Sunday, October 11, 2009


Tis the season everyone! The air is changing, it's getting cooler, pumpkins are out, candy is on every shelf, and can you believe it, there really are Christmas tree lights up already?

I know I have been completely inundated with work, deadlines, paperwork, and literally no time to do anything! My poor grass looks like there might be a village of people living underneath of it, my house is screaming for me to put on some good music and put my special little touches on all of my sacred things. My dogs are so over it all!

If they could talk, boy would I be getting a lashin'!

Today was the first day I could actually stay in my pajamas and bum around.

I could feel myself trying to drum up something to think about, something that just HAD TO BE thought about, or done, I think because the body just gets so used to being in whatever mode we set it on, and it becomes accustomed to that, and if it isn't there, it looks for it, as if we are our own self induced drug addict.

No! I want to catch up with myself, chill out, actually feel what it is that I am feeling, and take mental notes of myself, seeing that I have missed out on me for awhile now.

Sometimes it's great to be busy, but most times, I see how it is some kind of sub conscious cover up so we can get away with not having to deal with the things in our lives that need some paying attention to.

I think there is a fine balance, but it is tricky. Not to let anything pass us by, but too, to be able to live comfortably, without thinking we are our own project, or subject for someone elses thesis. It can be a little overwhelming to work out our stuff, to iron out the kinks, and to just pay attention to the subtleties, so we can forge forward with great efforts in changing the things that need to be changed, and to be able to stand back and watch our own progress, in seeing how different we can become, how we can actually mold ourselves into anything we want, IF WE CATCH UP WITH OUR SELVES, AND GIVE OURSELVES TIME, PATIENCE, AND COMPASSION.

In my life, things tend to swing very hard one way, and then very hard the other way, leaving no room for the nice, neutral ground that seems so natural, and easy to attain.

Balancing our lives isn't an easy task. Although I guess it depends on each individual. If you are content and happy with going to work, coming home, kicking back with the remote, eating dinner and going to bed, than you should be fine! But if you are one who contemplates life, a career minded individual, a goal setter, or a dreamer............hop on the magic carpet ride, and start journaling along the way.

It's a trip!

Catch up with yourself, clear out the cob webs, check out just where you are, what your body may need, what your inner self needs, and go for it.

Rest awhile with your self, and greet yourself with open arms, ready to tackle anything.

That's my mantra for today.

I'm loving it.

And I never had to take my pajamas off through it all...........

That's what I'm talkin' about~

Gnite, and sweet dreams.

Love you all,

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