Wednesday, October 28, 2009


If anyone knows me, they know that I can be the silliest thing on earth. Always cracking jokes, making faces, trying to box anyone in sight, poking at you for fun, messing up your hair, giving you noogies, dancing around you, just being a goof ball.

Honestly, if I didn't have that in my life.......... I would say, "Where is the razor?"

It is of utmost importance to me, that I laugh, joke around and make light of life, even in the midst of craziness.

Really, though, why wouldn't we? If we can somehow get objective enough to allow some good ol' laughter in, make a joke or two, and conjure up some goofy looking face, than what is it all about anyway? Being serious because THIS IS WORK, or THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE FUNNY........ or YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW IS CHAOTIC, YOU BETTER GET SERIOUS.........NO LAUGHING NOW...........

Whatever........ yes it is!

And, If I am not laughing, than you might as well pull me aside and tickle me to death.

I'm not talking about really serious situations, like death or trauma, but life situations that you can't really change, and if you have to go through the process anyway, you might as well do it by cracking yourself or someone else up. Right? Have a ball!

I goof around at work so much, sing, dance, make faces, all kinds of things......... with my fellow workers, and anyone, really, who is around, that it makes it all that much easier, and fun, to make a very long day, light, and fun, and worth all the hours you put in.

If I had the mind set that I was at a job, doing paper work, inventory, delegating, counting bottles of wine, or whatever the case may be, I'd go nuts, wondering what the hell I was doing there!

There has to be an element of you involved, to make your learning process worthwhile. Kind of like in school when you would be yawning, and there you were, reaching into your pocket for some gum or something that you weren't supposed to have, or staring at your friend from across the room, making faces during a history lesson.

SOMETHING........SOMETHING .............. to break up the monotony. Oh , and here comes the history teacher, ready to reprimand me, but, the risk was worth it. It broke up the boredom, or the long hours of listening to George Washington and his Trek, or how the wars were back in the day. (gun in right pocket..........pull trigger when ready)

I am learning tons of new things. Some things aren't so easy, they stretch me a bit, and some things I can put on a bandanna, and skate through it like it was there from birth.

None of this means I don't like certain things. It may just be that I have preferences, and the new things that come my way are a bit challenging, and can be deemed a huge pain in the ass, yet, when I come home, and think about things, I think, "Wow, well, maybe that wasn't so bad, and maybe this is a stepping stone for something else bigger". Who knows.

All I know is, is that whatever is happening in my life, I need to keep my crazy sense of humor, share it, and remember the divine joke in all of this.

We truly are, on borrowed time. I believe that! I have a ton of "serious" things going on, but if I don't separate myself from it, in a healthy and conducive way, I will buy into some belief that THIS IS ALL THERE IS, AND THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT!

I know that not to be true.

I will support myself with my own beliefs, and share them with you in case they make any sense to you.

If you use it, great, we will be on the same raft, out there in the big blue ocean of love.

Just remind me, if I think I cannot float..........there is always............always...........a tube nearby, to throw out and relax upon.

Trust me, I'll do the same!

FYI.........I do like those floats that have the cup holders on the know, for a beer, or a Margarita............might as well float comfortably..................hahaha.

Love you all,
and am smiling big,
for no darn reason at all!

Kudos for me!

How bout you?


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