Thursday, October 15, 2009


Some people just can't fathom being alone for an extended amount of time. They think that it is boring, they feel alone, and wonder why in the hell ANYONE would want to choose to be alone for more than a short period of time.

I think it is almost pertinent that we all get a good gap of time to spend with ourselves, to get to know ourselves out of the typical relationship, or being social 24/7 and to just check it all out, to see what we are like in those moments where you're just biting your nails, to go out, to do something, be with someone, have sex, get crazy, or do whatever your mind wants to busy yourself with.

Those are some awesome times, really! You get to see a side of you that only comes out every blue moon, when a situation is forced upon you, to be alone.

Maybe you will busy it up with stuff, maybe you will choose to watch TV, or to just not care, or want to think about it.

Maybe you will want to think about it, and it will be a stairway into learning how not to be co-dependant on a person, or a thing, outside of yourself. Maybe you just need to get to know who you are, and you will like it, and be able to spend quality time with your favorite someone, but not want their attention as much as you used to, because you have your own juicy filling inside, that feels more like a complimentary dish, rather than the main course, that you are relying upon to fill you up.

Alone time is awesome. And, time spent with your favorite person is also, incredible.

It takes finagling, and an art, to be able to love you, your alone time, and too, to also, embrace someone who you adore, yet, keep you, close by, with enough gumption to say no, when you really want to say yes, to always hanging out, or doing something with that person all the time.

To try to find a balance within all of that, and not just with a person, but with work, computer, and just keeping busy in general. You need to find alone time for you, that is conducive to your soul.

That's it! I'm not going to beat a simple horse to death.

There it is, in writing.

Find a balance with you, inside, and with the outside, that so beckons our attention, like a needy child grabbing a hold of your skirt.

Tell the kid no already.............. you have stuff to do!

Yes, he'll kick and scream, but will get over it in time.

That is what you need to tell your head when it says, "but, I have to do this, and you have to spend time over here, and accomodating this person, and that person".

No, get off of my skirt, and go play in traffic........... haha , sorry, had to do it!

You get what I'm saying.

Don't feel selfish!

It IS all about you, SOMETIMES, and don't feel guilty for one second.


I am!

Maybe a little too much!


Enjoy your time,

with you,



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