Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am finding it quite refreshing, to not have any ideas, about ANYTHING!

To find a balance in putting all efforts forth, to what it is that you really want, and too, to relax into not having an idea of how it should all pan out. The where's, the whens, the whys, and the how's.

I know that sounds crazy, in a way. How can you have an idea about something, and really want it, but not really "CARE" so to speak, of what the outcome will be?

Somehow, I try to balance the great things that "happen", and allowing that in, and also, acknowledging the efforts I put forth, in the desire to actually make something happen that I truly want to come to fruition, by doing some kind of homework to attain it.

It is, to me, a razor sharp tight rope to walk.

How do you really know if it is all balancing out, and, do we really need to know all of that?
Can't we just be in a state of knowing that life is happening, with our grand efforts, and too, that the Universe will naturally back us up, because "it" knows we are honest, and genuine, in all of our efforts to find a balance, and know that we truly do want to understand how it all works?

I certainly do not look for rewards, but sometimes I do wonder, if my genuineness for truthful answers and pathways to where I want to go, will be acknowledged, and someone will push the button to the next opening, and it will be that easy.

I feel like Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road. If you watch that movie, again, with adult eyes, you will see the blazing reality in which we all live in NOW! Don't laugh. That movie has so much incredible symbolism, I dare to make a screenplay out of it, and put some twists and turns in there, to blow up the phenomenon of human consciousnesses. Phew, don't get me started!! It's a Thursday night............ I have a long day ahead of me!

I guess that is some "reward" for me, is for someone to open up the next gate, saying" OK Gabriela, you really do want to know, don't you?" And then something shows up, as if it is a surprise of sorts, and inside, you get it, you see how you were heard, and too, answered.

Go ahead, call me crazy.

I'm so OK with my reality.

I just see how I have ideas of how things should or should not turn out, and I just don't wanna go there.

I want to be OK with what transpires, or what I call in, and not have any expectations of how that journey should pan out.

Usually, the journey that I plotted was much more boring, and less the "abundant opportunities".

Less creative, and so blocked by ideas.

Anyway, I don't want to get off on any tangents, and maybe I already have, but all I know is that if I am left to my own devises, most times. It is a small view. I won't negate it's importance, but when it is mixed with allowances, and a free flowing train of thought, than yes, we are all taken care of, and all of our questions, desires, and dreams, are being heard...........


will be......


You may think I am a crazy nut, but inside, it makes sense.

If it makes sense to you, hold on for the ride. If not, you at least opened yourself up to read something that , for some reason, was meant to be in front of you, at this very moment in time.

Who knows why?

It's your road, and, mine too!

Don't have any ideas about how the next moment will be. Let it unfold, and see what gift you get.
Kinda like the Cracker Jack Box. Eat the popcorn slowly. The gift at the bottom of the box isn't going anwhere, so just enjoy eating, savoring the flavor.

Those are the precious moments that I am learning, ARE the gifts, even if it seems as if you are living on the edge.

Maybe truth is ............THE EDGE.

Who knows.

Let's stay tuned, and fill each other in, along the way.

Thanks for hangin' in, listening, and responding.

It's our precious lives that we are contemplating, 24/7.





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