Wednesday, September 2, 2009


You know, we go day to day, with our routines, our schedules, our allotted times for this and that, traffic on the way to work, cell phones, and all that stuff that I often reiterate, really, to bring my self back to a check point, and when something so little, so small, happens, and you awaken to it, and really see what life is about, you have to go............WOW, where have I gone to, in my head, or during the day, whichever, just, really, do I need to be thinking all of the thoughts that I think?

Maybe you are wondering where I am going with this, and probably, when I type it out, and you read it, you'll go, "all that for this?". Who knows.

Anyway, me, the thinker, dives in deep everyday. Thought process, anyway. Do I actually want to as much as I do? MMMM??? Probably not, but, it is in this make-up of Gabriela, so, I go with it.

Anyway, it is such a "retreat", so to speak, to experience the lightness of being, when it is in front of me.

I came home from work, late tonight, and since the dogs are usually in for many hours, it is what I go for, before anything.

They welcome me with the greatest gift I could ever receive. Really, it is unquestionable! I really don't know what I would want more, at this point in my life.

So, I came home, and there is my one big baby, (really, they are all babies, but a few personalities are like some people we know, they don't need all of the attention, sit in the background, and just wait till you are good and ready). 2 of my dogs are like that. The other two, well, bark, bark, bark, until I pet, love and adore them, and just satisfy them for a bit, After all, they have been alone in a house for 10 hours or so. (don't let me get ridden with guilt OK?)

So, I did the whole routine, which I won't go into, it's too long, and you really don't want to know it, although there are tons of gems in it, even if you think I'm just letting them out to poop. This is when I wish I were backed up with some great animal lovers, who could explain to the layman, just what it is to coexist with these creatures, these amazing souls that are not given the credence that they oh so need, or should I say deserve.

I have an amazing communication system that happens with my animals. You may not know it if you were to come over, or hang out with us for awhile, but in my alone time, with them, it is a world that, really, you couldn't imagine, only if you were there, on the same page, with the silent language that happens, so deeply, and effortlessly, and on a level that, even baffles me, and keeps me questioning, and guessing, and leaves me so amazingly intrigued, to understand their existence, just as much as mine. It is pretty powerful!!

Well, now that i mentioned all of that, the real reason that provoked me to write, was something so little, and sweet, that, how I got off on that tangent, is, well..............spontaneous writing, at it's best.

I had washed all of their bed covers, so, with 4 dogs, you better have beds around, and thick, good ones, because Arthritis runs in this family, so........ therapeutic beds please!

I had washed all of the covers and didn't have time to put them back on before work, so I just left the beds outside.

My one dog, has walked around the house as if I have taken his best friend away. I said before I went to work, "I'll be home to put your beds together, because they sit there like, "Hello" Mom?", uhhhh, beds please?!

Of course I'm all guilt ridden that they are lying on Satillo Tile for 10 hours. Get a grip Gabriela.

So, I came home, and as soon as I got in, I started putting the beds together, and the look on Tippies face when his bed was put back in HIS SPOT, was unbelievable!! I know this sounds so trite, so small, and well, whatever it seems, but ..............

When I saw him sinking into his bed, he literally became a different dog. Relaxed, not stressed, allowing, trusting, and layed there soooo "unwanting", of anything, but my affection, and even if that wasn't there, he was so happy that his comfort zone was put back in tact.

The symbolism in this blew me away, as I witnessed his reaction to the bed, back in his spot, and the amount of comfort he felt, lying there, in a space he felt comfortable and safe.

He doesn't normally let me pet him without getting jittery or nervous, or scared, or fearful that I am going to do something out of the ordinary.

He layed back and was so vulnerable, so trusting and allowing of me to pet him in a way that was comfortable and safe, and wow, did he become something so incredibly different.

As I witnessed this, I began to see the symbolism in it all, and how simple life really is.

How, really, we all just really want to find some kind of spot, that is familiar, and that feels good, and safe, that we can retreat to on a daily basis. Something that you absolutely KNOW will be there for you, no matter what.

And, if that is removed, you can adapt, but especially, if it feels safe, and trusting, and you allow yourself to let that "something" in, you kind of don't want to adapt to anything else. I mean, why, if that thing feels so good, and safe and all of the the adjectives that would describe GOOD, to you.

I saw how over the last few days, he was agitated, at going to his spot, and his safe place was not where it always is, and he would walk around the spot, wanting it, but, it just wasn't there, so he would find the next best thing, but you could see, that couch just wasn't happenin' for him. It just wasn't his "spot".

But when I got his cover out of the dryer, and he saw me take it out, saw me dress his bed, he became a different "dog", and energy that could not be mistaken, a language understood, yet, never spoken.

He taught me so many things about my own life, in 10 minutes of coming home.

I could spell out the whys and the how's, but please, fill in the blanks for yourself on this one.

Life is so damn potent.

I don't have to dig for answers, they always seem to be right there for me, and for my own taking, if I am open.

This is the perfect example of how, if we tune in, within, there really are no questions to be asked, about where we are, or what is happening.

These gem filled moments, speak so many volumes, and yet, tomorrow morning will come, and we will be right back where we were, before we entered the house, to an incredible awakening, which is probably in a state of worry, or wonderment, for a future plan, or some god forsaken thing that isn't in our immediate vortex.

Isn't that the way it is? Everything outside of this very precise moment?

I speak volumes, to myself, and laugh. I teach myself things, and try to apply them. I listen to my own words, my own intuition, and learn.

I am a student unto myself.

I think I really like that.

Let me say it again, for you, and for me.



Let's contemplate that for a moment, see how genius it is, and plant that seed, in a very organic garden...........and for god's sake, if we need some Miracle Grow, run to Home Depot and get it already..................let's get this party rockin'!!!

Read between the lines, and make of these writings what you need to, for you.

I am............every step of the way. I promise you.............. "something speaks to me", and guides me along the way...........and really, guys............that is all we can ever trust, and truly depend on. We will always be our own very best friend, the one who will never turn away from us, the one who will never hurt you, or guide you wrong.

If you listen, close enough, you'll hear yourself, speak Truths that you will never find in any book............... or anywhere, for that matter.

On your ride to Home Depot, pick that "person" up, and get to know them.

They compliment Miracle Grow......................

You'll see!!

(wink wink)

Need I say I love you anymore?


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