Monday, October 12, 2009


I notice a lot that if you stay focused in the moment, there is an endless amount of energy that happens. You see what is in front of you, what needs to happen, and you just move.

Granted, there, looming in the back of your head are all of the things that you "should" be thinking of, or worrying about, but the moment is too full for you to even pay any attention to the voices. Yes, the nagging voices that tell you, you are doomed, or you are late, yet, again, with a payment, or you forgot your dry cleaning, or damn, my car needs to be washed........ whatever it is....... it is irrelevant to the present moment that you are cleaning, or stocking cookies, or cutting cakes, or whatever it is that you may be doing.

Energy in the present moment will take you to places that people only dream of. Without worrying about your life, a birth happens.

I'm not saying that me, or anyone else, is not going to worry about things, because it WILL happen, but the percentages are either getting higher or lower, no matter your circumstance.

Mine are getting lower, as I learn to take the Universe a bit more seriously, about how life should not be seriously. I mean, what really IS THE WORST CASE SCENARIO?

Name it!

And what is the worst case scenario there?

And so what IF that really did happen? What then?

Once you hit a certain point, you really do see, that somehow, a Source intervenes, and takes your hand.

I'm not saying, sit back and relax and wait for some God to hand you dollars, cars, or even homes.

You gotta get out there.

Use that natural energy that sustains us when we have no idea how we are even operating. You somehow feel a different frequency happening, and soon, you just look and go......"I'm not questioning a damn thing, I'm just going to continue moving....".

That is natural energy. One that even YOU cannot explain, but it feels right, although everything around you seems uncertain, crazy, and just plain ol' unfathomable.

It reminds me of when I would run everyday. I used to run marathons. The first two miles were a bit exhausting, or should I say, just trying. After my second mile, really, down to the last second, to the T, at 2 miles, something would kick in, and I was in automatic drive. My stride was even keeled, my breath was in sync, and from there, I was gone! No more person trying to run, or make a certain time, just legs moving, breath flowing, and a consciousness that superseded any idea I ever had of running, or what should or should not happen with that kind of sport.

I remember one day in New Mexico, I headed out, and it was a Sunday, my long run day. Sundays were 14 miles. I used to wake up stoked to head out, to just disappear into the beauty of nature. I remember being in my 7th mile and some kind of huge energy completely took over my body, and I was flying. My pace was abnormally fast, my eyes widened with a focus that even I questioned, and there I was, in a state that now, I couldn't relate to, only in memory.

It was the most exquisite time, the most memorable "run", that took me to a place that kept me in awe for years.

I guess they call it the zone. Deem it whatever, but it was right on. Natural energy. I tell you, those times weren't so easy for me then, and that is my point. Who cares what is going on?

You must, really, it is a must, to be able to access something greater than yourself, to be able to sustain the outside circumstances, no matter what they are.

At some point, you really can laugh, and play with it all, and just say, OK, what really IS..........THE WORST CASE SCENARIO?

I certainly am not some super human thing, but I do know I have the ability to access a depth of being that is more real than any one thing that exists on the outside.

It takes remembering who we are, going with that natural energy, and being OK with the mistakes that we make, the flaws, the absurdities, and allowing yourself to be more human than you realize. Accept it all........embrace it, (easier said than done), and move on.

These are the good moments to remember.

Feel good tonight about where you are, even if you are on the edge of edges......... THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Life is happening at a fast pace. Make something good out of it.

You'll be OK. You really will!

I love you so much!


1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to see you and feel your warmth the other night. I don't know how the universe connected us but I'm so fortunate she did!I will come see you at your newest location. Save a hug for me and I will do the same. <3 Markie
