Saturday, October 31, 2009


..........old people where Polyester!

Don't laugh!

Well........go ahead, you can. It's kinda funny, to read that as an opening line, and probably wonder where I'm going to go with that one.

Hay, I'm all about the full circle thing.

I do have a method to my madness!

I was walking my dogs, as that is a luxury these days, and was so darn excited to be outside, in nature, with the ones that make my life most happy. That is no lie. With any given choice, they take the cake!

They are innocent, make me laugh so hard out loud, and bring me straight to the place that I adore, which is innocence. Innocence of the raw being.

It is child like. It is raw and unfiltered.

It is life, blown up, in all of it's colors, and shapes, looking so beautiful, so untainted, and full of laughter, fun [;p''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( sorry, my cat wants to be a part of my emailing tonight...... another gem of innocence.

How can we really take anything seriously when things like this happen? I mean, really!

I look at my cat right now and think, this is the best thing that has happened to me all day!

I need real! I need Innocence! I need Old School, where we can freely talk about being excited about popcorn at the movies, or why we feel great wearing our flannel pajamas with a shirt that doesn't even match, and fuzzy, comfortable socks that wouldn't match anything you would ever buy in a lifetime, but man, YOU ARE COMFORTABLE, and you are walking around your house with a huge question mark as far as your appearance, and just laughing....... I LOVE THAT!!

One of my secret things that I love, (after tonight, it won't be secret), is that in my alone time, I unveil.

I am kind of everything that no one else sees.

I think there are many sides to all of us, and one solid side of me, is that, I want to JUST BE.

However that shows up.

Maybe I AM THE OLD PERSON IN POLYESTER, who feels comfortable, at that age, and doesn't really give a rats ashtray as to what they look like, so long as they are comfortable in their skin, and in their environment.

Way long ago, I would have said, "They are just old", but now, I look at it, as smart, and objective, and just plain old people who want to feel comfortable walking around.

Kudos for my old peeps.

I always have and always will think that old people and kids have the most intelligence! There is a deep intelligence that comes with those two titles, unbeknownst to them, or hay, maybe they do know, and I am the kindergartner?!

I never underestimate anyone!!

Kids teach me, adults teach me, everyone, really........... teaches me........... !

Why shouldn't some one like me feel comfortable in flannel and be accepted? Why do certain girls have to wear certain things to be "Attractive?"

Why do old people get thrashed?

So, the seem to their pants in the back go off to the side a little.......... do you know how many people make fun of that? I did with my grandmother.

I used to say, "GRAM, PLEASE PULL YOUR PANTS TO THE MIDDLE", and she'd laugh at me, like, Why care?

I'd tug it back to the middle, and somehow that made me feel better. I'm sure in her head it was like, "Whatever makes you feel good honey". She'd let me do it, and we'd laugh.

Can we truly transport ourselves to their existence, and feel what they are feeling, at that age and time frame, and still make the same judgement?

Can we actually be objective enough to at least see, that we are in a different time and space, and we really don't get where they are, or are we just going to say, "Look how messed up they look in that outfit!" I don't, but see others and hear their opinions and wow, I think I did that at age.........hmmm, not sure it was so long ago.

You will understand that "outfit" in time, and kick yourself in the butt for slaughtering some old couple for what you see, as "their digs".

It WILL BE your digs, at some point and time.

Go out on a limb!

Do you really want to be wearing those tight jeans? Tight shirts?

I know it looks cool, but what do you feel inside?

Maybe you feel like wearing a white T-Shirt and jeans? Is that comfortable for you?

Just what IS comfortable for you?

Not, IN STYLE, but comfortable!

Can you stand in the line of scrutiny and stand by your own feeling of what feels right and good for you, venture out for the day, and be OK with all of the opinions?

I challenge you on that one.

It is an ever growing experience, into our own true selves, to stick to what is right for us, and us only, and not care a hoot about others opinions.

Maybe they should make that a course you take in college, or maybe even get a degree on.

Staying True to Who You Are!

Wadya think?

I like all of the sides that I can play, and want to feel comfortable in whatever it is that I choose, whether it be jeans and boots, girlie clothes, boy clothes, or some other something that I may conjure up, just because I feel like it. Who knows if it is IN, OR IN STYLE. I'm so behind the times............ I just know what I like.

Feel good in what you like!

Who cares what anyone else says.

The most beautiful thing is...............YOU...................and your clothing has nothing to do with who you are, how sexy you are, or not, or what type of people you need to be hanging around, dependant on what clothes your "vessel".

Stay fluid in your vessel!

Have fun with whatever garb is in your dressing room, in this gigantic play that we are in............

There are many plays to be had.

Keep it fun.

With all of my lighthearted love and laughter,


  1. Love it! I just recently turned 48 (and that's ancient for a gay man) and have been mourning my loss of youth and the fact that I become more invisible to younger, hotter guys every day. This is a reminder of the upside of getting old and maybe it's ok to just let go and be comfortable, and not care what others think about how I look.

  2. Right on!

    I'm not saying don't wear cute clothes, but at some point, the clothes will be taken off, the hair will be messed up, and they will wonder where the "you" are, when,really, THERE YOU ARE!

    That is why I say, if you are going on a date, show up not to impress, because you know that is going to wilt down, and you will wind up doing what feels comfortable anyway. Why give someone the wrong impression?

    This way, they see the real you, and anything after that is either, the same you, or something else that may be icing on the cake, not something you have to constantly measure up to.

    48, it's not too late!!!! xoxo
