Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cultivating a Relationship With Yourself

Is there such a thing? OF COURSE THERE IS! Do we actually take the time to do that, or are we always focused on making others happy or going, going, going?

I know we all have hobbies, goals, desires, kids, sports, jobs, and so on, but I don't care what we are doing, there IS TIME for you, for me, for us, to take, to let ourselves know that all this stuff that happens everyday, is not the total reality of our existence here. Yes, it plays a part, just like everything else, but so what? It's just a PART. A ROLE.

We have got to take time to do the things that keep us innocent throughout this journey. It can't all be so serious, so constricting, and so full of mundane things. Each of us knows what makes us happy, or feel that innocence, or feel why wouldn't we make time for it?
I know, I get it. Things creep up, we get into robotic mode and it is like swimming to the shore of peace, but with quicksand beneath us. Lord have mercy, we need to cut that out.

Just pack a bag one afternoon and go ................ go for a walk, head to the hiking trails, go work out, whichever it means to you. It will feel as if you had 10 tons of bricks taken off.

And leave the Ipod at home, the IPhone, the cell, the pager, the THIS AND THAT, and get to know the real person that gets neglected for one reason or the other.

Trust me, you are going to have revelation after revelation about yourself and others.

Put it at the top o the list.

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