Monday, April 6, 2009

New Chapters

Everyday we get the opportunity to start new. Forget yesterdays blunders, forgive someone, start eating good again when we ate like crap the day before...... there are so many ways to start over. And, it doesn't matter how small or how big it is. The main things is, CAN WE start over???CAN WE begin that new diet, can we forgive ourselves, other people, and not let guilt navigate our moments to experience happiness? EVERYDAY, we get that chance. How lucky am I? Some people don't even know that they actually have that choice. I look forward to new chapters because it always gives me the opportunity to mold myself more into who I really am. To look at my past and see what worked and what didn't, and make good things happen, by CHOICE. Good choices!! And, too, not overlooking our pitfalls, how we could have done things better, or how we could have communicated more effectively. All kinds of goodies to look at. When the NEW CHAPTER comes, you can sit back and revel in your beingness, and see just how grand you really are. To get quiet and check yourself out now that your life is changing. DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS PARTICULAR TIME! It truly is one that people don't give enough time too. I have done that in the past and regretted not savoring more of the "me" time, because trust me, friends will think you are lonely and bored, or they feel sorry for you because your life is changing, or you have to many things going on. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE ALONE TIME. I get to laugh at how silly I really am and how all of the things that do happen, aren't quite as serious as I thought, or maybe they were, but I didn't have to let situations control me so much. New chapters give you that feedback on yourself and you can take mental notes. It's good, it really is. So........... everyday, can be a new chapter, if you let it. Stay true to who you are, and make sure your days are in alignment with your painting on your canvas. If you feel yourself getting off track, see your painting............see where you want to go, who you want to be surrounded with, and jump on the train. I AM. STAY CLEAR. WE ALL GET AWESOME CHOICES, WE JUST HAVE TO SEE THEM TO UNDERSTAND THEM. Much support and love, Gabriela

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