Sunday, September 13, 2009


There is a certain "love/hate" relationship we encounter when our lives are so wide open, to change, to circumstance, and to the unknown.

First, let me say, I say, "love/hate", because it is a known analogy, not because I think I really HATE something, or presume that you actually HATE something, but that it may be something that is just utterly uncomfortable, and maybe against the normal way of us doing things the way we know, or the way in which we think is the "right" way, or plainly, just out of our control.

We may be forced into situations that we have to adjust to, out of a circumstance, and if, by grace, we can possibly feel an openness to "whatever happens next", as the proverbial, "live in the moment" type of talk, than I think we should be screaming from the bleachers. ( can't help but to have a visual of my mom, standing up in the bleachers at my softball games, yelling out, "GO JONER BONER", an endearing term or name she had for me, in all of her innocence, ( me melting at the plate, of course), hoping the game would just continue, but there she was, the only Mom, cheering in the crowd, as cute as could be, in retrospect, of course.

OK, so scream from the bleachers if you think you are at least half way there!

Where is your life right now? Is it exactly where you want it to be? Are you having to compromise a bit? Are you struggling to get to the next day, or wondering how the heck you are going to make it to work? Keep your job?

What? What is it for you?

Ya know what? The circumstance doens't matter, because, if..........key word being IF..... you are WIDE OPEN for the Universe, or God, or whatever name you want to deem your angel, your miracle worker.......IF YOU ARE WIDE OPEN............ life will present, exactly what you need in every precise moment.

It may not look like it, but if you can somehow, sort through what you think SHOULD BE HAPPENING, and take a look at what IS HAPPENING, and see the gifts in THAT, than I think you shall be "rewarded" for your efforts.

What efforts? Your efforts in trusting that life is a series of events that happen, but also, events that you call in yourself, out of your own thought processes. Nonetheless, I think someone out there listens to your requests, and tries, vehemetly to fulfill them, and if you keep your strength in those thoughts, than they will be rewarded, so to speak. So, be careful what you focus on in your spare time, you just might get it...........ahhh, then what to do??

Really! I'm not trying to go off on some esoteric tangent, but just relaying what seems real to me, and if it doesn't to you, that is OK, you did some light reading on a rainy day in Austin, or some computer surfing on a boring Sunday night, somewhere in the world.

Everything is happening for a reason. What that reason is, well.......sometimes we intuitively know, and sometimes it takes a lot of quiet nights, contemplating life, and putting the pieces of the puzzle together, or making regular appointments to see a fine, fine therapist, that either points stuff out, or guides you to the pool of realization and then you do the swimming all on your own.........I dunno, you might have a better selection, or.........none at all.............but........there is always a choice..........

WIDE OPEN, WIDE OPEN, WIDE OPEN............. I envision me opening up my chest, from left to right, stretching my arms out so far to the left and so far to the right, and then standing there, all open and ready for something great to come in......something so phenomenal, that it will knock my socks off, and keep my questioning at bay for awhile.

It's been a long, long time since that has happened.

I want something that will knock my socks off man.

Challenge my ever questioning soul, and give me some solid answers that will back up the mystery of my existence.


C'mon....... I'll make dessert........... good meatballs?

OK, wait, I'm in Texas................ I'LL MAKE GOOD HOT WINGS..................

I'm sure I'll have a crowd at the door!

For the wings or for the offerings of great answers??? We'll see.............

I'm wide open to move in the direction of the wind.........the natural wind that will carry me to the place it knows I want to be.

My lips might be burnin' on the way, but I'll be fine.

Jalapenos and questions answered might suffice for a good night in Austin, inside, doing what I love.

Hop on board the WIDE OPEN SHIP.

It's a party tonight!!!


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