Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I think it is so important to have some sort of outlet.

Something, or someone, so that we are able to "be", or to be heard, objectively, so we can look at our lives in a way that doesn't get clouded by anything.

No matter who it is, you will know, in your heart, if it is objective, or not. Fair, or not. A listening ear, or not.

The something? Well..... I don' t know what that would be for you, but some outlets for me have been boxing, working out, or maybe just dancing in my own time, to good music, singing, and allowing myself to just "be".

What is your outlet?

A lot of times, my outlet is waking up, and before even brushing my teeth, I go over to the glass doors, open them up and just look out. I smell the morning air, check out all of the trees, the sky, the smell, and just stand there, in a state of awe.

It really doesn't matter what the day is like. Shoot, the rain, in the morning, for me, has been so utterly exquisite, that I never want to leave my bedroom.

The rain hits the water, it hits the trees, and the sound of it on the roof top sends me to a place that is so familiar, I just can't put a name to it, nor do I really want to.

There are so many different outlets. I have several, and in my "spare" time, I go IN man...........I go IN for the kill.............. NO PHONES, NO COMPUTER, NO RADIO, NO TV......... Just......... me!

Imagine that? Just me, and nothing else? God, how that sings to me like nothing other!

No voices! No sound! No nuthin............. just the sound of.................NOTHING!


I walked to my mailbox yesterday, and I was with one of my dogs. He was sniffing around, very intently, and all of a sudden, a little Fawn trampled by...... and I stood still in my tracks. I told Bello to shuuussshhh........... he stood next to me. I knelt down next to him and witnessed the most amazing thing.

Maybe nothing to you.

We knelt there, and the Fawn walked over, and ate some grass, but grew closer to us.

She or he, looked up, and stared me close in the eye for a very, very long period of time, without flinching.

There was an eye contact that I crave!

Bello kept quiet.

I was quiet.

The Fawn,


We shared those moments of quietude

and with a focus that went beyond me.

The Fawn walked away.

Bello went to sniff the trail.

I stayed there in complete, and utter...........AWE!

I didn't know what to think.

It was an experience beyond translation.

I got it. He or she, got it!

No words!

Inner communion!

THAT, is an outlet for me!

Something real like that, something that gets me thinking!

Something that gets me catapulted back to the most raw and real place.

I know what my outlets are.

How about you?

Name them!

Visit them!

And keep it alive, and real,
to be honest,

If you don't get it now,
time will surely slip by,

and the time you THINK
you had
will be gone
taken up

by some moment
that told you
how important it was


what was happening
to you
in the moment

was really what was
most important.


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