Monday, October 19, 2009


I have to always remind myself that there are always alternatives to any given situation. I think the true key is to have the drive, to move past your emotions, your situations, to get to something better, or higher, or just a simple resting ground that will suit your needs, better than what is in front of you.

It certainly takes creativity, being resourceful, and FAITH.

Faith that everything will always work out, and that when things seem bleak, God intervenes, and lifts you to a place that you couldn't see, no matter how well your head turned, or what corner you looked in.

The workings of LOVE are miraculous, and I think, as long as you stay believing in FAITH, you lose all ideas of how things might need to go, and it is replaced by the awesome workings of the Universe, of God, of whatever you deem your GREATEST SOURCE OF STRENGTH.

When things seem to be dark, or the lit corners seem sparse, know that there are ALWAYS ALTERNATIVES, as long as you are willing to go that extra mile to figure it out, to keep searching, and to not give up.

Life is funny.

Not ha ha funny, just interesting in all of it's complexities. I think it seems easier and more convenient to say that when that is happening to someone else, but does it seem that interesting when it is happening to us, as if we can have the same objectivity??

I am just being real. Life's events happen. We find ourselves in situations and we wonder how they heck we will get out of them, or if our life's patterns will change.

Is it that we are lacking intellectual knowledge of our own intricate workings? Is it that we get lazy? Is it that it is just too damn overwhelming to work on ourselves? Is it that we are just made up (some of us), of the complete desire to want to know, any and everything in this life, as if we are passionate to the bone, of the workings of life and all of it's intricacies and complexities?

Who knows?

I am THAT passionate, and will do whatever it takes to go the "alternative" route, to figure, to muster up, to mold my life with my beliefs, to try to make it gel and work in this society, and to fit somehow, in this thing we call the "norm".

I kick and scream, for the most part, and cannot even believe I am on the trail that I am.

Inside, I should be somewhere else, living a completely different life.

Go figure!

I haven figured God out yet.

Just know life is teaching me many, many things.............too much, all at once.

I guess not TOO much, otherwise it wouldn't be here............right?

I am going for the alternative, in all of it's scariness, in all of it's uncertainty.......... it seems more real to me than going the vanilla route.

That never worked for me at age 1...........nor does it work for me now.

I'm OK.

You're OK!

A book that sat on my mothers book shelf for years.

I was always plagued at that title, and now..........


it just makes all the sense in the world!

We really are..........OK..............

no matter what.......

and I mean that........


Huge hugs!

Embrace yourself,

no matter where you are.

Don't judge,

just move,


with what is handed,

and use it as tools......

in your ever




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