Sunday, September 20, 2009


.......... the most incredible times of my life.

I mean, god, there are sooooooooo many, eclectic moments, so may amazing trips that I have experienced, that I don't know where to start.

I did, however, pan on a time in my life, for some reason, today, as I walked forever, with my dogs, oh god, so innocently.............. it was the greatest day.

It was my day off, and I often let it take me to wherever it may, and it just excites me to know that there will be no contact with people, no phones, and for the most part, no Internet, or anything like that. ( I kinda had to for certain reasons, but hay...... it ended at 2).

I went on a long hike with 2 of my dogs...... it was magical.............innocent beyond belief.......I wondered if I'd ever come back........ I truly get transported into a consciousness that beckons me to come back, to not compromise, and to listen to the call that is so blatantly in my face, it's not even funny..............

I actually melt........ literally melt.....on those hikes, those walks, that speak to me, that talk in a language that only a hungry soul could hear.

It is not boredom, it is not an is the total awareness that a soul is hungry for so much more that what is before it, yet, really can't negate it's purpose here, right in the moment, for me.

On my walk, I remembered a few kindred spirits, that I came upon,on my journey, in New Mexico.

I worked at an outdoor market, that is actually a famous market, for travelers abroad, and for the locals. Literally, the place to go on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, and spend all day, buying the most eclectic, art, sculptures, jewlery, you name it.

I had regulars like, James Taylor, Carol Burnett, and Ali Mcraw.

They would come to my booth for Shiatsu, or for some herbal blend that would help them in some way......... how so very exciting that was..........

Anyway, I'm not trying to name drop, in any way, just kind of panned on my time and some specific moments, but those actually weren't the moments I wanted to talk about.

The moments I thought about, were the moments at the market, the friends that I met, and how it impacted my life, at the time, and really, after tonight, seeing how these people stuck with me, unbeknownst to them.

I had a spot at the booth, every weekend.

I did Shiatsu, all types of specific body work, and too, sold herbs and herbal combinations that were specifically made for whatever ailment you had, tinctures that would cure your worst bodily enemy........

New Mexico is eclectic......... I loved it. People were diversified, went out of the normal "box" of thinking, and did what they wanted, artistically, spiritually, and mentally, just went for it. It was such a turn on for me. Nothing really was stale. I always felt as if I was evolving at a great speed.

I would go to the market every weekend, and there were the "regulars", and man, did I love them!

To get to the point, there were a few people that really stuck with me, and at the time, shook me out of my little brain, and into a consciousness that, otherwise would have been dormant, and questioning, as usual........

I had a woman, whom, I cannot remember her name, in this moment, but she and her husband had a spot at the market.

They had a vehicle that they MADE THEMSELVES. It looked like a house. A wooden house. When you looked inside, it was so pristine, everything, I mean, everything you would ever need to exist on, was in that car, truck, home, whatever you would want to call that homemade vehicle of love.

God they were cool!

Yes, they would be the people you would see and say, "Woa, they are messed up", but NNNNOOOOOO....... they are the ones that knew what the heck they were talkin' about.

Look, I ain't no dummy, ok......... I am a good judge of character......... and maybe this comes down to personal preference........or personal political views, I dunno.......

These guys would park their vehicle for the weekend, size you up for shoes that they would make right there for you, and too, share the most incredible love, Truth, and simple life, that you would walk away least questioning your very existence, your diet, your choice of words, your actions, your attention span, your actual interest, or no interest in what was before you........... your every, every thing.

Look, it is never what it seems. These people would have looked as if they were "bag" people.

It is so far from the Truth. They became my friends. They sized me up.......... they made me moccasins...........and beautiful ones at I would challenge them to make me certain "hippie" like shoes and boots, just to have an excuse to go back to their booth, since I had already bought all that I could buy from them in a day.

They would come to my booth to get worked on, or to buy some bag of herbal mixture for their liver or spleen, or something that they challenged me to concoct for their bodies.

I see their vehicle now. They lived and worked out of their vehicle. It sort of looked like a log cabin home, on wheels, and it was amazingly done. They built it themselves.

They were simple. They ate well. They were in tune with their bodies, and most of all, stood in the face of society, being themselves, and didn't change for anyone!!!! Really stood tall and confident in their skin.

They stayed themselves no matter what people said. And trust me, people had much to say about them, and I clung to them. I related, big time! They were, to me, something to make a stink about.

Just because they "looked like" something, or lived out of "something", people said they were messed up, or on drugs, or man....they made up a thousand excuses to why they would THAT simple, that "lonely", and trust me, they were not lonely, all kinds of opinions, and everything but positive.

Hay, I will tell you..........they were simple, pure, no nothin kind of people who wanted to give, to serve, and to just, actually BE.............amongst society, really, because that is where they "ended up", and was making the very absolute best out of who they were in a messed up society.


I know it may be different, but please, just look at it, and see if it may be something that is real, and even if it is not in your vortex, come out of your box..............come out of your box that says, "this is all I know", and allow your eyes to open to someone elses world that may be completely different than yours, but neither one, is higher, lower, better or worse. I think it is all in how you handle yourself, and what YOU are comfortable with.

I think we all want to be understood.

I'm not sayin' that my friends wanted to be understood, but when I look at the situation, I see, yes, we all, in some way, want to be understood.

Those people showed me a kind of life, and experience that rarely exists.

They lived what I dream about most times........maybe not living out of a cabin that drives on 183, but just the pure and simple life, devoid of so many things that take up so much of our time. I don't have to go naming them all, especially if you are an avid "Quote Reader" of mine.

They stayed true to themselves, without worrying about what people would think, they looked in your eyes, stayed there, and actually felt comfortable and could carry on a conversation without looking away. They shared their innermost "secrets", and let you know, they weren't really "secrets", just eclectic life, happening, mayabe different than yours, but nonetheless, no judegements.

They shared themselves NAKED and RAW.

They really didn't care what they shared, they just shared it, and if it affected you, it did, if not, it was just information from a being that had a "thought", and you either got it, or you didn't.

Nothing good or bad.

I really wish you had that experience.

My words just don't do any justice to the situation.

I guess I wanted to share the amount of purity, the grand opportunities that we have, and to not negate any experiences that have come before us, whether we have a "negetive" experience with it, or a "positive" experience.

It all starts meshing together under the umbrella of LEARNING HOW TO BE, and to stay as nuetral as we can, to remain connected inside, and to not budge from that spot.

Thank you to those kinds of kindred spirits that teach me who I am and to never compromise who I am for anything.


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