Sunday, September 27, 2009


I swear, I really do stand by this..........but there are a few things to say in between.

The Unknown can be so awesome!!! If you can find yourself in the right place, and good inside, the Unknown is the ONLY.............ONLY PLACE TO RESIDE!

But, like I said, you really have got to be good with yourself, and in a place to accept, and deal with anything, ANYTHING, I say, that comes your way, and be willing to look at it square in the face, look at your fears revolving around it, look at the excitement that may surround it, and every other feeling that surfaces.

I will tell you that this is a deep statement. I will never tell anyone, that coming face to face with the unknown is easy. I truly don't think it will ever be easy. The UNKNOWN IS THE UNKNOWN, therefore, it makes itself a huge mystery, something intangible, and something that you will never wrap yourself around, so if you are someone who needs answers right away, exit stage left, right now.

In my own experience, it has been my best friend, my nemesis, my teacher, the thing I scream at in my alone time, the thing I cry for, in gratitude every night, the thing that keeps me staring at the stars, the moon, and the beauty in each of my days, it keeps my dreams alive, my spirit, awake, my faith, strong, my love, on fire, and me, inside, a solid individual, who knows who she is, in the midst of..............the ...........NOT KNOWING.

I will never, ever, stop questioning, and the unknown keeps me on my toes. It is like a lover who never tells you whole heartedly, everything they feel about you.............. in one sense, you want to slap them upside the head, and the other part of you embraces a kind of spark, that wants to know more, and allows you to love that much more. I know that sounds crazy, and no, I don't want a lover that keeps something from me on purpose, but you all know the scenario. The boy, or girl who chases after you isn't AS interesting as the one who is a tad bit aloof, and doesn't actually cater to you 24/7. Sad but true. It isn't my rule, or even something I thought about, until I realized my own stupid patterns. It is what it is.

The unknown shows up in so many ways.

The moment to moment life is just phenomenal, like I said, if you are used to it, and you get it, and you are not fighting it.

Trust me, I would not have said this a month ago, or even 6 months ago. It depends what has transpired, where you are inside, and if you can actually hold on for the Magic Carpet Ride that it takes you on.

Right now, I think I can actually step back and give myself a few pats on the back for enduring some rides that I guess I signed up for. Must have been at 5 am when I was delirious, or when I was so cozy, under my blanket, that when I was asked, I just said yes to the ride out of a common courtesy sort of thing, just so I could get back to my pillow, rubbing my kitty to sleep, and knowing I didn't have to get up for one reason or the other.

Man, life really is a huge, huge, balancing act. You'd think I was in the circus for some years, juggling the things that life offers.

Not just me, I see my friends, my co-workers juggling the same, and I wonder, if life is just happening so we can truly learn ONE BIG FAT LESSON. Not tons of lessons, just ONE WHOLE, WORLDLY, GREAT BIG FAT LESSON!

Shoot, what would that be?

Simply to LOVE?


Could we actually pick ONE WORD?

If so, what would it be?

If there was JUST ONE LESSON, and we had to narrow it all down, what would it be?

I see in my life that there are a ( I'm going to say this because I heard someone say it the other day, and I know it is a Texas thing, but it made me laugh so hard)........ I know there are a SHIT TONE, (shit tone.....isn't that hilarious?).......the real funny thing is that I actually found a place for it in my sentence, so how is that for me? hahahah

Where did my sentence go? I know there are a shit tone of things that I learn, but if I had to put it all under one umbrella, I could probably narrow it down to one word, or one lesson, and call it a life, what about you?

What would yours be?

Right at this very moment in time, I think after months and months of certain life's events, it all has allowed me the privilege to make my way back to this precise moment. To feel life, to experience life in every exact moment.

In that knowing, in retrospect, it allows for me to see that the situations that have occurred have not been so bad after all, but truly, in all honesty, that is in total retrospect. I am a student guys. I ain't gonna pretend. It's not all that easy sometimes, but I love the "in retrospect" thing. I feel as if I have made it to the other side or somethin'.

Actually, I have.

Today, as I was cooking my breakfast, I stood there, in such awe. I felt the affects of my morning spent outside on my deck, right after I woke up. I went right outside, on my deck, early, and wasn't even fully awake yet, but went out there anyway. I saw how gorgeous it was, and made myself wake up, just to go out there to experience the sunrise, the quietude, and the magnificence of nature, so early on. I half slept, half looked around. Was so blazingly amazed at what I have in my life, and how it is truly ludicrous to make up how I think my days should go, and to just soak in what life offers, especially in those moments when nature, and life, god, whatever you want to deem it, is giving you amazing gifts beyond your wildest imagination.

I hung out there. My cat came out, my dog followed, and there it was. A crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy perfect morning, watching them, hearing the birds, squirrels, and whatever other creature was out there making the "noises" that I adore, and look forward to everyday.

Anyway, I pondered those thoughts, making my eggs, and as I was churning the salt shaker onto my eggs, I literally was transported to a reality that would take a whole blog to itself.

Just turning the nozzle, hearing the salt grind, and the sound of it sifting out onto the eggs, in the pan, took on a life of it's own. My senses were so alive, so open, and willing to take on any and every conscious teaching that there could be on the entire planet.

I do know, in that moment, something transpired. My body reverberated the sound of silence, and the embodiment of Truth that comes along with being able to hear, so intimately, just what the "Universe" has to share, through any medium that you allow it to.

For me, it was the salt shaker, the sunrise, the horse, on my walk, the budding flowers along the way, the Sage bush, blazing with lavender color, that made me take 10 pictures, the donkey and it's mate, approaching me, and my curious dogs, cooking in silence, walking the property, in such a gratitude, that coming home, I had to actually sit for a bit, to take it all in.

I don't write for anything other than simply expressing my true heart. I am aware that it may seem as if it is "this, or that", but if you know me by now, I just don't care.

Call me a free bird, call me a gypsy, a hippie, an incense burnin', meditation queen.........let's see, what other name would someone call me, Patchouli Princess, .......I dunno. I laugh at it all!

It's all good. I'm good with myself. I can laugh along with you. I will say, though, that it is a huge trip.

There is a very fine line, of who truly gets it, and who, maybe doesn't, but is OK............ we all realize we are all on different paths. I say, "all leading to the same place", and maybe someone, will say no, but yes, we all want to be free, in one way or the other.

Don't get me started, again.

It all DOES, go under the umbrella of the unknown, and that's it!

Your umbrella can say, God, Universe, Unknown, Nameless, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, and all of the others that are there, just not with me right now.

We will have to continue the UNKNOWN category.

There is so much to be said, and if I would just get my first book going, and done with, we would have a head start, but you, and me, will have to wait, just a bit for that.

I have some cob webs to clear out.

I love you all so much.

Whether you read these or not, it is an honor to even have you contemplate my thoughts.

They are no different than yours............and if they are, they are no different in the way that, we are both questioning our existence, just in different ways.

Touche' to you, in your way of thinking. Even if it isn't congruent to mine. You are pushing the limits of time and space, and relaying your individual self.

I high five that any day................any day!!

We'll catch up.

I love you so very much,


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