Thursday, October 29, 2009


Simmer down, it 's not what you think. I'm not going to break out in some new rap song for my blog, nor am I going to spout off something that emulates Tony Soprano. I have enough of that in my world.

OK, the other day, it was the man at the fish counter, with enlightening news for me. Today, it was the man at the post office.

I actually love going to this post office. The two guys who run the joint, are funny as hell. They have skits that they do for all of us who think going to the post office is the last thing we feel like doing, but well, we have to do it right? They are so cool! The do skits, make faces, make fun of you, in fun, of course, make noises, and just are cool cats. They can take me out of my worst mood, if I'm in one,that is.

Today, I went in with the attitude I'm sure everyone does. We enter with the immediate thought that it WILL BE A LONG LINE, and that we will have to bare down and ............wait...........actually wait.

C'mon, I sit in my car for 30 seconds saying, " Well, it could be 30 minutes. Check to see if I have my phone, god forbid I get stranded at the Post Office, in the dead of October, on a 76 degree day on a Thursday...........hhhmmm! Reading material........mail to catch up on............ sounds like 5 minutes on the toilet, if you ask me........... (my sister will hate me for that).............Oh, c'mon.....who DOESN'T READ on the toilet......... don't lie!

Anyway, I get up to the counter and Tony says to this woman, "That will be 30 dollars", very seriously. The woman let out a shriek, and he calmly stood there waiting for a response. She said, "What?". He said, "yes ma'am, 30 dollars". She started to argue the point and then he said, "I'M JUST JOSHIN YOU MA'AM, IT IS JUST 3 DOLLARS". Then he shook her hand and waved it all around and made a few more jokes. Then he said................"YO YO................YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?"

Frankly, I think the woman wasn't really ready for another joke, but I was...........I could care less about my mail that was taking the other guy 20 minutes to get. I was wondering where my popcorn was, after all, it was the middle of the afternoon, and it was matinee time.

Again, he said, "Do you know what YO YO IS?"

The woman said, "NO SIR, I DON'T!"

And Tony said, "Well, ma'am, it means, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN".

"Never forget that", he said. You are always on your own. No matter how you look at it!

She looked at him and said, "Uhh, OK", and left.

Me? I stood there, and thought to myself, "Holy Ship on the Horizon!" Are my ears just peeled, or am I fine tuned to the things I need to be hearing? WOA.............A HUGE WOA!!

That is some significant stuff!

Like a mentor said to me at one point, and seemed to reiterate it throughout the years, is "YOU HAVE COME HERE ALONE, AND YOU WILL LEAVE ALONE."

That, to me, is not a depressing statement, but a real one, with value, and one to abide by, to keep it all real.

I made some sort of natural noise, or some shriek out of a WOA............that was pretty freakin amazing............. I looked around to see if anyone really got it............. no, not really!

I looked at Tony and winked. I said, "good one", and he just looked back at me and winked. I winked back, and it was understood, the intelligence, the basic Truth.


That is why I always want to do everything I can to stay awake, not sleepy, not drudging around because I ate too much cake or sweets............. or whatever keeps us from being spot on to Truth.

On top of it, to hear the subtle voices that say very significant things that will rock your world.

That seemed to have rocked my world today, and I was so happy when I left the post office, even with 4 envelopes that I knew were bills. I shrugged it off, and thought about the YO YO for the next hour, and knew, I'd be at my computer writing about the masked intelligence at the Post Office.

Thank God, for Grace.

I'm on your skirt tail, whether you like it or not.

A Nat, I will be, forever.

Thank you for all of the people who never get credit for who they are.

I pay attention to all of you.............and you give me life, more than you ever will know.

All of my gratitude and heart felt love,

for The Grace of Love, and what it shows us, if I am awake, and listening to the beautiful subtleties of Life, and all that it has to offer me.

Devoted beyond measure,


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