Friday, October 2, 2009

PLUNGE FORWARD........ matter what the circumstance!

You could be in a hairy situation, broke, no job, no transportation, all of the above......... you could wake up everyday saying, "Why me?"

When I wake up, I start to come to some sort of consciousness when that snooze alarm rings in my ear every 10 minutes............but as I sort of come out, and into the world of reality, I try to not let any thoughts bombard me, until I connect inside, to check in, to know where I am at, speak out loud, what I am grateful for, who, why, where, and how........and just take 10 to 15 minutes to reflect on how I want my day to go, how I can control those thoughts, and to make it the best possible day, no matter what my life offers. I am a true believer in that.

That is just me. It sets me up for the day. I want to connect to people, outside of my reality. After all, someone else may be in a worse situation than me. I want to be there for them! Nothing co-dependant please, just natural human relating will do for me!

It really is a win win situation.

I just never want to forget appreciation for people who are there for me, who guide me along, who teach me, and who are friends, beyond the masks of this title and that title.

I love, respect, and appreciate all of them........and they should know it, because I am not one who hides my feelings.

If you are special, if you have helped me in some way, or have impacted my life somehow............YOU WILL KNOW............mushy and all............... that is just me guys!

I think we all have our own stories.

You may have a great job, great salary, but no matter what that looks like, you are still.........just not making it.

You may not have a great job, but have a wonderful relationship where someone is backing you up, supporting your endeavors, and working with you, as a team...........

It's different for all of us............ I don't think the grass is always greener, but some things do
actually, come in handy.

More money might be one, or it might be more free time, or more this or more that.

Don't you think there will always be one thing or the other, that tells you, things just aren't exactly where I want them to be?

That is the beauty of freedom of choice.

If something doesn't meet up to snuff, than we tweek it, to make it work for us, or we just move on.

Only we know, what we need, for us.........and too, I cannot leave that statement at period, end of story.

Intuition works incredibly, and tells us so much about life, if we give room to listen to it. Stop, long enough to hear what it really is that we need, beyond what anyone else's opinions are, even our own.

There always seems to be some underlying story, some undercurrent of knowledge that will surface, if we let it.

Can we be THAT patient?

Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't!

I won't lie!

Most times I feel as if I have no choice, only because why dodge something that you can't really run away from?

You sort of "surrender" to a way that is so not natural, yet, it brings up so much stuff.

I don't wan to get crazy.........I just wanted to say, PLUNGE FORWARD, in all that you want, no matter what your scenario is.

Trust would be a key factor, but hay, who am I?

I tell myself all the same things.

There are some basic, key elements that work, if we can be objective enough, to step away from our own scenario, to catch a glimpse of what the bigger picture is, to look at it, and smile, and say.......... from a true inner experience, that it really IS ALL OK, AND ALL WILL WORK OUT, AND WE WILL BE HAPPY, IN AND AMONGST IT ALL............. to let the things that seems so huge, so unattainable, get back to a place of actually being ATTAINABLE, inside.

We are not headed South.

It's always North bound............... on my radio anyway.

Over and out!


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