Tuesday, September 1, 2009


You know how they do personality tests, and all kinds of other tests to see what kind of this, you are, and what kind of that, you are, if you are a true Scorpio, or a true Leo, positive this, negative that, optimist, realist....... god, I can go on forever with all of the topics that can come up.

What is the label for someone that constantly contemplates life, on a daily basis, who is so passionate about unraveling the great mysteries of life, the great puzzle.......... the web of life......... whatever you want to deam it?

Maybe it is just like any "profession", or, obsession, or passion.............. you just glom onto something that you believe in, or like any great detective, will do anything, at all costs, to get to the core of what it is that you want to know.

They live and breathe that existence. Sometimes they just can't even eat, because they are so fixated on what it is that they are trying to unravel.

People look at them as if they need to lighten up, or get a life, and there they are, in their perfectly sensible life, because it is what THEY WANT to be fixated on.

God, we are all so different, in what our aspirations are, what it is that we want to focus on, and spend our hours contemplating.

I don't judge anyone for what they want to "visit", in their spare time. It tells volumes, as to where you are, and what you are about.

No good or bad, just tells a story. An individual story that usually correlates to your little soul, on it's own journey. Kinda why we do the things we do, even if it is "trivial."

For some, it may be very quiet and subdued.

For others, it may be outlandish, obscure, and not something that is easily related to.

Nonetheless, they all have a valid story line, and usually, almost 100%, can tell why, you are the way you are.

I don't think, quite honestly, that people are interested in looking at themselves that closely. It brings up too many wounds, or difficult realities that maybe they don't feel like dredging up.
I don't blame them.

Why dredge up the past?

Well, it does help in rediscovering what has occurred in the past, to get us to a new, and different clear picture, more objective, at least, to see things from a birds eye view, to be able to lighten up on ourselves for things we did, that we may have wanted to change, or, too, things that were out of our control, that we could not change, but went with it anyway.

I hope I am not losing you. When writing for myself, and also including you, it becomes much more generalized, and not so, to the point, but, I think in all of my efforts, you will easily read between the lines, and create your own personal story line, that will fit my topic of interest.

If not, that is OK too. You will wind up reading about what Gabriela thinks of each night, and probably will know, that, yes, she is always unraveling some puzzle, because, if she wasn't, she'd be looking for one, in some other arena.

That is just, "Gabriela".

To each his own, right?

Be passionate about your puzzle in life!!

Why are you here?

How do the people in your life relate to your story line?

Are they supposed to be there to help, or hinder? And, if the ladder? Why aren't you making a change for yourself?

Narrow it down. See what your intuitive self says, (and listen closely, because it never steers you wrong), and go by that. Against all odds!

Look at your life and wonder.................just wonder about things............ think about them............ see those thoughts through..................... don't be afraid to tread on uncharted territory.......... after all, what can happen in the deep recesses of your mind?

It'll be like watching a movie you loved, or, just didn't get much. You may rent, or "revisit" that movie, to see if you actually got the message that they were trying to convey. Hay, you rented it a second time for SOME reason, right?

Think about it!

I guess in all of my wants and needs, one would be that EVERYONE WOULD BE AS PASSIONATE as I am about unraveling the mysteries of life, to check their individual lives out, on a different scale, other than what "seems apropos", and dive head on into making a clear picture out of it, instead of just a "put together puzzle", out of a guess, that this is where the piece goes.

I'm crazy tonight.

My day allowed me to visit various places within, and in all of it's colors, it has managed to paint several colors. Now I just have to figure out, what the heck kind of picture it is THIS week.

I'm sure it will be a masterpiece.............that is...............if................I LET IT!

Let YOUR story line be a masterpiece, no matter what it looks like!!

It's a good way to think, and.............to be!!

Goodnight sweet friends,

You, are my inspiration, and the reason for me
writing, so diligently.

Thank you from the deepest part of my soul.

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