Monday, October 5, 2009


I am going to make this very simple.

I think it is imperative to acknowledge the things that we are grateful for.

Some things stand out more than others, and some, are just blatant, so incredibly obvious, and too, that you just want to shout out to the Universe, "HAY...... I AM UTTERLY GRATEFUL FOR THIS, AND FOR THAT, AND FOR THE GEMS THAT YOU PUT ON MY PLATE, EVERYDAY!

People, situations, jobs, acquaintances, the person at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, your co-worker that drives you nuts............


Be grateful, for what is in front of you, is for a reason, and that moment may never arise again.

Hopefully we will take from it, all that is there, for our learning, and then we will be OK, to say that we actually acknowledged the gratitude, not just for the good, but for the not so good, what seemingly is uncomfortable, and mesh it all into the category of SHEER GRATITUDE.

Tonight, I think the people who are in my life right now, know that they are the cause, for this blog tonight.

Thank you so much for being there for me, in all of the ways that you are!

All my love,

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