one that can be easily shared as a right or a wrong.

We each do and go and decide, as we see fit, for our own purpose, and if it doesn't work, I think we call in scenarios that will come to our aid, to support what is innately there, and what the Universe sees fit for us to learn, at any given moment.

I don't want to sound so esoteric, but it is what it is. I can probably get out the ol' dictionary, or book of Synonyms to make it all sound cozy, for all of us who practice, or pray, or devote our lives, in one way or the other, but I seriously think, we are all the same, inside, and it takes someone oh so eloquent to relay all the same information, in one particular language, so that we can somehow, try, to be on the same page, and work together, as a team, to support our growth, and desire to become whole.

( I'll have a cigarette please).........

I get all worked up inside............

Life is full, so chock full of opportunities to evolve, and I see how I fall short of grasping those, but, too, I see the moments where I am on top of it, grasping it, and adhering to the bold Truth, and reaping the benefits............ it's trial and's cool, it's OK, ..........that is how it has to be for us to learn...............

We cannot get from A to Z by skipping the rest of the alphabet. I'm sure of that!

I am welcoming the changes that are coming my way, and also acknowledging the trying times along the way, so that I can remember, for myself, what actually worked, and what didn't.

It is a process, but, I will tell you, if you are willing to stop for a second, check it all out, and jot down some notes, you will create more of a relationship with yourself, that otherwise would have been passed off by time, or laziness or some other pre-occupation that you subconsciously created to pass it all by, for fear that you might actually meet up with someone that you would fall in love with, and never want to leave again, not for anything...............

Don't take that so literally. read into it................

Meet yourself,

and welcome,

the change, within.

All my love,

As always,

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