Tuesday, October 27, 2009


............What you want........and you see yourself in the perfect scenario, and then, you look at your life now, do you wonder what it is that you are doing wrong, what you are NOT doing to get to that place, are you ungrateful for what is in front of you, not enjoying the moment, thinking the grass is greener? What is it?

There are so many thought patterns, ways of making things happen by NOT DOING, and then by DOING, that at some point, I just start batting my eyes as if I want to gel with one of those things, and just do it, or BE IT, or call it all in, whatever you want to deem it.

The psychology gets intense, and somewhere in there, I'm just like, ERASE ALL THOUGHTS, and live in the moment, with no thought, which, of course, goes against, making things happen.

After awhile you start to feel a paralysis.

Which way do I go George? Which way do I go?

Pretty much, when I go there, to that train of thought, I do find it best to just immerse myself in the moment, and life unfolds, and you find yourself with situations and scenarios that support you, and what you are asking for.

As to how it will equate in your everyday life, and in any kind of order, is another story, and truthfully, if you get a tad bit of what you are asking for, and then the mystery kicks in, and you seem blinded by how your life will go, at least you were given the bare bones, a piece to the puzzle.

It may just seem boring if it weren't this way.

I don't know. I've been on this ride again, and again, and again, and every time the unknown, or the mystery of life presents itself, I get mesmerized, infatuated, and too, bothered by it's intricacies.

I don't read a ton of fiction, so I guess this will suffice for the nights that should be in bed, reading a good novel, cozied up with a blanket, and losing yourself in someone else's drama, or mystical life, that needs some answering to.

I don't want to be weighted down with the should's and shouldn'ts, where I need to be, or where I don't need to be.

I just want to BE!

I think if I stay there, then life will surely undress itself, and show it's passion to me, in a myriad of ways.

I always visualize. My same visions of the things I love are still the same, give or take a goat or two, a few more trees, and less mortgage......

I am so ready to get crazy passionate about what I want, how to make that happen, and to risk my crazy life, my "ordinary life" for something that will seem ludicrous to many, but sexy, simple and satiating to me.

Sexy? In that sentence? YES!

Sexy to me, is not the proverbial "sexy".

It is living so passionately, so purely, in whatever it is that you are dreamy about, and making love to that as if it were the most sexy partner you've ever had...........and more!

OK, I'll stop there. My own desires excite the hell outa me!

It's such a feel good, body sensation.

I think I will go to bed with that.

VISUALIZE WHAT YOU LOVE, and make that your ultimate love making.

How much better can it get when you are getting exactly what you want, formed from your brain, and you have the option of editing it at any time.

(not that you don't have that opportunity now, with everything), I just used one example.

Go to town..............PAINT IT RED............AND MAKE IT A HOT RED!!

( I've always wanted my room painted a dark, Renaissance........ee red............. I have the rod iron, the gates, and.....even the suit of armor guy with the sword, life size, in my room, staring me in the face every night.

There are too many stories to tell on that one, but they are awesome, too prolific for this simple blog. I'd have to think about that one and devote one perfect blog to IT.

It's a great night, to cram in expression of the soul, and head to bed, knowing I emptied my cup, just a bit, a tiny little bit, only to fill it up in the coming days, when people will be people, customers will be customers, and teachers, as they all are, will teach me the very basics of life, that somehow, I just haven't learned to master yet.

Everyone is my teacher.

P.S. My fish guy in the fish department revealed a great statement to me, in all of my hurriedness, stumbling in there, after a 12 hour day.

We talked for awhile, and he said to me, "Analysis, is a Paralysis".

I wanted to kick him and kiss him at the same time.

He made a very interesting evening ahead for me.

Think about it!

It makes perfect sense.

What else makes sense is me telling you all how much I care about you, and that you are, and have been, my source of strength throughout some very hard core times.

Thank you for listening to my crazy stories, thoughts about life, and just me, unabashed, being me..............

How cool to have an arena for that!

Completely grateful, as always.


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