Sunday, October 4, 2009


We all want to feel secure, to know that if we leave a relationship or job, if we sell a house, or a car, that there will be an even better one right there for us so we won't have to feel any anxiety, loneliness, stress, or uncertainty.

How many times have you said to yourself, "I can't leave my job until I find another good one,", or"I can't let this relationship go, even though your partner said sayanara a few months before hand,........ahhhh, oh my god, what if I never meet anybody as funny, or as this, or as that???"

The truth is, you won't create what you ultimately crave in your heart, until you make a leap of faith and destroy what is no longer serving you, so that something that WILL serve you can move on in. No deposit required!

Easier said than done, I do know that, but I am exploring this WITH YOU, and unveiling things as I stay with me okay?

Life may actually work this way because we are meant to learn about FAITH. Faith in whatever it is that you believe in. God, the Universe, the Source, make your own label, it doesn't matter to me, at all, what you choose, so long as you are a genuinely a happy person.

We need Faith in our ability to create, and faith in our ability to handle any situation for a temporary period of time.

If you have no faith, if you can't deal with uncertainty, or loneliness, or even poverty, then you will always be a prisoner to what seems to be your needs but, really, are your desires.

You can always handle so much more than what you think you can. I am my own true example of that.

I have raised my own eyebrows. I startle myself, with my elasticity, and my willingness. It's hard to grasp sometimes, and then sometimes, in my moments of deep contemplation, I don't raise an eyebrow, because there is such a grand, grand, infinite amount of strength, inside of us all, to cope, to try to understand, or to just hang with any circumstance that comes our way.

We are so much more powerful than we think we are.

The good news is that when you jump into life, maybe even blindfolded, but with both feet first, you usually don't have to deal with the things you fear the most, for too long, because life does want to "reward" you for putting your dreams over your fears.

Look, I know this can all sound so esoteric, so full of great thoughts, but maybe your reality is seemingly far away from this consciousness, as mine can be, trust me, until I remind myself, of what is real, and try to lasso myself in, to an honest, and maybe harsh reality.

We all deal with things in our own way, and in my experience, as we get older, it gets different, harder, I guess.

Depending on our own individual lifestyles.

I'll keep my life to the book I'm working on. Don't compare yourself to anyone. You truly never do know, what has happened to someone, the effects it has had on them, and how that transpires into their everyday existence.

As soon as you do have a thought, no matter what it is, take it back............just take it back. You will never wrap yourself around someones psyche!! And they, to you. Just allow people to be.

We can try for the good ol' Vision Boards, the Actions speak louder than words", the "You are what you think", "You attract what you are".........and those are ALL GREAT THOUGHTS, AND DEFINITE "RULES" TO FOLLOW............ if that is what you believe in, of course, but the bottom line is............ Where are you inside? Ask yourself, every once in awhile, "Hay, what do I want?" And stream line it from there. You really don't have to get all heady, and caught up in the how's, the whys and all of that.

Check inside. Get quiet. Give yourself a moment to decipher the "you", from the YOU!

Listen to hunches, try to keep you thoughts in the moment, and not worry, from moment to moment, how your life is going to turn out.

Ya know, I have learned with myself, that, my most glorious moments, are when I stay right here, with whatever is happening, it could be music, it could be sitting outside, shoot, it could be cleaning the toilet.........but man, I'm cleaning that toilet, and I'm doing it 100%. Or, whatever it is, I'm not drifting into what bill needs to be paid, or how this is, or how that is. It may be a reality, but in THIS MOMENT, all is well, and I allowed myself the freedom to just BE, with whatever it is that I was doing. I let myself off the hook in a way, ya know?

Where is our FAITH, that everything truly WILL BE OK, no matter what the circumstance?

It takes a lot to keep it strong, to keep it consistent, and to nurture that part of us that isn't so supported, or acknowledged.

I am here, giving you faith, giving you permission to say to yourself............. I HAVE FAITH IN ANY AND EVERYTHING I WANT, SO THEREFORE, I WILL GET IT.

Do whatever you need to do. Light a candle, say a prayer, talk to God, stare at the sky, do whatever it is that keeps you connected and gives you some higher vision, other than what you robotically do everyday.

I am so there with you.

Keep the Faith,


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