Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think of Santa and his workshop, watching all of his helpers running around,, everyone assigned to a job, that, in essence, is ALL important, whether it may look like this or that, it usually cannot run without one piece or another.

Someones jobs may seem more important or as if this one is working harder than this one, but really, everyone is doing their assigned job, and yes, it may seem that one looks easier, or harder than the other.

No one is greater, or better, because we are all part of the process.

Everyone is working to make the piece of the puzzle fit.

Please step back and notice, in your day, or in your job, how everyone is an integral part of the whole.

It cannot work if one or even two pieces are missing.

Look at each instance in your life where you may discount someone, thinking they didn't really contribute, or work as hard to make the piece of the puzzle fit, to make it "look right".

Consider all factors, all persons, who actually made that puzzle come together.

EVERYONE counts!

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