Monday, September 7, 2009


.............things REALLY HAPPEN!

It is one thing to speak of things we would love, or things we would love to have, but it is another thing to actually MAKE IT HAPPEN. Really, no matter what it is!!

I was born a dreamer, and any, any, any thing, I have wanted, I have achieved, or have attained, through persistence, and just being the little shit that I am, I push my way and grunt and grumble until I actually see some results.

Unfortunately, my desires are always so way out there, and seemingly, unattainable, but man, I stop at nothing.

It excites me to know there is no stopping, or anything, ANYTHING, to hold me back.

I'm happy to know, for some reason, that I don't get intimidated easily. Well, maybe I get humbled, and well, just sit back and learn whatever it is that I don't know just yet, but whatever it is, I catch on quickly...........ahem........maybe not with numbers and accounting............ just let me hire someone OK............. please? For that one, at least. Even that, I'll probably get over, and finally get a grip on it so I don't fall prey to "something", and let it get the best of me. At this point in my life, that should be written in stone for me.

That's just me though!

I am in awe of everyday, that when I finally have a moment to think, to not be social, or busy, and just relax into my being........... I go to my zone........which is............always, how am I going to get to my goals?? As I said, "They are not little".

I try to condense my desires, and start one at a time. It can be overwhelming, because there are many, and to try to prioritize is a challenge, really, it is. But at the same time, I don't want to lose sight of anything.

One step at a time.

So, for the last week, I have been so enmeshed in what it REALLY TAKES, to be great!
I don't mean egotistically, I mean, great at your art! Whatever that may be to you.

I think of all of the people that inspire me. Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Baryshnikov, Rakmoninoff, Van Gogh, Emerson, Twain, Einstein, Kahlil Gibran, Hepburn, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, St. Francis of Assisi., Jesus, Christ, Buddha,........there are so many more, Oh, and yes, Michael Jackson, a fine, fine example of how art moves through you, and is not OF you. I can't think of everyone tonight......the poignant ones.......and I'll be bummed that I didn't remember them. I'll have to do a P.S. just so I don't leave them out.

People who went the extra mile, to go beyond themselves, to tap into an internal art, that translates, to us, excellence, in what, we cannot even name, to get the point across, whether it was through music or writing, or dance....... they tapped into the abyss, to bring about great art, a great piece, and they left themselves behind, to execute a fine art, that expresses their love, their infinite passion, for a love that goes way beyond thought, and takes you on a journey that you, yourself, cannot even comprehend.


I think to myself everyday, what does it take to make a fine piece? A craft that only exudes excellence?

To me, and for my craft, that means a lot of alone time, without feeling guilty, or out of the "norm".

Seriously, I think Wow, I am sure Chopin or Tchaikovsky wasn't text messaging, or going to Starbucks on their time off.

They were, more than likely, talked about, shunned, for their diligence. But they had a vision, and even if someone didn't believe in it, or nobody at all, they pioneered their way through, with the absolute assurance that they were on track, for what they saw, as THEIR vision, and that it would somehow, HAVE TO, move people, as it has moved them, the "creators", to a place that in unexplaineable!

I don't think, however, that their thought in all of their ingenious ways, was to set out to "move people".

I don't think that at all! And for myself, that is not a goal.

The goal is to fine tune a god given craft, or your expression, so that a Source beyond you, can sail through you, and whatever may come out of that, is what comes out. It certainly isn't for a praise, or a standing ovation, by any means, at least not for me, anyway.

As a matter of fact, when it does come down to thank yous and whatever the responses are, you sit back and humbly accept something that you don't really feel you aught to take credence for.

It's kind of a ......... Wow, I witnessed the same thing, wasn't that cool? But certainly not as if it was YOU, who did something.

It is an acknowledgement that goes deeper than words can express, but needs to be looked at so that evolution can happen through that medium.

I don't want to space out in New Age Land, where everything becomes esoteric, peace, love and flowers........although, haha, I do have that, but there is a time and a place.


That, to me, needs time, perseverance, diligence, and a razor sharp edge that will allow you the specific time to tap into such a reservoir of knowledge. Your innate beingness, is always there, ready and available to take your hand, to show you the way, to yourself, about yourself, and through yourself.

It will, no doubt, show you who you are, much to your own surprise, and heighten your awareness, into a realm that only speaks to those who are truly listening, to hear the most quiet call........the call that will speak volumes, if you are attuned, and change you in ways that you would never, in a million years, imagine!


Stick to what you know is real and true, even if NO ONE seemingly gets it, or if you find yourself the only one on your team.

There really is no losing in this game. It is YOUR LIFE and who says that any ones comments has anything to do with that...................RIGHT?


Feel your passion. Do whatever it takes to taste that passion, to hear it, smell it, and embrace it, like a warm blanket on a cold night.

Be excited for every possibility.

There are so many, hidden behind what we see on a daily basis.

Take yourself out of that daily grind, that daily "view", and give yourself just a few moments to tap into what you REALLY know to be true.

It is worth the time out.

Spend some time alone. Get away from the TV, the dinners, the IPod, ITunes, computer, and the IPhone, and tell it you'll be there in the morning.

Tonight, check YOU out, and see what it is, NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SEEMINGLY UNATTAINABLE IT IS, and start a check list, a small one, to see what it is that you need to do to start on your journey.

Don't let any thought come in that stops you.

" I don't have the money, the means, the car, the smarts, the anything that your mind comes up with................YES YOU DO.............ALL OF IT..............

NO EXCUSES...............

There is a great saying that I love. It was inscribed in French, on a sword that was given to me from a friend.

The sword is symbolic of Joan of Arc, and her bravery, courage and tenacity to change things that she believed in, against all odds.

The saying is, "Aide toy, Dieu te aidera".............. "God helps those who help themselves".

Go the extra mile, and do something for yourself that no one, NO ONE, else will do for you!

See your own dreams through.

Know that you did your own homework to achieve what you have.

There is power in being your own individual.

There is power in loving yourself enough, to not buy into the mass belief system, that you need to be doing what every other person is doing on the face of the earth, even if you are odd man out!


I'll meet you at the lemonade stand............ c''s 5 cents.............or wait, maybe it's a dollar fifty now.................I've aged.

Go with's the flow I'm talkin' about.

Let God flow through you...................then, you can sit back and laugh at what soared through you............then, only then, does it all seem ok.............and trite..............yet.............. satisfactory!!

Blown away tonight..............

You know where I'm goin.................

Inside, where my only safety, clarity, and Truth lies.

I love you more than ever............

G'nite all!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful expression of your innermost thoughts and feelings. We should all take the time to get to know what makes US tick first and foremost. To many people are trying to figure "others" out but don't know themselves enough, let alone have the capacity to try and attempt to understand another's inner desire.

    Great work!

