Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finding The Clues

Sometimes there is so much going on in our lives that we miss out on the clues that are given to us that lead us further on down the road, on our personal journey. The things that we ask for, the things that we want to overcome, the kind of people we want to attract in our lives. It truly takes a lot to actually sit back, get quiet enough, to assess the situation and see if we are on track with our own selves. Are we attracting the energy that we want? The people that we want? Is it in alignment to our higher selves? Or do we feel a big fat itch to change something? Are we fearful that we won't be able to actually hang with the changes that come our way? Afraid that if we stay true to ourselves that somehow we won't be supported for taking the risk?

In the past I have taken risk after risk, moment to moment, daring myself to be oh so true to what I believe in, and really, I did some crazy stuff. Times were a bit different. I didn't have a zoo to take care of, and instead of a nice house, I was willing to camp out in some tent.........ANYWHERE, as long as I could see the stars and hang out with some cool people that were conscious. Oh, and as long as there was good food........... are you kidding? I am Sally Pseudo Camper. I won't bathe if I don't have to, but damn if I don't have 2 good grills, one with veggies, one with all kinds of meats, and some marshmallows, forget it........... gotta have good is good too! Wine and stars go together..........we can ad to that list too..........

OK, back to the story..............What is the driving force? Money? Money helps, but even with a ton of responsibilities, I think that bar code still remains.......... we CAN REMAIN TRUE........ It is a vigilance........... we HAVE TO WANT IT! THE CHANGES AND THE FREEDOM. And to take on the individual work and responsibility that comes along with having your own freedom. It always boils down to the question of, "What is most important to me?" Right now, what is most important? Is it to make money? Be happy? Both? If so, how do I achieve that? And then there you have it....your own puzzle to put together. But at least, it is YOUR PUZZLE, and not someone Else's puzzle that you don't relate to.

I mean, I don't think we can actually escape the responsibility of work, although it is appealing to just meander in the woods, journal, and be simple with nature and animals. There is a process of getting to your goal, and it can be fun, if we take those risks. I know I don't want to be afraid. Especially when it comes to that love/hate sign............ this one...........$$$$$. Love it, hate it, or embrace the sucker! Turn the light on the demon and it will go away..........look at it for what it is, and embrace it........move forward, and try your best to do whatever it is that you want to do. The L/H sign will show up throughout your entire existence. It's not a fortunate or unfortunate thing, it JUST IS. So love it......... hug it, and treat it as your BFF. (can't believe I wrote that).

FYI..........I am laughing.

The moral?

Find the clues!

Look around at who and what is in your life right now. Get specific. Who are they? Why are they? Why the job? \Why those friends? Why the new ones? Are you changing?

Is it good? How is the energy? Is it conducive? Is your heart heavy or calm? Are you happy or sad? Are you bummin'? Or are you feeling a great surge of energy?

You will know it, and you will also hear the call..........the call inside to make a move, to do something different, or not. If you look around at the clues, you won' t have too, too much to think about.

Also, see how things get effortlessly put in front of you, like tiny little angels, whispering, "I want to give this gift to you", and you have no idea why.

Don't question it!!!!

Ya know, don't EVER question it!!! Those angels are so straight up............. they won't lie! They'll just take you somewhere you've never been before, and ask you to keep quiet about it, for your sake, and your sake only!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trying Every Angle

I think that when we compromise ourselves, the only price that we are paying, is the selling of our soul, for one thing or another.

It could be to be validated by someone, something, or even doing things that just aren't in alignment with that place inside of us that exudes extreme joy.

Granted, I have been on both spectrum's, and sometimes you just either fall into a pattern or you do things that you need to do because you have to.It doesn't mean I want to "sell my soul", for lack of better words, but I am doing things's a NEED.

For example, I was a hard core vegan for years and years, and I had moved to New Mexico. I caravaned with two friends after some huge riots that were happening in LA. We literally sold all of our stuff, got in a big van, and took off to New Mexico to start a new little life. Well, once we got there, it was evident that we needed jobs. I wound up finding some spiritual retreats to do cooking and such, but that only lasted a few weekends.

Times were hard so we took whatever we could to make it. Well, it just so happened that the outdoor market that I wanted to get into to sell herbs and do Shiatsu was filled but they needed someone for the concession stand. I thought, "Oh My God, a @#*&$%! concession stand? Yes ma'am.......selling corn dogs, Frito pies, brisket, and you name any other foul food that a nice little vegan girl would want to eat. I sold ice-cream all day long, pig, cow, preservative after preservative, colors 9 thru 62 on the artificial ladder, and everyone laughed at me because they knew I needed to make money. Don't laugh, IT WAS A VERY DIFFICULT THING FOR ME. ( I do laugh now, it's funnier than hell), but the staunch vegan that I was, I had things to say to those customers, like......"and just so ya know........ I normally wouldn't condone this, but I'm broke". hahah What a trip that was. You know they looked at me like I had 10 heads. Who cared? I didn't!

Anyway, so the story goes. The main thing is...........I had a plan. Really, I did. I wanted to work for myself, do what I knew well, which was to go out during the week to physically harvest fresh herbs from the most beautiful places in New Mexico, gather them, clean them, and with the rest of what I had either bought wholesale, or combined with the fresh stuff, I made combination remedies for every ailment you can think of. And it was great, no one was the same, it was individual for the person, so I concocted it there, in front of them, and did this whole lovely exchange with people. I also made herbal tinctures as well. Anyway, the point is....... I did what I had to do, to get to where I wanted to be. Didn't seem great at the time, but man, what lessons I learned.

I finally made my way into getting a permanent spot at the "Famous Outdoor Market" in Sante Fe New Mexico, and made a killing do herbal combinations/massage therapy etc....... What a blast I had. I made more money from Thursday Thru Sunday, than most people do in a month. Go figure herbal girl!

Do whatever it is that you need to do to be responsible, but don't ever forget the fact that you are a PASSIONATE HUMAN BEING WITH DESIRES TO FULFILL. Fun ones, creative ones, intelligent ones, all kinds of adjectives to describe your personal journey and what that entails.

What is it that you want to do? Are you happy where you are? Is work fulfilling? What do you get out of it? Are you making money and that is your driving force to stay? But, are you truly satisfied? Think it over.

Don't compromise your tender little soul that wants to express itself!! By all means, get to the bottom of your lust for life. Figure it out and go for it. Even if it isn't exactly it, try every angle, and maybe you are halfway there, but can't do it all just yet. You will, but do the first step first.

Get your booty goin. Time is a tickin'.

I say to you, what I say to myself.

And.......if it doesn't happen right away, then no biggie........just don't lose sight of what it is.

Go on, go about your day............. you'll be thinking today.......I promise you that!

Mirror Mirror, on the wall!

Gnite guys!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dancing with Life

You know, it is easy to dance with life when things are going your way. But is it easy to dance all the same steps, when things aren't going your way?

Can you dance when things arise that you may not want or that you do want, but cannot have for some reason or another? Is there really a way to truly dance in that, and come out alright? And not just alright, but really good with it all? I believe, and have experienced so. It doesn't mean it will be easy, but you'll always come out OK. These little machines aren't this intricate for just grins.

Maybe things do happen for a reason. Forced situations happen and you are left to deal with the remnants of how it affects your being.

Isn't that life though?

I can't help but to remember when my mom was dying, and she saw me there, so incredibly sad, and grieving beyond belief. She looked at me with such compassion and said, "Honey, this is part of life".

I tell you, those words will never leave me. They have been applicable in every area of my life!
Am I still dancing? I will ALWAYS DANCE, but that doesn't mean I will not feel the pain, or grieve, or be affected in some way, if I did not choose that happening. After all, would ANY OF US CHOOSE PAIN to really be a part of our world?

I'm not talking spiritually, or sub-consciously or anything like that, just forget all of that.

Does any of us really want to feel anything other than light, fluffy, cozy, loving, loved back, free, and happy?

I think I can guarantee that one. How bout I just say so for myself, and you can make up your own mind. Maybe some people like that. I highly doubt it.

But, as we all know, and get intimately acquainted with our partner for life..........called......LIFE, we see, feel, touch, hear, and smell, with the greatest of passion, because we WANT TO. We just can't guarantee what those passions will attract. It comes with this pseudo road map, luring you in with some sort of direction, and then BOOM, you get side tracked on some road, when you thought for sure, your passion was heading you in the right direction. LIFE...........THIS IS LIFE!!! CAN YOU SWING WITH THAT?

It's like we innocently say, "I would love to have this or that thing", and somehow if it doesn't come the way you dreamt it or fantasized about it, but it DOES come, we want to send it back because, hay, I didn't ask for it in THAT WAY.

The reasons why it happened are still there.You cannot negate that. Looks a bit different, but someone out there was listening to your request, and they gave it, but shaded it with a few different colors. Don't worry, trust me, it's the SAME THING as what you asked, just pretend and artist threw it your way.

Look at it from a different perspective, other than what meets the eye. Pretend you are in an art gallery, and you are dissecting an incredible piece, and then the artist comes up and notices you admiring the painting, and asks, "how do you perceive my painting"? And you confidently say, "Well, I think this, and I think that!"

The artist says,"Well, thank you for your input, that was beautiful, but, here is where I was coming from."

It winds up being a completely different perspective, but all in all, the end result was the same. You got the gist of what was happening, it just was painted in a different form.

It's not a mistake, you see. It was what you perceived. It didn't make it wrong, just a perception, outside of the real reality.

There is always a jewel in everything. In pain, in discomfort, and in any nook and cranny, whether it be good, bad, silly, sad, horrible, or disastrous.


I am in for the ride. And want to smile the whole crazy way.

Come with me.

We all need each others hand.


Monday, April 27, 2009


If you quickly think about those words, following through, most people will say" yea, I was supposed to follow through with that diet, but it didn't work out, I gave in", or a New Years resolution that they waned from, something to that effect. I am sure there are more typical ones, but you get what I'm sayin'........ those are the general ones that come to mind.

I'm learning that following through comes in a myriad of ways, and gets more subtle for us as we need it to, to apply it for ourselves, in daily life, in accordance to our beliefs about ourselves, and what we think is good or not good for us. Basically, we believe the things we tell ourselves, therefore, our thoughts become what we live, how we live and the story that plays in our heads, gets played out in our everyday lives.

Like I said, it gets tricky because half the time, we don't see it coming.

Following through, for example, could mean something as simple as, you know, I really do want to recycle. I have been meaning to do that forever and I haven't. Well, pick up the phone, call the waste company, set up a plan, and ........recycle! Yeah, you FOLLOWED THROUGH~

You could say a lot of things, really, just listen to all the promises you make yourself, in your heads, and see if you do anything about them. You may not think they are promises, or even that you are telling yourself something, but I will bet you .......lemme think of something good...........I will bet you......a huge dark chocolate bar, that you tell yourself things all day long that by the end of the day, you don't even remember all of the sweet thoughts of, I really need to get to see grandma, I haven't seen her in ages, and she is getting old, or man, I really have to organize the house, it's on my last nerve, or............and you see, how the list goes on.

I am going to stand up to that guy who talks like crap to me. It is disrespectful and I don't deserve it, or that woman who has no right to say those things to you, or talk that way, or act that way. Next time he/she does that I will tell them exactly how I feel without backing down.

The next time it happens, do you? Do you actually stand up for yourself? Did you go see grandma yet? Did you organize the house like you said in your head 58 times today?


Take one thing............just one, don't get crazy now and start adding up all the things you said you were going to do, and all of a sudden start beating yourself up cuz you didn't get to them like you said you would. Take the first one that comes to your mind, and start there.

If it is going to see grandma, and the reason you haven't gone is because you think you have no time.......then take a pan over your day or week and think, well, what is one thing in my day or week that I can go without doing, just this one time, or whatever. And chisel it down and I am sure you will find 10 minutes, 20, even an hour, even if it pains you because your routine, of course is your routine, and you don't wanna give it up............JUST DO IT.

Chances are, grandma won't be around too long, GO.......... MAKE HER HAPPY.

If you keep telling yourself that Joe or Sally will never treat you like that again because you don't deserve it, than follow through with a plan that supports your belief. How can you NOT let that happen again? What can you do to follow through with a plan that will enable you to finally put your foot down, to stand up and respect your being, and to get out of the rut that is making you think that THAT is what you deserve? Change it up...follow through with a plan.

Recycle? Get the phone book out. Dial. Ask, and you shall receive. Done deal.


I am doing a lot of following through that doesn't feel easy. It actually is a pain in the butt, but as I move into it, I feel such a sense of freedom inside. One that feels responsible for me, for how I feel, for how I live, and how I act in the world, alone and with people.

Whatever it is that you feel you cannot get up and do, to follow through with, realize probably it is more thinking than you need to be doing. It's not as bad as you think. Once you get going on it, and don't do too much complaining, you find yourself in a flow, and it is quite the empowerment.

Don't dig a big list out, just start with one thing.

I have mine. It's keeping me occupied, keeping me humble, reverent, and grateful, without a doubt.

I'm following through on a life long task that is long overdue. Recycling? Not a problem.

Wadyou kiddin' me?

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I probably have written so much about solitude, you might not want to hear about it anymore, but.... if you are like me in any way, you won't tire of simply hearing the word. There has got to be a reason, right? In my life, it is of the utmost importance to have that time, alone, away from anything that you would call everyday life, and to dip into yourself, to catch a breath away from the outside. Who ever has time to check out the inner side? Does anyone even think that there is a need, or that there even IS an inside?
What is inside? Why do we need to do that? What purpose will it serve? How do I do it?

Ya know, it is really different for everyone. Going inside for some people is losing themselves in playing music, painting, in dance, in sitting outside by their pool, going for walks, being with animals, meditating, praying. There are a multitude of ways to just "be".

For myself, it is writing, walking, gardening, being with my animals, just sitting quietly, meditating, closing my eyes and just emptying myself so that I can hear that subtle voice of wisdom that knows way more than I could ever convey.

I happen to think that is the same place that artists, prophets, teachers, and everyday regular people who are a service to humanity, generate from.
There is something so naked and raw that naturally bubbles up from a very deep corner in your consciousness, and it somehow becomes very apparent that it is not you who writes, or who dances, or who teaches, or who DOES anything!! It is that "corner", that deep mystical corner inside that has a story tell, if you let it.

These aren't "special" people because they are different from you and in a class by themselves, like some hierarchy or something. It is what it is because somehow, on some level they have chosen to take that time, to separate themselves in some way, however that may be, and to listen to the quality of life that resonates from within.

It doesn't happen overnight, but takes a definite diligence to WANT TO HEAR something else. Every one of us has this gift. Not a select few, but ALL OF US!

This is the time that I speak about. This solitude, these small pockets of time that can be utilized to gain a better perspective on your life, your goals, yourself as a human being, a soul, and a spark of light to anyone who you may come in contact with.

Granted, life is crazy. Trust me, mine can be totally crazy, and nothing short of that, but why am I still laughing in lieu of it all? Why am I even writing this to you?

Because it is REAL! Life inside is real and true, and when there seems to be no hope, or justice, or fairness, or death comes, or any kind of loss, or job change or whatever it may be....... you ALWAYS HAVE YOUR SANCTUARY INSIDE........YOUR LITTLE CORNER to check out, to sink into and find solace.

You may not have great friends, or family, or anyone to talk to, but you will always have your inner wisdom, that quiet place that will tell you just how loved you are and how important your stay here is, and how valuable you truly are. And if you really get good at listening, you really realize that there isn't much that you HAVE TO DO........... WITH ANYTHING. It becomes fun if you get the swing of it. The subtle voice from within will tell you exactly where you need to be from moment to moment.

How about that? You are off the hook!! See that? You just don't have to worry about too much.

Try it out. Spend some "me" time and just get quiet.

Just when you think you know yourself.........

get even more quiet.........

you'll meet up with the most amazing person...........

that amazing person....



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sometimes it's nice to........

Just go to bed, or wake up, with no tonight. I could go on a tirade about this and that, have opinions about this and that, and over here a commentary......... and sometimes you just have to say................. uuuhhh............NO! I just don't feel like it. It is so pleasant NOT THINKING, I think I will stay here, all cozy and brainless.

Sometimes that is good. No thoughts, just whatever the moment brings, and you just enjoy, and have no commentary.

That is my night. Lots I could think about, but, do I really want to engage? I don't think so!

Even the stars and telling me to chill out. I dissect those suckers as if they were going to be the last thing I ever see.

They tell me some amazing Truths.

Go to sleep. Don't dissect. Get warm and cozy and snugly under your blanket and call it a day.

It's OK, ya know!

Trust me, tomorrow your brain will be knocking on your door.

Answer if you want, but know you don't have to.

Sleep peacefully.

Love surrounds you.

All my love,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cultivating a Relationship With Yourself

Is there such a thing? OF COURSE THERE IS! Do we actually take the time to do that, or are we always focused on making others happy or going, going, going?

I know we all have hobbies, goals, desires, kids, sports, jobs, and so on, but I don't care what we are doing, there IS TIME for you, for me, for us, to take, to let ourselves know that all this stuff that happens everyday, is not the total reality of our existence here. Yes, it plays a part, just like everything else, but so what? It's just a PART. A ROLE.

We have got to take time to do the things that keep us innocent throughout this journey. It can't all be so serious, so constricting, and so full of mundane things. Each of us knows what makes us happy, or feel that innocence, or feel why wouldn't we make time for it?
I know, I get it. Things creep up, we get into robotic mode and it is like swimming to the shore of peace, but with quicksand beneath us. Lord have mercy, we need to cut that out.

Just pack a bag one afternoon and go ................ go for a walk, head to the hiking trails, go work out, whichever it means to you. It will feel as if you had 10 tons of bricks taken off.

And leave the Ipod at home, the IPhone, the cell, the pager, the THIS AND THAT, and get to know the real person that gets neglected for one reason or the other.

Trust me, you are going to have revelation after revelation about yourself and others.

Put it at the top o the list.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Accepting What is Real

Sometimes we see things about ourselves that we like, some things we see that we don't like, and then there are the things that we do like, but no one else does! There is a huge responsibility that comes along with liking what you do, or how you dress, or what you say, or your opinions that you have, or how you choose to live your life, especially if it is against the norm or what society deems as good or bad. The responsibility lies within how true you stay to what you do believe in, even if it is against all odds, and how you choose to act in the world, based on your own beliefs. If, in fact, it IS against all odds, I hope that there won't be a compromise, just to satiate the broad percentage. That is your homework, to do whatever you can to stay true to your own beliefs, accepting that reality as your own, and owning it, with pride! It really is OK that Sally could care less about your beliefs, because more than likely, Sally's life is of no interest to you! I don't say that with a mean streak, by any means, it is just that Sally's life is........Sally's life, and simply, IT IS OF NO INTEREST to you and your evolvement or your plan in life. Let Sally go on and be in Sally land, and you can be in your own little land that is important to you. The unfortunate thing is, is that, not everyone feels this way. People want to judge you, for your choices, your Independence, your balls for taking the risk to live freely in your own skin.I don't care if Sally has a tongue piercing. If Sally wants that, let Sally get an infection, hahaha. No, seriously........ that is Sally's deal. Who cares? I don't want to be a politician, but I can certainly have my own opinions.........but that is just what it opinion. I happen to share my opinions when it is conducive. I am not a push over, or don't try to push anything on anyone........maybe a supplement or two, but really, nothing crazy. (supplements are good) :) I also have to realize that as much as I have an opinion about things, so do others, and I want to give them the same freedom to share their thoughts, and listen, with an open heart, even if it doesn't resonate with me. That is a perfect exchange right there......... just listen. Ok, so what was my point in all of this? To accept what is real. Maybe you see something about yourself that needs work, or you see a reality in your life that doesn't need to be, but it just IS. Accept it, see it, and work through it. It is there for some reason or another, and even if it seems daunting or hard, or you don't want to see the truth in something, push through it, and you will grow, grow, grow. Accept the things you cannot change and find the beauty in them. And also, find the charm and beauty in the catalyst. Find the catalyst and thank them. Those will be my last words, even put it on my gravestone OK? FIND THE CATALYST AND THANK THEM. It's potent stuff. I'll have a cigarette please............

Monday, April 20, 2009


A lot of people look at the word emptiness and immediately feel a sorrow. I probably would too, but I know too well, that I would have to consider the beautiful emptiness that I do know to be so profound and humble. The emptiness you feel when all walls are down, there are no time tables or agendas, just a moment to moment experience with life that, no matter what is going on, you are filled with a gratitude that, leaves you feeling so open, so available to what life offers, instead of you steering the ship, life takes you on a magical ride, and you say," Why not, I wasn't doin' anything", and vwala......there are new life experiences that you absolutely adore, relish, and revel in, and you had no idea they were even there, or available, BUT BECAUSE, you were EMPTY, they sniffed you out and said, "Oh look, an empty one...let's jump on it".

I can look back and tell you that when I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, didn't have a plan, and just emptied myself, a new life took course and suddenly I felt as if someone lifted me and took me on a well planned tour, to exactly what I love and people I wanted to be around.

Life doesn't take your thoughts lightly. It listens and says........ "Hay, they are pretty genuine about this", I think we should give them that house, or that friend, or that relationship. Whichever fits, but listen............. it WILL FIT YOUR NEEDS! Do be careful what you ask for, as I know, IT WILL COME. So be ready for the thing that seemed so fun, so cute and endearing........... it may not be the case! OR IT MAY?!

Empty yourself of ideas of how things should go or be. Enjoy your moments and really try to understand this............ you will live so much longer!! Go with the flow of life, don't be so rigid, and confined to ideas about you or others.

Life is happening in a pool of EMPTINESS.

See if you can wrap yourself around it for awhile.............lemme know!

I am with you.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Privileged Journey

I think man has forgotten the sheer privilege of being able to wake up knowing that you actually can breathe! Everything else after that is complete and utter luxury!! The lattes first thing in the morning, the access to phone, Internet, vehicles, broadcast media, and we know the rest of the list, as it is so very long and predictable.

I sit here, lucky as all get out, doors wide open, the breeze from the lake pouring in, the view of the lighthouse on the lake, city lights glaring on the water, and THE MOST PRECIOUS animals lying by my side, ever so innocent, staring at me, as if I was the last person on the face of the earth.

One is leaving the pack soon. He was supposed to be put to sleep last week, but my intuition said to wait. In that waiting, my life has changed! An "animal", who I really don't consider an animal, but a soul mate, has been with me for almost 13 years. The extreme amount of pleasure in that span of time has taken my life to the most simple, soulful gratification. Then, times that by 5.

Yes, 6 animals! There are no ties to that, just pure love. I don't have to pay for it, don't have to expect anything or worry, tell them I am going to be late, or that I don't feel like making dinner....... it is just .........I'm home........and the love begins!

I look at them and am so grateful for the simplicity, the remembrance of how easy and uncomplicated life can be, and IS.

Did you ever notice how you are with your animals? How uninhibited, how loving, sweet, and unprotected you are? All defenses down? An out pouring of love that is without armor and given so effortlessly?

That is the way I want to be in life.

Check it out. How are YOU with your little furry ones? Really? Next time you are with them, see how you are, and if that is the way you are in real life. What are we so afraid of? I can make a list myself, but to unravel it, and change things up is always another thing. But, not unattainable.

Love is a bunch of baby steps in the little end of the pool. You walk slowly till you get to the deep end, and then you just JUMP........AND SWIM........... AND MAKE A BUNCH OF WAVES AND LAUGH.

When you get out, all you know is that you risked it, you said, "what the hey", and wadya know....... you didn't sink.

Let whoever is in your life teach you to love, love, love, and keep loving.......... there are a ton of things to make you say no, no, no.............but keep saying, yes, yes, yes!

Yes, Virginia Wolf, there is a Santa Claus!

Friday, April 17, 2009

I am in total amazement tonight! Totally amazed at the level of consciousness that is available to us. Truly, if we are quiet enough, the most amazing revelations happen. Doors open to our infinite soul, and we are blessed with being able to see things that normally would just pass us by, because we are too preoccupied with daily life, and the business of our minds.

It's not even that you have to STOP! Just slow down and let something conducive happen in your environment. That could be just listening to great inspirational music, doing laundry, or just hanging out at home, doing chores, but you are so content and quiet, by yourself, enjoying some "me" time, that you become so still inside, and all of a sudden your body gets soothed, even if you are thinking through some ruff stuff that is happening, or how busy you are at work, or whatever the case may be. Because you are just "being", all of the business becomes a vehicle of clarity, and you can process where you are at.

It's good to cleanse yourself of whatever you are feeling, to let the old out, and the new in, and hopefully, you learned from the old, and the new, truly becomes something new, and not repeated old stuff.

I think it is time for re-invention. Always, but now, it is in the air. Everywhere I turn, people are wanting a change for the better. More simple, less complex, and kind of pure, too. Not saintly or anything, but really, people are stepping up to the plate, and actually saying how they want to be good in life, and actually making steps toward some sort of action that would back those statements up.

I love that! I admire that, and will support and help who ever is ready to make a plan and stick with it.

I have a friend who is inspiring to me right now.

She could do anything she wants, and make great money doing anything. (she wouldn't agree). But what she has chosen to do, makes hardly any money at all, but she is so utterly passionate about it, and cannot wait to wake up to do what she is doing, even though it doesn't quite cut the bills, no pun intended.

I said to her this morning, "It really doesn't matter". When you are THAT passionate about something, YOU WILL BE COMPENSATED! If your heart and soul is into it, and you derive that much satisfaction out of doing for other people, or animals, whichever it is........ you will be taken care of. Any act of the heart, will be taken care of with kid gloves.

Any act of kindness, any act of genuine love, will always be "rewarded" with 10 times that love and appreciation.

That is my guidepost these days. Do what makes you happy, even if you seem to be getting nothing out of it. YOU WILL. Just don't expect anything. Just keep doing what it is that you love, and sit back and watch it all unfold.

It is much easier said than done. I'm in that process myself.

Gather whatever information you have about yourself.........blow it up, and make it big!!

Get the plane ticket, start the business, do the act, love beyond yourself, and give yourself up to the thing that makes your heart bubble.

Do I make money doing this every night?

NO! Would I like to? Let's see........get compensated for what you love doing? YES!

The point is........... I'm not, and I sit here every night because I WANT TO!!

It gives me great pleasure to empty myself, and to explore wherever my mind wants to go to express.

The icing? Someone hears something, and changes them.

Those emails I get, make my every day perfect, so pleasurable, no matter what is going on, and I ain't makin' a single dime.


Here's to staying true to our own personal calling!

It doesn't matter what it's yours...........and no one else's.........make it real, make it true, and keep it alive! VISUALIZE!

Remember your canvas......... color on it, paint on it, sketch, erase, do it all over, again and again and again, until you see what you want..............then................. it will be delivered!

Happy Trails.......... keep those colors alive.......don't let the paint brush get stale and hard...........keep painting or you won't have a picture!

MUCHO heart is pounding with excitement for you , for me, and for the opportunity to live exactly the way we want!


Thursday, April 16, 2009


When we think too much, it deprives us of the happiness that comes when we are living fully in the moment.

I say, "Give our heads a rest already".

Take your socks off! Go walk in the grass, and if you are persistent enough to really want to think??? Just think of staying focused on the grass until all of your thoughts leave, and as soon as you start thinking again, think of the grass. Maybe then we might be able to feel what the heck we've been walking on our whole lives!

I know one thing is for sure. I miss the very basics of old school living. Walk to the store, write a letter instead of texting or emailing, hang your clothes out to dry, forget the dryer, drive your car in silence, do the math, don't use the calculator, read a book, forget the audio cassette, go fishing for food, go out to the garden and get your veggies, pick some herbs while your out there, oh, I can go on.

I've been walking bare foot in the grass for days.

And, no, I don't smoke, but I do sport a good bandana!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BLAH BLAH BLAH..........


Isn't that what it all boils down to anyway??

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Living Freely

How is it that we find ourselves doing everything we can, to do what we DON'T want to do?
How much attention do we pay to spending so much time every darn day, doing the things that we really don't feel like doing. Why? Because we think we have NO CHOICE?!

What do you want to do for a living? Really? I mean, is it jumping out of a plane? Is it rescuing every animal you can because you are passionate about that? Is it painting? Is it walking around the winding hills in the Catskills, what the heck is it?

Look, the bottom line is, we can do whatever the heck we want. I do know, that it does take perseverance. It may not happen over night, but you have to have a plan. Don't get lost in the illusion that you can't because of this or that. Trust me. I take that road a lot, and then reality sets in and I know, most of my life, I have accomplished every last little desire that I have wanted, and have had a blast, AND .........HAVE MADE GREAT MONEY!

It takes some planning. Fine tune what you want. Nothing is stupid, nothing is small, nothing is going to be a problem. The only problem will be us, standing in the way of ourselves.

This blog is for US, not the reader, but us. You and me!

If you get quiet enough, you'll hear your calling. Whatever that may be. Whatever it is that you want to do for a living, how you want to spend your days, with whom, and how you want your energy expended.

Truth is, we all have bills right? Big ones, big circumstances that could make you say," HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO THAT?" And you just have to say back, "Well, I will start here, and not look at the whole entire picture of what I need to do to accomplish that, and just SIMPLY START. The gods will look after you, knowing your intention to stay true to yourself.

LIVE FREELY IN YOUR SKIN. Map your life out. And ya know, it will change all the time, so maybe we need to get used to "camping", so to speak. Camp out for awhile in your new skin, check it out, see if you like it, and hhhhmmmm, didn't I say somewhere in these blogs, maybe 92 times that there is FREEDOM to be had? Freedom of speech? Freedom of choice? Ahhh, well then, we can choose to change our path if we find out that the one we thought we wanted, really isn't in fact the one we thought was for us. CHANGE IT UP! HAVE FUN.

I'm going for it.

Maybe I'll map quest it, for some sort of direction. Hay, ya never know right? You can find just about everything else on this darn thing.

It's a gorgeous day, get out there and think............ what do I love doing? How can I make money doing it? And go from there. No heavy thoughts, just fun...........and then sleep on it.

Lemme know.

I'm here.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sometimes life goes at such a fast pace, that we forget to slow down and see who and what is in our little circumference. Small favors that people do, smiles that come your way, when you know it just isn't your day, someone covering for you at work when you are sick, friends who help you when they really just don't have it in them........ even someone saying, excuse me, or thank you, or anything that is a pleasantry.

I APPRECIATE THAT! I APPRECIATE THEM! And I have to tell them, for me, but also, for them. I know that it is nice to know that people do acknowledge a kind word, or something maybe that they didn't even know made your day, or you moment. That has happened to me so many times. Customers come in and they have no idea how they make my day, just be showing up with a smile. It makes my day that much nicer, and, makes coming into work a joy. It does work both ways. I smile, you smile. I am nice, people tend to be nice back. It really isn't a hard equation, ya know? Ya get what ya give kinda thing. I know it works for me. OK, yes, you are going to get the occasional someone who just can't shake their mood, or can't shake their own personality, so they just are the way they are, and you either kill'em with kindness, which always seems to work. Some of the tough ones just go for the jugular, and then, well, have a nice day, and on you go.

I appreciate everyone in my life in this moment. I am panning on all of the who's, and when's, and why's, and I am really blessed. Doesn't matter if I just see you for 5 minutes in the morning. Trust me......... I have your faces imprinted in my little heart.

You all know who you are too, so............ I'm giving you all a huge hug! Thank you for being in my life and for making such a difference. It never goes unnoticed!

Love to you,

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Whatever vehicle you express your art through, never, never apologize for it. I tell myself that in so many ways, with different art that I choose to express with. It could be the art work in my home, or writing, or tattoos, the way I dress. There are a million different ways to express your own unique art, whatever it may be, and it is YOURS, and yours only.

It doesn't matter what anyone says, or thinks, it is not their way of expressing. So what if they don't like your picture hanging, so what if they choose not to have a tattoo, or do any of the things that you may like to do.

It's funny because all of the "socially correct" things to do are automatically accepted, but for those of us who have chosen a different path, we are sort of looked down upon, or frowned upon, because it isn't written in the "straight and narrow" rule book. We COULD, just as well, comment to those who have strong opinions and say something like, GOD, I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU HAVE KIDS!!! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?
Or, I cannot believe you wasted so much time in college? Why? No one really uses half the stuff they learned anyway.
I'm just picking some of the things that have occured with so many people, and I watch and listen, in my world, and many others, who have chosen an artists way of living.

No degree? What? You .... you...... vagabond you! Oh, she can't be that educated, I mean, who DOESN'T go to college, or get a degree in SOMETHING???

This goes out to all of the artists I know, who dare to express themselves in all the artful, talented, creative, amazing ways, to bring life and color to this world. Who venture out of the box to explore the beauty of a vision that only they can see, in the most unique and intellegent ways, wether it be acting, painting, writing, directing, filming, gardening, bee keeping, decorating, sculpting bodies, singing, photography...........the list goes on.

Get those talents out of the closet, put them to good use!! You are the amazing artful soul that needs to express, and make a living doing it.

DON'T CONFORM! Do what you know how to do, what you LOVE TO DO, and make it happen!!!!!!!

Life is to be enjoyed with the passions that you have. It doesn't matter what the Beaver Cleavers are doing. Let them enjoy their white picket fence. That is for them, and I hope they enjoy that. Nothing wrong with that. Just a different style.

I'd have a white picket fence too. Mine would more than likely have stained glass in between, or Freedom written in the cracks or somethin', but, hay, the white would show somewhere in there.......... I guess!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is like Reading a Good Book

Did you ever sit down to read, and all of a sudden your sinking in your pillow, or slouching in your chair, to get more comfortable because what you are reading is so intriguing, incredibly compelling, fascinating, disturbing, or just sheer good writing?

You scratch your head after a chapter, go in the kitchen, get some tea, or a snack, think about what you just read, and contemplate. You go back, get comfortable again, and start dwelling in the story, one more time, one more chapter. Each chapter seems to get more intense. All of a sudden, you've become the detective you never knew you were. Figuring out the whys and hows, peoples motives, why they did the things they did, who is the catalyst, who is the protagonist...... all of it. It is like out lives. A MYSTERY. RIGHT?

We never really do know, but along the way, we become the detectives of our own story.

It's funny how that is, but if we are honest, it is just like that. We try to figure others out, why they are the way they are, why we are the way we are, in relation to them, how it works, why it works, and wondering what the end result will be.

I know when I am reading a book, quite often, I am so intrigued with how it is going to end, that I miss the glory of reading what is happening on page 9, when in my head, I'm already on the last line of the stinkin story. WHAT HAPPENS? DOES SHE END UP WITH THAT PERSON?
When really, chapters 2 through 20 were the most gratifying, soul defining, and compellingly intelligent, that who would've even cared what happened at the end. The climax already occured. I coulda been snoozing for all I know, at the last line. Almost a bore, I swear.

Isn't life like that?

I am at the end of a chapter, and I am beginning to read the pages of the next. It is still new, just learning the characters, new places and the bold faced letters. The beginning pages weren't so bold, now, the lettering gets big and dark. Hmm!!

What will be in this chapter? What characters will fade? Who will remain? Where will the story take place?

Where will the story lead?

Maybe it's that rotten quote that we think is so darn hard, "Stay in the moment". Life's ride would be so much more enjoyable.

What is your book about? Is it good? Is it boring? Is it compelling? Sad? Honest? True?
Does it start out happy and slowly get sad? Is it sad, and then it gets really good and juicy?

Tell your story out loud. To yourself, and see what you think.

Why go to a bookstore when we have our own great stories to tell.

My won't be cheap...........are you kidding? I have to pay to cover up these greys!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Make today simple.
Don't think too much.
Don't stress too much.
Don't think of anything outside of this moment.
Stay right here, right now, in your heart,
where everything is ok,
and you are taken care of.

Anything outside of this moment,
doesn't belong
to THIS moment,

stay right here
and enjoy
whatever it brings,

and who knows what your next moment
will be?

It doesn't matter.

Let it be the prize
at the bottom of the
cracker jack box.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Timing is Everything

Did you ever notice that when you want things to happen, of course, they don't happen. You can plan, plot, and organize all you want, I don't know about you, but in my life, I plot, plan, and organize, and someone out there says...........Good one, but.........NOT.
As if I am on someone elses clock. Who? I have no idea, but I have determined that pretty much...... (and I do hate saying this), it works out better than I would have planned, and it does all happen and get done, just NEVER THE WAY I PLANNED IT. So, after awhile you get the gist of it, but it isn't always easy dealing with the waiting process. Oh, you'll find yourself goin'........aaaaaahhhhhhhhh, but it's already Tuesday, or ahhhhhh, I only have 10 minutes, or but aaahhhhh IT'S DUE TODAY...........TODAY AND WHERE IS IT? How bout that timing thing? Something is going to kick into gear any moment...........right??? All the if and's or butts, and nowhere in the forefront is there that voice that says, "Everything will be ok", just TRUST.

I have to say that does come into consciousness, but when you start playing Russian roulette everyday, you start searchin' out for the heavenly angels. They've got to be somewhere right?
I know your hiding, and then at some point, when it all seems so ridiculous, you actually laugh at the absurdity of your worries.

Life can be funny, it can be a pain in the ashtray, and it can be glorious! It's a mix and mingle cocktail party. All different flavors, highs and lows, great fun, sweet people, mean people, rude and ugly, and then.............there is your own cocktail party, sitting in the corner looking at your colorful life, from a distance, and either you chuckle at the variety pack of flavors, or you stand up and scream and rant what a screwed up party it is, and leave.

In this moment, I am chuckling. I don't know, I'll check in later and see if that chuckle remains, but for now, it's all good. It's all a bouquet of absurdities.

Timing. Trust. Patience. Willingness. Strength, and therapy.......... :)

Stay good, stay strong, and love the craziness in your life. It's showing you some pretty cool things about yourself.

Tons of love,

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Chapters

Everyday we get the opportunity to start new. Forget yesterdays blunders, forgive someone, start eating good again when we ate like crap the day before...... there are so many ways to start over. And, it doesn't matter how small or how big it is. The main things is, CAN WE start over???CAN WE begin that new diet, can we forgive ourselves, other people, and not let guilt navigate our moments to experience happiness? EVERYDAY, we get that chance. How lucky am I? Some people don't even know that they actually have that choice. I look forward to new chapters because it always gives me the opportunity to mold myself more into who I really am. To look at my past and see what worked and what didn't, and make good things happen, by CHOICE. Good choices!! And, too, not overlooking our pitfalls, how we could have done things better, or how we could have communicated more effectively. All kinds of goodies to look at. When the NEW CHAPTER comes, you can sit back and revel in your beingness, and see just how grand you really are. To get quiet and check yourself out now that your life is changing. DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS PARTICULAR TIME! It truly is one that people don't give enough time too. I have done that in the past and regretted not savoring more of the "me" time, because trust me, friends will think you are lonely and bored, or they feel sorry for you because your life is changing, or you have to many things going on. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE ALONE TIME. I get to laugh at how silly I really am and how all of the things that do happen, aren't quite as serious as I thought, or maybe they were, but I didn't have to let situations control me so much. New chapters give you that feedback on yourself and you can take mental notes. It's good, it really is. So........... everyday, can be a new chapter, if you let it. Stay true to who you are, and make sure your days are in alignment with your painting on your canvas. If you feel yourself getting off track, see your painting............see where you want to go, who you want to be surrounded with, and jump on the train. I AM. STAY CLEAR. WE ALL GET AWESOME CHOICES, WE JUST HAVE TO SEE THEM TO UNDERSTAND THEM. Much support and love, Gabriela

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just Pretend for a Moment........

Just pretend that for a moment, that everything you have worked so hard for, sunk all your money into, love, heart and soul, and all of a sudden, it was taken away.

Would it be that easy to walk away?

I believe attachement is a beautiful vehicle for growth. It doesn't mean it is right, but when you have no choice, you DO HAVE TO CHOOSE, which road you want.

Think! Trust! Believe in yourself!!

It is just you!!

Just you......0n YOUR journey.

Keep up the maintencance~

Saturday, April 4, 2009


CHEERS TO THAT! And any other verb that would gleefully describe the feeling of shedding old skin, and making way for new things in life. New jobs, new friends, new surroundings, new feelings, new train of thoughts, new attitude, new beginnings, new perspectives, new awareness,
new love, NEW, NEW............. and oh yea............. NEW! Did I say new?

I feel so lucky right now. Lucky that I am free to make choices for my life, free to go, do and say whatever it is I feel like.

FREEDOM OF CHOICE cannot be any sweeter than at this point in my life, and if I were to be grateful for anything in my life, it would be just that. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

I remember when I was a kid, I would collage anything I could put my hands on. So my room was one big collage of quotes, (imagine that?), pictures, sayings, sunsets, angels, the sky, beautiful places, people whom I admired, you name it, they were all there for me to see everyday, any where I would turn.

On my door were pictures of California, palm trees, sunsets, the ocean, the sky, oh, all kinds of things. But the theme to my bedroom door was FREEDOM! Those words were pasted everywhere on my door. Everytime I opened it, I knew I was going to go into my bedroom, where my privacy was, and..........MY FREEDOM, to do what I wanted with no one to edit me. I loved it, although privacy only goes so far when you have medeling brothers who like to torment you because they can, like picking the lock, because they thought it was funny, or coming in late at night to snip some of your hair because they wanted to look at it through a telescope, you know, everyday things like that.

Anyway, so the story goes. OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW.

Get rid of anything that makes you feel less than 100%. I know we all have our problems and things to work out with one another, which is healthy, but your heart, your intuition will always guide you. If you feel ONE off kilter feeling, LISTEN TO IT, AND HEED THE WARNING. Get support, ask your friends, and family, they will never fail you. Even if you are stubborn, leave even a hair of space to listen objectively to the ones who love you and care about your well being.


Life is one big learning curve.

Make it fun!

Learn from your past, and apply what does work, and get rid of what doesn't.

That goes for people, closets, garages, under beds, old clothes, old shoes, old anything. SPRING CLEAN BABY!


I always say, it is like churning the soil. Don't let yours get dry. Till it, weed it, maintain it, and at some point, make it organic.

Inner organic soil is where it's at!

So, it's great weather. Get to gardening........and make your soil RICH.

I'm out the door to plant some more seeds. This time, it's only ME TENDING TO IT!


Much love,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Never Seems To Be Enough Time

Like now,
when life is taking all moments
to do what is needed,
even in the rush of it all,
there can be a little sneaking in
of some good love for yourself.

Like just take a moment to acknowledge
something......anything! It could be the squirrel running down the tree,
the bird who just stole the seed out of the other birds mouth,
the guy shaking the can for some money,
your beauty, for instance.
That would be a novel idea eh?

Hay, Gabriela, you actually look great today,
instead of, isn't that a new wrinkle on my forehead?

Give a quick smile, or something............there are a million and one things to do if you just sneak it in........ it's kind of like running to the coat room when you were little, or to the pencil sharpener to meet your crush......... make it like you can't wait to meet yourself!

Listen, I never have any time, truly I don't, but when I know that my "crush" awaits me, when I get on this computer, and find out how so many lives are touched, I run to that damn pencil sharpener ok? YOU ARE MY CRUSH!

I can't wait to feel it myself. It's all good, this stuff, ya know. It works! You feel it, I feel it, we all feel it, and I sound like I just got back from Woodstock.

Peace man,
haha. Have a great night and steal a moment tonight. It's going to be windy, and the moon will be sliced in half. Last night it made my heart pound. Don't laugh, you go out there tonight, and give it a few minutes........ you'll see what I'm saying.

Ok, for someone who doesn't have any time, I sure am taking up this whole page.

Mucho love,