Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Where, or what, is it that makes you feel the most safe? Is it someone? Some particular thing, some place, or just a feeling inside that coats you with a warmth that is only given by you, and your own experience?

When I say safe, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are in some kind of harm, or danger, but the physical sensation of feeling safe, like you are completely at rest, and not in any way, shape or form exposed to something that is a out of that realm, is what I want to look at and ask.

When are you feeling most safe? Where are you? Who is there? What do you smell, taste, touch, and hear?

Really, go there, and get back to me. Take your time.

There is no reason, why, at any point and time, you should feel UNSAFE!

Granted, I realize some things are out of our control, and that never will make it right, but it does happen.

But I want to say to you, that even if the outside circumstances are out of your control, and they are seemingly unsafe, that there are choices for us to feel SAFE, and ways to get to a calm ground.

We may not be able to access where that may be, or wrap our brains around how to do it, but with a genuine willingness, and an open heart, life will present someone, or something, to show you just how to access that information, from a very simple and a basic level.

The truth is, if we are depending on someone for that safety, and security, and don't actually know it, innately, we are leaving ourselves susceptible and vulnerable, to be able to fight, in ways that we may not know how.

No matter who you are, male or female, we all need to know how to access a safe place, whether it be physical, or mental.

We can't just go on thinking that we will always be safe, just existing.

This is not a scare blog, just a reality check blog, tonight.

Especially for my women friends who depend on their male counterparts to take care of business, or to feel safe and comforted.

Pretend you are alone!

What would you do different?

Even if you are in relation with someone, do you feel safe INSIDE? You may feel safe on that outside, but are you feeling safe on the inside?

Just a question to ask if you would like.

I want us all to be free from harm, diving into safe abyss' with no reservation.

How about you?

Let's be aware, eyes peeled, and arms down, loving and accepting what is in our lives, and not being paranoid about what may or may not happen.

It's all about awareness, right?

Stay tucked in tonight, in your safe little place, and be grateful for that cuddly place. It is rare.

Get an extra blanket for me...............

We can have a slumber party..........

xoxoxo gabriela

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