Friday, October 23, 2009


Hay everyone!

I feel like I haven't expressed myself in so long, at least like I usually do.

Work has kept most of my attention, with little or no time at all, to write, or to do many things that I love.

It is a period of time that is very specific, for many reasons, personal, and work related.

Yes, there are many, stories to tell, yet, what time is there to tell them?

I am just going with the flow of things, and that, in and of itself, tells me so many stories.

How do we NOT plan, and stay so present to what is being put in front of us, without freaking out, or having some sort of idea of how it should all play out?

Shoot, if that were the case, I'd be committing hairy cairy by now. No, seriously!!

At some point I think we are all tested to some degree, to see what we are made of, and it sort of steers you, all by itself, in the direction that you need to go next.

There isn't much for you to do, just be yourself, and the moments will guide you to what is right for you, and what you need to learn, even if you don't see it.

That is what is happening for me!

My life is just one big .................WOW................. for many reasons!

My job gives me so many opportunities to grow, to learn, to accept, to look at myself, how I can be more responsible for my part, with co- workers, oh god, all sorts of stuff. Therein, lye the stories that are deep, introspective, and make you realize, just why you are there to begin with.

Not just with work, but everywhere I traipse.

It can be bothersome, and too, hairy.

I dream of the time I can give you, to sit, at this computer, to write all of my thoughts, my observations and to let the beautiful train of thought take on it's own life, and make it work for something great.

I feel as if I am in kindergarten, in many respects.

Life is such a learning ground!

Everywhere I look, there is a teaching, and as long as I don't get pummeled over by what THAT reality is, I can pretty much relax in the knowing that, hay, this is my life! I ask for answers, for guidance, and to work through things, so why wouldn't things get hairy every once in a while?

I'm grateful for all situations, and that statement even blows me away, considering my life at hand.

Thank you for all of you who help me grow, in nice ways, and not so nice ways.

You help me to grow, to teach myself new ways of relating, and to just let go of certain ways of thinking that really, just don't work for me anymore!

I have stories..............many, many...stories!!

Thank you for always taking the time to listen.

I love you guys so much!!


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